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  • So you watched Jimmy Carr tonight too then I take it? (Jimmy asked the audience that for those confused)

  • Re: Giving Blood.

    hayleyy - - Health and Fitness


    They did it at my school but I couldnt because I'd been in hospital and already had a fuckload taken for tests and that at the time. Then the second time they came I was on holiday so I haven't had the chance yet, will do the next time I can though. Im fine with needles yet nurses always try and take my mind off and are all dont look, I really couldnt care less lmao. My only problem is I bruise sooo easily and end up looking like an addict :p

  • Uch yeh my grans like that.. she joined a weightloss group and now I cant eat anything infront of her without her criticizing something.. I had a digestive biscuit in my hand when she came round yesterday and she told me I shouldnt be eating it and I dont need it then at lunch I ate half a sandwiched and paused to take a drink and she went good you stop when your full! I went ermm im not I just wanted a drink.. 'oh are you sure? You dont want to eat if youve already had enough itll make you gain…

  • Re: Too Faced Lip Injection

    hayleyy - - Fashion


    Yeh it does, personally I never noticed a difference between the extreme and normal one lol

  • Re: Fashion or Music?

    hayleyy - - Fashion


    Can't I like them both? lol

  • Re: How long are your legs?

    hayleyy - - Fashion


    5ft 3 with a 30inch inseam. I think thats about proportionate for my height but I wish I'd grow

  • Get an intensive hair conditioner, it wont work instantly and it wont work miracle but it can smooth it out a bit. I recommend the one by Aussie wet your hair and layer it on and leave it like that for 20 minutes then rinse thouroughly. You'll need to do this every couple of days to see any real change but it'll help eventually. For it to go back to normal you'll have to wait for the brittle part to grow out though, the conditioner can only do so much.

  • Ok first off "eat less" is not nessesarily right. You have to eat the right foods to do it healthily but you should alsp watch your calorie intake. Make sure you have a balanced diet, by that I mean a reasonable amount of carbohydrates, protein, plenty of fruit and veg, some fats/sugars/dairy. Watch how you cook things as well, instead of frying can it be grilled or poached? If you need help with a guideline diet plan feel free to PM me. As for excersize it shouldn't be painful as the first guy …

  • Varies, a lot lol. Generally less than 1700 though but I do occassionally go over. Today Ive had 72. Lol cos I have a killer migraine though thats makin me feel a bit sick so only had a cuppa soup n water but generally minimum is like 500ish if Im not hungry

  • Quote from Liam: “ I eat naked you see.” Im sure that goes down brilliantly in cafes and the likes.. lol

  • Re: bra size calculators :O!

    hayleyy - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from Cyph3r: “ohhh that makes more sense. but still..why do u need sooo many undies lol u must dirty them alot xD” Er no I just like a wide choice lol. The way some girls have fuck loads of shoes etc (although i do have a fair number of them too haha)

  • Re: bra size calculators :O!

    hayleyy - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from Cyph3r: “omfg!!!! lol does the underwear have like a tv on it and movie” Ha when I say single transaction I mean more than one item, just the one store trip. I usually try limit myself to £100 max per store visit but it didnt work that day

  • Re: bra size calculators :O!

    hayleyy - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from Cyph3r: “u obsessed Hayley? lol” Maybe jsut a little ha.. I dread to think how much money I spent on underwear. Most I spent in a single transaction was £290 :o I like nice underwear.. makes you feel better even if it is hidden away under clothes haha

  • Re: bra size calculators :O!

    hayleyy - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from The Boob Lady: “same ;(! i love underwear so much argh” Lol my set of drawers is entirely dedicated to underwear. 3 drawers just for that no clothes and Im starting to think I need more room tbh the drawers like just shut now ha.. If somewhere has a sale on like la senza, debenhams, etc I find an excuse to buy stuff lmao :o

  • Re: bra size calculators :O!

    hayleyy - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from The Boob Lady: “LOL yeah exactly and yeah, different brands will fit you differently, so you WILL need different sizes but you'll need MARGINALLY different sizes not the difference between a 34C and a 32E” Exactly, depending where I shop im either a 32DD or a 32E generally I can count on my back size to be the same theres only a couple of brands where I've had to change that and they arent my usual brands anyway so screw them for making it complicated :p The bra calculaters forget eve…

  • Re: bra size calculators :O!

    hayleyy - - Teen Sexuality


    Ha, the first one told me Im apparently a 30G. I wish, try 32DD-32E lol The second one got it right surprisingly lol the third decided I was a 38AA o.o fourth - 30E fifth - 34DD- 34E So apparently I can wear either a 30G or a 38AA.. ya Im sure thatll work haha

  • Re: 2girls1cup

    hayleyy - - Teen Sexuality


    Nope, people have tried to get me to watch it but I refuse haha. Something I never need to see eurgh lol

  • Re: Miniskirts,so you use them

    hayleyy - - Fashion


    Quote from ACDCfanatic: “I approve of skirts everywhere excpet scotland, thats just wrong...wrong” Hey I live in Scotland :mad: I like skirts

  • Re: Forced orgasms, anyone? :)

    hayleyy - - Teen Sexuality


    Well dont I just feel like the odd one out haha(female-wise).. I dont think it sounds all that bad at all tbh. Whats the fun of being a girl if you dont take advantage of being able to have multiple orgasms :rolleyes::p But then Im not someone who gets sore after so meh..

  • Re: Perfect size boobs

    hayleyy - - Teen Sexuality


    Tbh no1 can give a guide online that will be accurate. Everyones bodies shaped diff its much better to go and be fitted by a reputable firm (Id recommend bravissimo or la senza. Debenhams and M&S can be so badly wrong its unreal). I think what charmaine means is that girls who have the wrong size generally wear a band size thats too big to compensate for larger breasts instead of going up a cup size. Which is a common problem believe it or not.