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  • Re: A levels

    ZZ 5 - - Education & Jobs


    I got my AS results today. An A in Law, I got 92 UMS (for those of you who understand the concept of the UMS, this will make sense) and I'm dead happy about it. A B in Economics, I could afford to drop 6 marks and still get an A for the year, yet I dropped 10 marks. I'm still pretty darn pleased though. A C in Maths, I took 3 exams to make up my AS Maths grade, 2 were a B, and 1 was a low D, which pushed the grade down to the C, and I'm a bit upset by it, so I'm retaking that Maths module in Jan…

  • I think the song by Green Day, entitled " Nice Guys Finish Last" is appropriate here. But seriously buddy, I and the rest of the male population who isnt a " bad boy" don't understand. " Bad boys" , well 95% of them are total douches who wouldn't give a girl a fraction of the respect any normal , dare I say it, law abiding guy would give a girl. Girls, confuse me, especially when they pick the "bad boy" jerk over somebody nice who they'd be happy for longer with.

  • Just wondering you everyone else would date. Set your reply up like mine. Could they be a different age? Yeah, they could be, using the "half your age plus 7" the youngest I would date is 16, the oldest would be 18. I'm 17 at the moment btw. Does it matter about there social class? (preps, geeks, etc.) Err, not really, as long as I'm happy with them, social class doesn't matter. Although, it would be hard to date somebody who was super rich (and probably snotty) and I wouldn't be too good dating…

  • Well, 95% of the music that appear in the "Singles Charts" every week, I totally despise ! But outside of that, I've never really likde The Beatles, Avenged Sevenfold or Iron Maiden, bands which my friends swear by, but I just can't conncet with.

  • Re: Which Genre do you hate

    ZZ 5 - - Music


    Rap/Hip hop/Grime et,c Before I start, I'm fully willing to admit, these are just opinions, and people are entitled to listen to whatever they like, and that the forms of music I enjoy aren't perfect. I hate how all rap videos have dancing women half naked in them ? I mean c'mon, how goddam bad is the song for them to need to put women naked in the video ? Is the song so bad that they need to distract you from it with women being objectified. Secondly, I dislike the fact that all these artists s…

  • Re: what is your summer song?

    ZZ 5 - - Music


    blink-182 - life's so boring they never actually released this song, it was one of the songs from their Enema Of The State demo version that they never did anything with, and I think it's a shame, as its easily the best instrumental I've ever heard. Anyway, I call this my summer song because, I saw somebody made a video with the song on a video sharing site (we all know which) and the video contained footage from blink-182's first DVD (The Urethra Chronicles) and the video showed them having a l…

  • Re: Is smoking cool?

    ZZ 5 - - General Advice


    Smoking (of any kind) is in no way cool or awesome... it's just so stupid man, it does so much damage to you.

  • I too have this problem of running out of things to say Hell, I mean, I've been in conversations (particularly with women) where I've just gone " I have literally nothing else to say to you" Some good points for any general conversation are - general banter, how're you ? et,c and then expand on that - compliments - questions that mean you could form another conversation from that i,c going away for summer ? - involve your surroundings into your conversation i,e say you're at a party, use that so…

  • Re: am i ugly.. ? :\ (pics)

    ZZ 5 - - Fashion


    first reaction ? " dayummmmmmmmmm.... " that's a good thing btw !

  • Re: Bad party experience !?

    ZZ 5 - - General Advice


    Aha I've read all your guys stories, thanks, it means alot ! and I can honestly say I don't feel so bad about my experience now ! thanks everybody !

  • Re: Bad party experience !?

    ZZ 5 - - General Advice


    oh go on Muppy !

  • Re: Bad party experience !?

    ZZ 5 - - General Advice


    wow Muppy - that is pretty bad XD ! and Red Stripe - it does indeed my friend. thanks guys/gals :)! x

  • Re: do you believe in this

    ZZ 5 - - General Advice


    It's true, if all we did was "receive" there wouldn't be anything would there ? as everybody would focus on wanting, rather than giving. and besides, using the word "giving/receiving" in a strcitly non sexual sense, giving feels much better, all warm inside... I don't think I could've made that sounds more sexual if I trued... ahh well.

  • Bad party experience !?

    ZZ 5 - - General Advice


    Whats happenin' forum ? Right, this post is about how I had a bad experience at a party tonight, I apologise for the length of this post but .. ahh well ? This story starts off really well actually. I got invited to TWO, that's right TWO parties on the same night, which although a little annoying made me dead happy, seeing as I dont go to parties often. My plan was to go to one party until 10pm, which was at a sort of local venue, with a bar and all that shizz, with about 90/100 people, then wal…

  • STORY WIN Boobs are so awesome, I remember my first touchy feely session with them.... ahh good times.

  • I recently got my results back for my January modules in my AS year (part of A-levels) and I got Law - A Economics - A Maths- B Chemistry - D I don't really care about Chemistry as I'm planning to drop it, so covering that up, I'm dead chuffed with AAB

  • These universities will only be relevant to any Brits on TH But I'm taking a long look at study law at one of the following Bristol Kent Reading Leicester So the top 20 ish uni's, there abouts :)

  • Re: Your plans for future

    ZZ 5 - - Education & Jobs


    Ideally, I'd like to finish my A-Levels with good grades Go onto study Law at university and have an enriching and entertaining time doing so. Take a gap year and travel the world with a significant other Get a job in Law and settle down Of course, this is all in my head Whether it'll go like that depends on the next 5 years :)

  • Aha it's fine logged on, and they were no longer there result, thank you

  • Vista and I'll try that now !