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  • Re: Protected?

    Flufferz - - Teen Sexuality


    So not near your period is safe? I thought it was near...Since ovulation occurs after the period, isn't that when the female is most fertile? Anyway, so if he uses a condum and pulls out, I'm safe? I'm not on the pill yet btw, i'm trying to get on it

  • Protected?

    Flufferz - - Teen Sexuality


    I have a question. My bf and I have not gone all the way yet, [him i mean] but we've done it before and he hasn't cum in me. We've used a condumn, and have planned that when he does have to ejaculate, he pulls out, along with using the condumn. Will this keep me 100% safe from getting pregnant? I'm trying to convince my mom to let me go on the pill, not just for this reson, but also because my periods are irregular [by that i mean, one may not come for 3 mths, then like, 26 days or something]and…

  • Heh yeah. I'm so unconfident [is that a word] in myself that I don't know if I feel attracted to Keith. I feel so guilty for it though...Is it normal to be attracted to more than one guy? I dunno if that's a good question to ask since you're a guy : )

  • Re: Are you religious?

    Flufferz - - Debate and Discussions


    Bah!!! Everyone is speaking spanish. No hablo espanol. En la clase de Espanol Uno. Anyway, I am a Christian. Presbyterian [PCUSA] if that matters. I do believe in God and the Trinity, the three in one. Father, Son, Holy Spirit. Many people are stating that religion is based on blind faith and not facts. Some of it is, I'll admit. But also, many things are not just thrown out there. Many facts are accurate and proven with existence of certain stories in it. I'll just use a few examples. In the ti…

  • I really hate school too, and I have to study for midterms. Bleck. But my advice is that if your grades aren't doing well then do a study group things with a few friends. It tends to help, plus it's fun. When you have time, get away from things and do something you enjoy.

  • Re: What Is Your Height?

    Flufferz - - Health and Fitness


    5'5" or 5'6"....haven't measured in a while. I think 5'5" though

  • Yeah. I talked to Scott a little bit about this. Actually, there were some surprising things about the convo we had face to face. I was talking to him and I told him about "I'm worried that someone likes me." "who?" Me: "...Someone you know." We talk for a few more minutes then he says, "Is it Keith?" I didn't say anything so he knew that's who I was talking about. He said that as a matter of fact, he felt pride that Keith was attracted to me, feeling that he was lucky to have me. He felt assure…

  • Re: 15 and pregnant

    Flufferz - - General Advice


    Know what you want and how you want to have the child raised. Everyone here is just advising you, you can do whatever you want. Adoption is the best route for a 15 year old mother. You've got everything for you and you want to give the baby the best life it can have. It might seem weird to just give it away after you've carried it for 9 months and gave birth to it, but truely it's what's best for the child. Besides, since you don't know the father it would be hard tracing him to make him pay chi…

  • The only thing about asking him face to face is that I'm worried that if he does like me that he'll act different if I confront him about it, or if he doesn't like me that he'll stop being friends entirely. I just really don't want to ruin the friendship Keith and I have, Keith and Scott's friendship, or the relationship between me and Scott.

  • 2 and 4 look like the same dude. But 3 is who I like

  • WARNING: LONG AND COMPLICATED STORY I dunno if I really have a problem or not. I have been dating this guy [let's call him Scott, not his real name to protect him] for about a year and a half now. I really like him and he likes me back. Perhaps even love. We get along great with each others friends, and I've been friends with his best friend [let's call him Keith] before I even knew him. So all has worked out great. However, now I detect a problem, though I don't know, perhaps I'm feeling parano…