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  • Re: Who Likes 90's Gangsta Rap/G-Funk?

    LOLFag - - Music


    Quote from xxjulyxx: “first time i've ever heard anyone say this :rofl: ” Yeah, well my tastes > yours.

  • Re: Who Likes 90's Gangsta Rap/G-Funk?

    LOLFag - - Music


    Afrika Bambaataa's where it's at. Makes the best bboy beats of all time. ---------- Post added at 05:21 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:20 PM ---------- In any case, 80's was the golden age of music. Rock and hip hop were at their peaks. Why the hell was I born into this generation? ---------- Post added at 05:27 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:21 PM ---------- I'd also like to add that while I agree it *triggered* the downfall of hip hop, it wasn't necessarily a bad era.

  • Re: new facebook

    LOLFag - - Technology and the Internet


    I have it. It's crap.

  • Re: Which is better PS3 or XBOX360

    LOLFag - - Video Games


    PS3 has no gaems.

  • Re: Time

    LOLFag - - Debate and Discussions


    We as 3-dimensional beings cannot fully comprehend time as the fourth dimension. Someone posted a Youtube video before relating how 2D people cannot fathom the concept of the third dimension to us and time. For more information, you can visit /sci/. They've got some people with a great deal of knowledge on relativity and time and all that.

  • Re: Wayne's "Rebirth"

    LOLFag - - Music


    Quote from xxjulyxx: “i hate lil wayne. i mean i thought he was alright for awhile just based on reading a rolling stone article about him then i actually fucking listened to one of his songs on the radio... what the fuck is the appeal of this shit? how the fuck is this guy so popular?” Heh, RollingStone praises the Jonas Brothers. It's been shit for a long time now.

  • Re: Sentry guns as offense

    LOLFag - - Video Games


    Quote from A-Trav: “Sentries are, IMO, better than an Predator. If you have any common sense, they can get you twice the kills without leaving you vulnerable.” Obviously. While Predators are one-time shots, sentries placed strategically can be a powerful defense or distraction.

  • Re: Well,

    LOLFag - - Technology and the Internet


    Quote from Dr. Drew: “I dunno, it's in Chicago somewhere. I love their Harry Potter-esque school uniforms. :D” I'd love to wiki it.

  • Re: does any one like justin bieber ?

    LOLFag - - Music


    He' tall as a girl is when she's sitting down. And as tall as a standing girl when standing on a skateboard. Grow some pubes goddamnit. I don't remember myself anywhere close to his prepubescence when I was 15.

  • Re: Well,

    LOLFag - - Technology and the Internet


    Quote from Dr. Drew: “My cousin goes to a rich-ass private school that issues free MacBooks to all students. I guess when yearly tuition is like $30K, new laptops are pocket change. :D” W..what school is that?

  • Re: Sentry guns as offense

    LOLFag - - Video Games


    Depends on if I'm playing for real or for lulz.

  • Quote from AccessDenied: “Sounds like somebody's parents will be going bankrupt this year. :rolleyes:” No no, this was just a reference for me.

  • Quote from DamnImGood: “It's unfair that you expect people to read your posts but you refuse to read theirs.” I guess. It was 2 AM then, though. Was too sleepy to bother to read. I'll perhaps read it some other time.

  • Fuck that, tl;dr. You know what, I could give less of a shit what conspiracists think about 9/11.

  • Quote from Steven: “Watch the video of the towers falling. The top starts falling, then, consecutively down the side of the building, you can see puffs of dust as the explosions occur. They didn't all go off at once. Do you think the government wanted to be that obvious?” The puffs of dust is most like debris. So you're saying that they put explosives in the middle of the buildings? 1. That's not how controlled demolitions happen. 2. There weren't anymore explosions in the videos. If you could s…

  • Re: watch my guitar videos!!!

    LOLFag - - Music


    Very clean guitar solo.

  • Quote from Slyguy7: “ Read my post. If the fire could melt steel, which it absolutely cannot, the building would have fallen over like a tree. Not straight down into itself. And to answer to your question, it's an 80 story building. You have to allow a small tolerance for this sort of thing. ” Read my post again. 1. Fire wouldn't melt steel. It would weaken and distort it. 2. It wouldn't fall over like a tree. GODDAMNIT READ MY FUCKING POST. Also, your answer doesn't reveal anything about why th…

  • HOLY FUCK, some of these posts are hilarious. Anyway, I was just interested in what the top product of each category was. Just to get a basic idea.

  • Quote from Mr X: “And I was flying the fourth and because I was stoned too we accidentally crashed into a field :(” At least you're still OK! Thank god I wasn't on the planes. Couldn't even walk in a straight line to the airport.

  • You know what, fuck this shit, I'll confess. I blew up the two towers. Me and Osama and his guys, we were buddies, we were drinking and doing poppies on a regular Friday night, when one of us was like, HEY LETS GO FLY AN AIRPLANE, so we were like, WHERE DO WE GET ONE. SO the idea of hijacking a plane came around, and I swear to god we were just trying to fly a plane, but that's pretty hard to do when you're stoned and have a hangover, so we accidentally smashed 2 planes into the towers and one i…