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  • and if they know she isn't?

  • How should I respond to a Yo Mama joke? It annoys me when people say them (which is why I don't say them) and want to know how best to respond?

  • And I thought I led a sad life, but then I saw this poll!

  • Quote from OnEMesSduPKiD: “What is love? Baby don't hurt me, don't hurt me.. no more.” I knew it would only be a matter of time till someone said that.

  • Re: RuneScape :X

    No1sPerfect - - Video Games


    Horrible game. Boring but adictive. To be "good" at it requires not a skilful gamer but someone who has nothing better to do with their lives than click on images of trees for hours a day. Yes, I admit I used to play it but then I realised how sad I was and decided to get a life.

  • Artists that sound like...

    No1sPerfect - - Music


    I'm trying to expand my musical tastes, and I am wondering what artists sound like Deadmau5, and also OceanLab. I'm very new to trance/techno or what ever you would call these artists, so they are the only ones I know. I have only heard 1 song from Deadmau5; Strobe, and I am wondering if someone could also tell me what some of his best tracks are?

  • It is my belief as a person who trusts in science that there is no point to life, unlike a religious person who would see the point of life as being like a test to determine what your afterlife will be like. I use there being no raison of existence as an opportunity to live simply for the enjoyment of it. Maybe it's better that there's no point to life because this way you can live however you want, as opposed to having to live in a certain way in order to get to heaven.

  • Re: Favorite Orchestral pieces

    No1sPerfect - - Music


    Gris - La Dryade Youtube it, I can't post links yet I'm not at all into orchestral music, but I make an exception for 10 minute long, emotive masterpiece that just gets better as it goes on. I call it orchestral music but it may be otherwise.

  • Re: favourite metal album

    No1sPerfect - - Music


    Obtained Enslavement's (I know, horrible name) Witchcraft

  • Re: Your Favourite Genre(s)

    No1sPerfect - - Music


    Black Metal is my favourite but I will listen to lots of others.

  • Re: MMA > Boxing

    No1sPerfect - - Sports


    Boxing for me is more entertaining to watch. I dunno why, just is.

  • I am a man (or boy, rather) of science, and seeing as there is no scientific evidence supporting life after death, then I would say no there isn't. Just one life, so take every opportunity you get, that's my motto.

  • Thank's for the replies, they may help quite a lot I see to appear/be more confident is a suggestion, how could I do this?

  • So I've been thinking about this lately: what is love? I mean really, does it even exist? Currently my thoughts are that it doesn't, that it is a nice idea but is in the end, a fictional form of sexual desire. Take animals for instance. You would think that if "love" in humans existed it would exist in them too; yet they don't go about giving each other roses and boxes of chocolates (metaphorically speaking). They quite frankly, "fuck on the first date". As much as I hope "love" isn't just a fan…

  • Why no luck?

    No1sPerfect - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    Well, I'm 14 so I've got time yet, but I seem to struggle when it comes to attracting girls (I once inadvertently attracted a boy though, how the hell that happened I'll never know...). It's annoying that other lads seem to go through women like clothes, they're with this lass one day, another the next day (in some cases literally). All this time, I haven't been out with one my whole life, and in this day and age that is almost considered "strange". People have often asked "how many girls yee be…

  • Growing long hair as a man

    No1sPerfect - - Fashion


    Seeing as this is my first thread I might as well introduce myself. Hi, my name's Anthony, I'm 14, and that's all you need to know (although I doubt you even need to know that). Oh, and I guess I should tell you i'm into heavy metal before you read this question. For a long time now, I've wanted to grow long hair. I just like how it looks, certainly more than I do short hair. I also want to be able to "broadcast my identity", which I view my taste in music a part of. To show people who I am. But…