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  • Most of those weekend romances do not stick well. If she is up for a long distance relationship, then I say do it. Just a heads up, the car thing is really dangerous. You have to drive an hour everytime you want to see her.

  • Quote from Jasmine: “I think you should talk to him about how you're feeling. Keeping it to yourself will only create more problems. Long distance relationships are hard and lack of communication can take its toll on the relationship. However, they can work if both people are willing to put 100% into it. Right now, your best bet is to just communicate with him and let him know how you feel. If you know he really loves you and you trust him, you can't let the doubts overcome you. Talk to him and …

  • Well, I was reading your posts and JoBro, you were coming off as rather ignorant on the situation. I understand that you were giving your opinion and that is perfectly acceptable, I'm just saying. Sorry xD

  • Wow, do people really jump on each other like this on the forum?

  • I lost it at 16. sex isn't a big deal. just protect yourself and know the consequences. I hate sex.

  • Since you have shoulder problems, it will be a problem becoming toned or whatever your looking for. A basic simple workout that is healthy, but not extreme is: 1) warm up, stretch legs, arms(careful with shoulders), etc. 2) 20-50 sit-ups 3 days a week 3) 20 squats 3 days a week 4) walk/run a mile out of your way and back once a week 5) eat healthy It is very simple, but takes a lot of dedication.

  • Re: desperate for attention

    Riotblade - - General Advice


    Quote from amando96: “ and oh, i'm male... lol” Well, shit I feel retarded. I just assumed due to your name. Sorry. Anyway, there is the internet which is like high school, college, and ghettos in one. Just socialize online, that is what I do because my town is also filled with old people.

  • Well to be dead honest. In a morality point of view, yes there is a point for living. Either you have a lover, friends and family, a hobby. In reality, no there is not a point for living. You live, eventually die. Life is just a gift, nothing more. Enjoy it. Live it to the fullest. If you do not follow that, you're just weak.

  • Well, if you go to this concert, it doesn't mean you have to cheat on your girlfriend. You can simply go, enjoy yourself, come back. I'm not going to be your mentor on life, but make sure you do what makes you happy. I highly doubt your at the age of staying in a long term relationship. However, if you are, go to the concert and don't cheat. It is that simple. Don't hook up with girls, don't kiss anyone. Stay loyal. However, if you are going to have a good time and you really aren't in love with…

  • Re: desperate for attention

    Riotblade - - General Advice


    This is true, you will need to find something to get you more socializing with other people. I understand your situation, it is perfectly normal. Learn to control your emotions, your habits, your own mind. It is wonderful to be by yourself, it is rather more mature and in the future, men will extremely find it attractive because they love being with a woman that has a good head on her shoulders. Join clubs or school activities. At your age(I'm the same age), you'll need to understand that social…

  • Well, 4 days after our break up, She asks him out and now they are going out. She recently told me to never talk to her again. So, I'm guessing it is over.

  • We Broke Up

    Riotblade - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    So last night, my girlfriend and I broke up. She broke up with me saying I cheated on her(which all I did was "flirt" with other girls) and that she likes somebody else. 2 Hours after she broke up with me she calls me, begging for me back... ...That messes with your head! What does she think? This is come kind of game? Why would I take her back when I know she likes somebody else. It hurts me so much. Sorry if I'm blabbing and raging, I just really need to vent somewhere because I am in school a…

  • Re: -prom-

    Riotblade - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    This is very simple. Just talk to him in person about the situation. It is that easy. If he truly cares for you as a friend, he'll listen. If not, forget him and move on. Prom isn't really that big of a deal. You pretty much get nothing out of it besides memories? Well, since your a girl I'm pretty sure prom is a big deal. But yes, just confront him about your problem and he should listen. I wish you the best of luck.

  • Re: Got Caught Having Sex

    Riotblade - - Teen Sexuality


    Haha good, idea. I'll also just wait for it to "blow over"

  • Re: Religion? Real or Not

    Riotblade - - General Advice


    Here is the deal with Religion. I believe it is something that should not be mentioned on any forum. Debating for or against religion can really offend some people. I myself, am Atheist, however I don't throw my atheism down everyone's throats. The fact is this. Religion is so corrupt today that I believe people tend to branch off into their own religion. I hear things like "Oh, I believe in God, but I believe that we came from aliens though". Knowledge today has proven many religious events to …

  • Re: Got Caught Having Sex

    Riotblade - - Teen Sexuality


    The funny thing is, I sat with her step-dad and he didn't even say a word. I think the situation is so funny, but rather awkward. Really awkward.

  • Re: Sexting and Teens

    Riotblade - - Advertising Agency


    Unfortunately I disagree with this idea that parents can go through their teenager's phone without permission. You bought the phone as a gift to your child. That makes it theirs. If you take it away from them and look through their stuff, that makes your child think that it is okay for them to snoop around on people, steal their stuff, and look for things. At your teenager's age she is looking up to people more often. Role models play a big role in her life. I believe you should not go through h…

  • I am sure most of the members here will be more than happy to talk to you, friend. I have my AIM and MSN on my account, if you wish to talk, it is there. I am truly sorry for your loss. Drunk-driver accidents are really tough to accept and get over. They tend to make you have a grudge, anger, and depression. If you need anyone to talk to, just ask around! I do hope you continue to stay on the forum more often, maybe it'll help you.

  • First of all, cutting is the most horrible thing to do. When you cut yourself, it doesn't take the pain away. Sure it probably gets your mind off the feelings that made you do it, but does it really solve the problem? I say it is really useless. Your dad is trying to help you, but sometimes parents don't understand what teenage life is like nowadays. When he was in school it was probably the Football Players dating Cheerleaders. Today, it's usually anyone dates anyone? Don't get mad at your dad,…

  • Got Caught Having Sex

    Riotblade - - Teen Sexuality


    Yeah, so today I was over my girlfriends house. We have been having sex for quite sometime. We were both virgins and we definitely fell in love with each other and decided to have sex. 4 months later, we were doing the usual; having sex, getting naked, all that jazz. After having sex, we usually just lay there with no clothes on making out, cuddling, and expressing our love towards one another. Well, this day was really different. As we were making, cuddling, etc, her parents bombarded into the …