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  • Re: first time straighting my hair

    ikaay159 - - Fashion


    Coming from a girl's view: Your hair before was a bit too poofed up, but after you straightened it, it looked much better for your face. Just remember if you do straighten your hair more often, then be sure to buy something like the Got2Be heat activated stuff. I know if you walk into a Walgreens, CVS, or any drug store, and there will be a bunch of heat protective stuff for blow dryers and flat iron. I usually put some in my hands, and put it on the tips of my hair or the parts that I straighte…

  • I already see a problem. You MET her at a PARTY, and the first day you two met you made out. I wouldn't trust people like that, because that type of situation gives me a bad first impression.

  • Well, being a girl, I know how she is reacting. But, honestly, if I were you, I'd want to know if she had any bad experiences with ex boyfriends and if they cheated on her. She must be a little low on self esteem and probably thinks that the girls you talk to seem to attract you more than she attracts you. I had the same problem in the beginning with my boyfriend, but I asked him what he sees in me, and why doesn't he go out or like any other the other girls he talks to, like his BFF. and don't …

  • Probably most of my days sometimes.. usualy when I get home from school, i just turn it on and play fiesta. check myspace. and yeah. obviously i sometimes spend waaaaay to much, looking at the time now.. 12:49AM! O.O FML >.>

  • Re: Changing hairstyle

    ikaay159 - - Fashion


    Take it from a girl with side bangs... Trim. Trim. Trim. This is the only way to actually keep it going.. horizontal without getting it going.. sideways and down. It's cute! I dig it alot! Good Luck!

  • It's cool looking.. but if you were to ksis a girl.. I know she'd hate it. All the facial hair boys have is so irratating to a girls soft peachy type skin. It's like taking sand paper and wiping your butt with it.. O.o Would hurt? yeah.. thought so. It's cute tho!

  • Re: Hair Straightener D:

    ikaay159 - - Fashion


    Some guys - Don't give a damn about their hair. I say.. If You have horrible curly hair and don't want an afro look, then straighten it. If your friends make fun of you, ignore them.. Tell them to get in style, because lately alot of guys actually DO straighten their hair. Just hopefully they condition and keep it soft and not frizzy!

  • I say.. if the guy likes a little squeeze to his balls while he walks.. fine by me.. Just don't get a boner.. O.o But anyhooters.. Um. I find it hot on guys, just if they got nice legs and butt to show off. Fat boys in skinny jeans equals BIG NO-NO! That's about it! :D

  • Hm. Funny how everyone forgot to say they brush their teeth twice a day and floss. xD Just kidding, I know we should all do that. I basically don't really have a thing I do. But I am trying to find a better shampoo or like a leave in conditioner for my hair? It's so dry! I can't stand it sometimes, because it becomes soo poofy at the ends. I just feel like cutting it off sometimes! Any advise please? But, I and my cousins used to take a cotton ball and put some hydrogen peroxide on it and then s…

  • Re: Girls, please be honest.

    ikaay159 - - Fashion


    I say.. Your face is cutely covered with freckles! Girls these days dig guys with long emo hair, and some weird clothing style. Try to work out, and spike your hair. You'd look like a big buff guy in no time, girls always will love the "guns".

  • Re: The Flu?

    ikaay159 - - General Advice


    Yes, the Swine flu. It's getting bad. phase 5.. pandemic. You can find more info on this at the World Health Organization website.. also at the Center for Disease Control and Prevention website.. It's basically.. Influenza mutated into the fact that it can go from human to human now.. It's called the H1N1 flu. Don't worry, just wash hands, don't share things and be safe.

  • Re: Post a Song

    ikaay159 - - Music


    "Truth be told, I miss you. Truth be told... IM LIEING!" xD Favorite lyrics from All American Rejects - Gives You Hell also... "Your hidious, and sexy!... And when her edges soften, her body is my coffin" From: Ludo - Love Me Dead.

  • Re: making new friends.

    ikaay159 - - General Advice


    True, it depends on what those two people are talking about.. At school, I constantly eves drop on people.. xD It's not annoying or anything, but I just say "Sorry, but I agree with..." To something they might be debating on. But, usually I don't enjoy making friends at school, because I live far away from everyone. It's the stupid suburbs, I'm used to the city life. Lol.