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  • Ight bro, This is just going to be a step-by-step reply. If you like her, talk to her alot. Not alot as in stalker-ish. But a decent amount. If you text her, and she doesn't text back. don't assume that she's ignoring you. Maybe she's eating, using the restroom, or texting someone else back? maybe she's texting you a long one. Keep talking to her, hint to her she looks nice and things. If she says, "oh, I'm having a bad day" act interested even if you aren't. Ask her what's up or something slick…

  • From your texts I've come to a thought that you're a bit on the shy side. Now, I don't know you in real life, nor the girl, but I think that she has a strong friend feeling toward you. If you come clean to her some night, about your childhood, all these dorky sensitive things, she may open up to you too. I first relised what I wanted to be when I got older, A relationship consuler, About a year ago. I was talking to this girl that was a junior, and I was in the summer of my freshmen year, and we…

  • Well, from what I read. I'm assuming he's playing hard to get. He's biting the bullet and taking chances on messing with you. He's trying to show that he's interested in you but not interested, at the same time. He could easily text you. but he's teasing. If anything, he's doing it for himself. He's not sure if you want him, so if you take that bait and go for it then he'll become more conviedent and possiably move closer in. That's if you like him enough to take the first step.

  • Alright I understand what you're going threw. You think that if you go out with him and your friends or his ex-dates find out that their going to hate you and all this drama is going to happen. That's the problem with alot of cases. It's a trail and error situation. If you really care for him then you should go for him, Make him want you. If you make yourself seem more into him and he'll take more notice then maybe ask you out. If he thinks that he can manage to get threw with it, and not worry …

  • Quote from __maddy.: “So, my first kiss was for a dare. It was really bad, and it didn't come naturally and didn't last long at all. Then my second kiss, was also bad, but it was the guys first kiss too, anyway that didn't last long either. And now, I've been asked out by a guy, that i really like. I really wanna say yes, but i'm nervous about when it comes to snogging him, as in all honesty, i'm a complete newb to the whole thing. I was wondering, if you could give me some advice, or tell me ab…

  • Re: Ass or Titties?

    TannyBananyy - - Teen Sexuality


    I must say I'm more into the ass, I actually prefer a girl that is meduim in both. I'm a tough guy for my age, 15, and I don't like sticking up for my girlfriend on stuiped shit like when guys slap her ass or things. If that happends then I will say something, so I don't like to have a girlfriend that everyone wants to date because of their looks. That's why my girlfriends is the one I love and the one that I think is gorgeous in her own way. But still, people like her ass and it gets in the way…