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  • Re: How do I get into this shit?

    Mec - - Teen Sexuality


    If ya got a good reason to tell him, then just tell him, idealy not in public incase he likes to yell. Why do you think he'll react so badly? If you don't need to tell him, or he doesn't have any need to know, just keep quiet, and remember what he's willing to do after massive amounts of booze.

  • Re: so i tried it......

    Mec - - Teen Sexuality


    I haven't heard of cramping before, but maybe it was just from it being your first time. Try again and see if you get those same cramping pains. Let us know, I'm kinda curious what would cause that.

  • Normally into a few layered tissues.

  • Alright, I don't mean to sound incensitive here, and I don't pretend to know what it's like to loose your penis, but I can tell you that if having your dick chopped off takes away your reason to live and makes you kill yourself, you've got way too much importance riding on what's between your legs. There's more to life than loving your penis and wanting people to love your penis. I agree, he was emotionally scarred. I agree he was severly mutilated. I agree that I would never make that same choi…

  • Re: How to gain weight

    Mec - - Health and Fitness


    I've had this problem for a while as well. 6'2 and 150lbs. I've talked with a few more experienced people such as a dietician and a few former body-builders. To pack on some weight, you're gonna wanna try to keep a balance, but carbs are quite important, however, nobody ever seems to mention the fact that complex carbs are alot more important. For example, you'll get alot more out of things like pasta than out of simple carbs like rice. Also, try to eat more spaced out through the day. This mean…

  • Re: helpz your buddy

    Mec - - Teen Sexuality


    Hate to sound condesending or anything, but you're kinda approaching it from a bad angle. If what you're trying to do is set up for a booty call, or just fuck some chick once so you can say you've done it, what you're looking for is commonly refered to as a whore. Now if you'd like to fix the heart of the problem, you'll have to fix the chickenness and teach yourself to be more comfortable in social situations. I've been through it, and it's wierd to get used to at first, but then it's really aw…

  • Re: Age of people in this section (boys)

    Mec - - Gay


    17. As for the drinking age, I'd suggest you all just go to Mexico where the age is like 2. I'm not kidding. I saw a 3 year old dancing on the tables at Senor Frog's.

  • Re: Appearence Down There...

    Mec - - Teen Sexuality


    I'm imagining it'll be comparable to how girls think of circumsized and uncircumsized guys.

  • Re: Bad situation!!

    Mec - - Teen Sexuality


    Hmm, that's gonna be pretty tricky. There's no easy way around it, but first of all, leave his mom a day or two cuz she's probably freakin out worse than you are. Then, and this is gonna take all your will and composure, just try talking to his mom about it. See what her reaction is. Is she the pro-abstinence type or what? What was her initial reaction when she walked in?

  • Re: Young Bi/Gay Guys? :o

    Mec - - LGBT


    ga4ever, did you just bump a thread?

  • Re: Help! Soo confused

    Mec - - Teen Sexuality


    I'd say just see how it plays out and if it goes somewhere it goes somewhere, if it doesn't then it doesn't. If you have control, make your decision and push for it. If you don't have control, don't worry about it because you can't control it. Lieutenant Dan, please try to use the forums as a way to express your opinions without insulting other members. Don't mean to sound like some moderator or admin or something, but telling another member he should be ashamed because he is bisexual, homosexua…

  • Nope. If you're gonna ask her then ask her. She shouldn't stop talking to you or anything, but don't make it more awkward than it has to be. Most girls love you just having the confidence to simply ask. What I mean by don't make it more awkward than it hast to be is don't play up to it and feel the world has crashed if it fails. For example: don't go up and take 5 mins to swing the conversation around to it with a bunch of "you know, i've been meaning to talk to you about this for a long time no…

  • Yeah, just tell him the truth, hell, send him to this page In my own personal experience, it's the texting and flirting and kidding around via text message that gets us in trouble. I did it once and when I finnaly had a chance to go out with the girl, she was expecting alot more action than I was expecting to give. I've learned my lesson: text relationships are dangerous. That said, there's no guarantee you won't feel alot more comfortable once you've been with him for a day or two. It may just …

  • To save thier country. But if, lets say, the Nazi's were to have suddenly broken into, I don't know, America, and sent an armed Nazi into each household with an exacto knife, a lighter, and guns, where the people in the houses didn't even know they were coming... let's just say WWII would have ended with alot more dicks on the ground. In all seriousness, yes, war or battles must be fought, but it's becuase fighting is a (and I say this lightly) reasonable option. The gunmen had a plan, the 4 peo…

  • Re: What song is stuck in your head?

    Mec - - Music


    Breakeven by the script. Gettin really annoying and it's always stuck in my head cuz the radio station's playin it 10 times a day.

  • Re: Boy Foot Fetish =)

    Mec - - Gay


    Quote from jude45: “I don't like feet with hair on top of them.” LMAO, you just got me thinking of hobbit footjobs.

  • K, here's my two cents on the fighting thing. While fighting might have been a good idea if the criminals were armed with fists or even knives, guns make it a bad idea. I know the gun doesn't make you invincible, but 3 people with guns makes for a nasty massacre, when one starts shooting, they blow the place to shit. If you're working in a store, the first thing managers tend to tell workers is "if someone comes in with a gun, just give them the money". This is just because money does not equal …

  • Re: Is This Wrong?

    Mec - - Teen Sexuality


    Find some way to get them in the same spot and have a threesome. Problem solved.

  • Re: Is This Wrong?

    Mec - - Teen Sexuality


    Well, its up to you. If you were in your current fuck-buddy's position, would you want to know before your fuck-buddy went and found one in another town, or would you be better off not knowing? If the relationship between you and your fuck-buddy is strictly for sex, and there are no emotional ties toward it being an actual in-depth relationship, it shouldn't be a huge problem. Once more though, you kinda have to find out what your fuck-buddy's current view of your relationship is to know what to…

  • Re: Is This Wrong?

    Mec - - Teen Sexuality


    Yeah, I think if it's sorta a friends with benefits thing, then there's not really a problem. Here's a simple way to think of it. If each of the people in these towns had a sex buddy for whenever you're in the other town, would you have a problem with it?