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  • Age:13 Ethnicity:white british Height:5'10" Weight:148 Leg hair:no Armpit hair:no Chest hair:no Pubes:yes but not very much Butt hair:no Head hair colour:brown Body/pubes hair colour:brown Penis size:4.7 inches Circumcised (yes/no):no Are most people in your area circumsized: dont know Do you shower naked at school:no Would you say your penis is smaller or larger than people your age at school: dont know have you ever masturbated with a friend:no What age were you and him when you started:n/a do…

  • tshirt and boxers

  • 1. Who has seen you naked both before and after you started puberty? step mum, dad, step brother (i am just starting puberty) 2. What was the occasions where they saw you naked and did they say anything about you starting puberty? changing and coming out the shower 3. At what age did you start puberty and did you know what puberty was when you started it? i am just starting puberty now im 14 and yes i knew what puberty was before starting 4. Did you know what puberty was the first time or any ot…

  • Hairless

    caspertheleapling - - Puberty


    i have no hair down there yet

  • Thread for boys

    caspertheleapling - - Puberty


    when did you start puberty? well i am not really showing any physical signs do you sleep naked? no do your ever walk naked in your house? yeah sometimes do you masturbate and do parents know? yes and yes what race/skin color are you? white british dick size? smallish Body weight? 37 how tall are you? 5ft 1in who has seen you naked? step mum, dad and brother do you freeball/commando? no

  • both sides and back

  • Been to the beach Yes of course Swam in the ocean Yes of course. Played paintball Yes (it hurt) had surgery No been in the hospital Yes had sex Yes. made out with someone in the shower No. taken over a hundred pictures in one day Yes. been grounded Yes. been beaten up Sort of. beaten up someone else No. bullied someone No. been bullied No. gotten a piece of gum stuck in your hair No. failed a grade Yes. failed a test Yes. spent more than 4 hours online at once Yes (I have spent 24 hours online).…

  • just boxers

  • Admitting To Masturbating

    caspertheleapling - - Puberty


    Do you admit to masturbating? yes Are you always honest about it?no Are you open about it with all your friends? no Only certain friends? no What about family? my brother and dad knows i do it. When did you start admitting to it? i havent yet

  • At my dads house i have a kitten and a few goldfish. But since i see my brother every 2 weeks i have 2 ferrets.

  • what age?

    caspertheleapling - - Puberty


    12 but i cant cum yet

  • Erection direction

    caspertheleapling - - Teen Sexuality


    mine goes straight up