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  • Laid my head down on my friend's shoulder and gave her a hug! She is too cute! She doesn't know I'm bi, and I don't plan and saying anything for a while, though.

  • Re: Fck, Kiss, Hug, Pass

    LuffEs4Real - - Teen Sexuality



  • Not sure... checked out this one girl that I think might like me... But I'm not sure if she'd be good for me or not(she's EXTREMELY rebellious and always gets herself in trouble...-_-).

  • Quote from ExitHope: “y'all are lucky. my parents would disown me if they found out i liked both. hard to realize, but its the truth” That's why you wait until you move out of the house!:wink:

  • Re: I finally did it!

    LuffEs4Real - - LGBT


    Wow! Congratz! I told my best friend in the worst way possible... I texted her. But she accepted me anyway tho I couldn't talk to her face to face. I was relieved too... my next issue is... telling my parents. Are you planning on telling you parents or no?

  • Hellz Ya! New Target!

    LuffEs4Real - - LGBT


    So, school started for me a few weeks ago, and I have already found someone-_-. I'm unsure how she feels though. I am 95% sure that she is bi. She is in my gym class(locker room!!!), and sits behind me in Chemistry.:D I have an odd feeling she might like me... its just a hunch though. We were on opposing teams in gym class and in kickball I kicked a flyball. She caught it be "accidentally" dropped it immediately. As I was running to base(she had already grabbed the ball by this time) she through…

  • Came out to my friend today. I feel so happy now!:D

  • Woot! I did it!

    LuffEs4Real - - LGBT


    As some of you know, I am currently in the process of coming out. Three weeks ago I came out to one of my friends, because I knew she would accept me because she has plenty of bi friends. But, there was this one friend who has been my best friend since first grade, and is very religious and doesn't believe in that kind of thing. Today I decided that it was about time to tell her because I felt bad for hiding it from her for so long. So, I did the worst thing I could do and.... I texted her. I'm …

  • Re: A little confused and out there.

    LuffEs4Real - - LGBT


    I've been in your situation... and I think I still am. So, my advice to you would be to either: 1. Talk to your friend about it, and maybe he can help you out. 2. Try to build some courage and flirt. or... 3. Try to find out how to flirt within your comfort zone, or simply drop little hints along the way. I know my advice sucks, but since I am in a similar situation at the moment... I don't think I have a right to give you advice right now.:(

  • Most Embarrassing 'Homo Moment'....

    LuffEs4Real - - LGBT


    So... what was yours? I'll go first! The other day, when I was at band rehearsal, this one girl(I won't name any names) was talking to me alot. At first, I didn't think much of it, but afterwards she winked at me and I felt my heart skip a beat. At the end of rehearsal she asked for my phone number and I blushed twenty different shades of red, I swear. Then I ask her why she needs my number and she says, "Well, I wanted to give you some extra practice after school since you missed band camp. Wha…

  • Wrote a yaoi fanfiction. For those that don't know, yaoi is boyxboy romance.;)

  • Quote from Simplistic_Revolution: “Agreed. =]” lolzz!:wink:

  • Re: Fck, Kiss, Hug, Pass

    LuffEs4Real - - Teen Sexuality


    Lol! Hugsss!:hugs:

  • Thought about her today. I met her at band camp(I'm color guard) and now she can't escape my mind. She's pretty, nice, and she's a senior! She asked me if I wanted a ride home a few days ago... I'm so mad I refused:mad:. Now it seems like everywhere I go, she comes too... The gayest thing I did today was think about stalking her down for her number:D.

  • Quote from aleaiactaest: “...I can see this landing some old man in jail for quite some time.” whoops... worded that wrong... :eek:i meant like 1-4 years older. My bad!:D

  • The older the smexier!

  • Re: Describe your perfect man/woman

    LuffEs4Real - - LGBT


    I'm bi too, so I'll try a guy and a girl as well. Guy: Tall, great personality, makes me laugh, slim(like you I don't care if they are perfect), I like darker hair more than lighter hair... but I'm cool with light hair as well. I like it when they are talkative and happy-go-lucky. I don't mind them being annoying at times... only if they aren't always annoying the piss out of me. Sure, I would like him to be goofy, but he would be very serious when I want him to be. I want him to be kind of tann…

  • Would this count as a first kiss?

    LuffEs4Real - - LGBT


    I'm kind of confused. My sister and I were talking today abou Prop 8(the banning of gay marriage) and how it sucks. Then, we started to talk about my friend and her stupid Christian homophobic beliefs. Then, I had a flashback!:eek: When my frind and I were littler we would play in our backyards(we are neighbors), and I would always play the boy(sometimes a girl as well) and she would be the girl. We would pretend to kiss and all that, and then one day she wanted to actually kiss. I remember argu…

  • Re: Scene boys and girls

    LuffEs4Real - - LGBT


    4654377.jpg 1201973812_kebites258.jpg 1206992057_f.jpg emo_nd_scene_girl_____.jpg :drool:Love Alex Evans and the girl is really hott!