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  • I'm not good company?

    Hooligan - - Friends and Family


    hey guys I know that sometimes I can have low self esteem just like most people but I don't think this problem is due to that.. I really enjoy being around some of my friends because I think they're really fun to hang out with but I've been feeling lately that they don't find me as fun to hang out with because they seem to be a lot happier and energetic when they're around other people but the problem is I'm not a person that has very high energy levels so I feel like when they're around me they…

  • lately I've been a deeply unhappy person and I know its just because I over think everything there's nothing wrong with my life but I always feel that I'm so uncomfortable in it. but I know it's all in my head and I think too much about it when there's really nothing actually wrong... how do I change the way I think so that I can actually be fine with things?

  • I think you should just text this person to say hi once in a while then start a conversation, maybe even call them and make up an excuse for calling them then just start getting into a convo with them eventually you can make some plans, say you wanna see this movie and you think this person would really like it so you should go see it together that's just an example, my point is make an excuse to see talk and meet up with them

  • Re: Problems? :S

    Hooligan - - General Advice


    You've given me some really good advise, and I'm starting to feel better about things thanks from the bottom of my heart

  • I understand what you're feeling, It must be really frustrating when the adults in the family dont act like it. We always see our parents as these heroes that always do everything right, but the fact is they're human. When they're doing something wrong most of the time they refuse to see it because that's what we humans do. I think that you should as you said, move out and try to establish your own life because it doesnt seem like you're getting very far with your parents. The thing is, they pro…

  • Problems? :S

    Hooligan - - General Advice


    hey guys, didnt really know where to posts this since it's basically about loads of things. Well although my problems might seem minor to some people they're still really affecting me it's not really each problem on its own, it's everything put together. I'll list a few 1. my dad is getting really ill and it's really affecting be because I've always seen my dad as the strong one who's always the one that protects us and i guess seeing him like this just breaks my heart 2. I've had my GCSE exams …

  • Here's what I think you should do: I think you shouldn't jump to conclusions. Give her time to come to you but dont stop trying to contact her, just dont over do it. Here's why: 1. dont jump to conclusions because there might not be anything wrong and there's probably a reasonable explanation for it. 2. you need to give her time because she might not be ready to tell you whats wrong. 3. dont give up trying to talk to her because if she does need time, you don't want her to think you've lost inte…

  • ear piercing question :)

    Hooligan - - Fashion


    Hey guys, I've got a few questions about ear piercings since I just got the top of my ear pierced. I have 4 other piercings on my ears but they're all on the bottom of the ear so I'm guessing its different.. so I wanted to know how long will it be before I get to change the piercing at the top of my ear? Also how important is it that I clean it and how exactly am I supposed to clean it?? and when will it not hurt to touch? and on a side note what do you guys think of piercings in general? anyway…

  • I dont get it, why would he go out with you in the first place if he had a problem with what you looked like? I understand a relationship is based on personality AND appearance but I dont see the point in going out with someone if you don't completely accept who they are and that includes accepting what they look like..

  • Re: Jealousy

    Hooligan - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    Listen, it's natural to feel jealous. And it's not a trust issue either even though some people might tell you it is. You trust her completely and there is NOTHING wrong with feeling jealous. The only thing wrong would be if you act on it and do something stupid.. You need to learn to control your jealousy.. when you get angry about it make sure you dont get angry at your girlfriend, then you won't have any problems. Try this, whenever you're feeling jealous rant to one of your friends that you …

  • Re: Fake confidence...

    Hooligan - - Friends and Family


    Quote from Silent_Screams_♥: “Jana, you don't actually know that anyone was laughing at you. That could all be in your head because of the way you've been feeling about yourself. Which shouldn't be, because we all look back at ourselves at some point and think "Wow." or "Oh my god." Or whatever. I think the only way for you to ever get around this is to talk to someone. A parent, teacher, friend anyone. Because i'm not sure making a list like I first suggested will really help you. However, what…

  • I think everyone gets homesick and you're allowed to feel like you really wanna go back. but i think you should do what you know is best, because in the long run you'll regret it. Just ask yourself if how you're feeling now is really going to matter in two years time

  • Re: Fake confidence...

    Hooligan - - Friends and Family


    Quote from Silent_Screams_♥: “12 years old....Usually the awkward age for people as puberty and such. Maybe you just got too caught up in that rut, you never let yourself slip out. You said you've always wanted to be naturally pretty. Who says you're not may I ask.?” Yeah thats a good point, you'd think I'd get over it after like 3 years though. I guess I've always had a hard time ever since I cant remember cause people always used to sort of laugh at the way I looked, I used to always have my h…

  • Re: Fake confidence...

    Hooligan - - Friends and Family


    Thanks to everyone for sharing your in site I understand what most of you are saying is that it shouldnt matter how I look like because those who mind dont matter and those who matter dont mind. But my problem is that because of the way I see myself, it makes me paranoid to think that other people also see me in the same negative light as I view myself in. Poppi I'm exactly what you described, so painfully self aware that I probably second guess everything I do.. and you're completely right i do…

  • Fake confidence...

    Hooligan - - Friends and Family


    hey guys I've been having this problem lately when I'm around my friends I feel really ugly and I'm paranoid that they're judging me. I know I probably sound like a typical low self esteem girl right now but I honestly have been having a really tough time with it. I always compare myself to other girls and wish I looked a bit different. I think the biggest thing is my nose...I know people say looks might not be so important but to me they are and that's something about me that I dont think I can…

  • hmmm interesting story :o feel kinda bad for M though, doesnt seem like you liked her all that much, did you?

  • Re: Other lads

    Hooligan - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    Like other people mentioned, everyone's allowed to be jealous. I get jealous a lot when things like that happen. Just keep reminding yourself that she loves you and you trust her. If you really feel uncomfortable about it I think its a good idea to talk to her. Tell her that you trust her but you feel jealous when other guys get her attention even if she's just being friendly so maybe if she chooses to talk to guys she'll be more aware of what she's saying so she doesn't make you feel uncomforta…

  • Like gardenhead mentioned, yeah a connection could form over time and it might be really strong. However, you cant rely on this possibility alone.. I mean you need to let him know if you dont like him in that way yet let him know that maybe one day those feelings will be there but right now as much as you want there to be, you don't feel a connection. Maybe getting to know him a lot more and becoming closer to him might help just be careful you don't give the wrong impression and end up hurting …

  • braces :o

    Hooligan - - Health and Fitness


    Hey guys, so I got braces on my top teeth last week, I'm getting the bottom ones done on friday. I'm finding it difficult to eat certain things but overall they're tolerable.. I wanted to ask if any of you guys have ever had braces and what experiences have you had with them? any interesting stories or advice/tips? thanks

  • there's no shame in meeting people on the internet. It's just a new way of finding people that have common interests. I'm getting really sick of people having this negative view towards internet dating just because some people have had bad experiences with have bad experiences in normal dating, doesnt mean you stop doing it. It's just a matter of understanding that it's somewhat more difficult than real life dating because you dont get to see the person face to face and some of that bod…