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  • Quote from NinjaGuy1337: “I don't respect people that make unfair judgements without a thought of how it will affect someone else. "Oh I hate children", doesn't mean you go around preventing them from living. ” You probably didn't mean to, but this comes off really intensely as you saying that she goes around telling everyone to get abortions left and right. And I highly doubt that is her case. Try not to make it seem so black and white.

  • Quote from Blur: “No shame in having your views and standing by em. =p But do pro-choice-ers actually LIKE the idea of abortion itself? or just feel that it should be available if the person feels they need it?” The latter. I mean, I don't think of it as murder, but I also don't think it's the coolest thing ever. But I would much rather women have the choice of it, beyond just being raped and such, than have it limited at all or completely. That has been tried in the past, and the number of back…

  • Quote from Blur: “My bad, I was referring to the doctors and pain relievers. But the mother's body produces hormones that makes her naturally bond with her baby, among other things” Gotchya. I just thought you were going to be one of those people that argued that once you have a child, nothing else is painful. Can't stand that argument really. Anyway, I'm pro choice. I'll always stand by that without any shame.

  • Quote from Blur: “You know, if you're pro abortion, you're probably not an existentialist. So if your view on the world is limited to science texts books, then you probably define "being alive" as having functioning cells, well, the "clump of cells" is functioning. And exhibiting ALL the signs of a living thing. Movement, respiration, growth, irritability, excretion, reproduction, and nutrition. =/ And you say it's only potential. Well, as soon as the sperm meets the ovum, the genes that set the…

  • 7 inches is perfect. my fiance can make me orgasm vaginally and clitorally, at the same time or just one at a time, and i'm able to have multiple orgasms very easily with him. he is amazing in bed.

  • of course they can work. i met my fiance on our other forum. we knew it wasn't going to be easy going into it after he left the first time, but we did things to help. going on cam with each other every single night, literally, has helped. tonight is the only night i haven't seen him. i move in with him in a few more weeks. we are getting married in october.

  • ooooh, thank you thank you thank you! keep these links coming, i'm bookmarking like mad haha

  • it's not fun. i tried to be his friend and help him and when his fuck buddy/girlfriend or whatever she is started shit with me she had him turn on me at the same time. he is so easily manipulated, he's basically putty. it's so fucking pathetic. i can't believe i wasted so many years with him. he is nothing but an overweight piece of white trash who goes and talks shit about ALL of his friends and when he gets caught he pretends he didn't say anything. i would love to one day see someone just bea…

  • he called me complaining about a girl he's "with" now, on and off he says, asking for advice. i tried to give it to him but after she kinda started an argument with me randomly on his facebook, he stopped talking to me just after texting me "you're a good friend and i care about your opinion". then after a couple of months he contacts me again and says he was in the ER for a panic attack so bad that he thought he was having a heart attack and apologized for making fun of my anxiety for four year…

  • we're getting married around october, but it is not a big ceremony. just a courthouse wedding, but we are still going to dress nice. i want to wear a short dress, more like a cocktail dress. it's more comfortable and it's more fun, and we are fun people so it works. help me find a dress to get married in? i don't like a lot of ruffles at the bottom. and i will only wear white if it has accents of another colour, specifically gold or silver. i also love red as a solid or with white. i don't like …

  • yes, i enjoy it, and it's part of my 'job' at the moment which i also love.

  • they always ask me if i'm afraid of needles, and i just stare at them as if they're stupid. when i had my surface piercing on my wrist, i had a nurse ask me if i had a needle fear, and i said no. she asked me if i was sure, so i showed her at the time every one of my piercings and explained how the surface wrist was done. 5 minutes later i think she finally got the point that needles don't bother me, so just take the fucking blood already you damn vampire. ugh.

  • omg, stomach bleeding? you poor thing, fuck, i hope you're okay. i'm also going to ask them if they can give me something for the pain i've been having. this, according to my doctor, might not be a kidney stone at all, but a possibility that because i stretch so hard the way i do, and so often, that i have pulled something right in that area, and it is giving the same feeling as a kidney stone. but i don't know. i suppose it's possible, but i've had enough stones, though never fully passed, to k…

  • they are looking at my kidneys, doing a contrast ct scan looking for stones. now, i did have something injected into my IV when i had my mri done when i had my seizure, if you're getting the two confused? but you could've had something completely different that warranted being injected with something. they only flushed me with saline personally though. you can tell when they do that, because you taste it in your mouth.

  • i've only ever had a ct scan while being in the ER, so i was already hooked up to IV's and don't know what they did to me. this is the first time i'm going for one on my own. i don't have an issue at all with them injecting me with anything, i'm obviously not afraid of needles, but i wasn't aware they did it for ct scans. what is it they inject you with?

  • i don't want to sleep my day away. mandible has the day + the weekends are our days together to spend literally all day video chatting, watching movies and shows and trying our best to make it seem that we're not so far away from each other still for the next few weeks. mon-thurs doesn't bother me as much when this happens, but i've not only got a CT scan in the morning, but also what i mentioned above. so this just pisses me off.

  • i have to be up in a few hours for a doctor's appointment, and once again, i'm not sleeping tonight. :\

  • mandible is AWESOME with things like that, so i'm really excited for us to do it together too. the fact that he's an illustrator helps with him being so awesome at coordinating colours. and he's just plain good at situating things.

  • Quote from Kevmo7: “well im going to america for our first visit but then she will move to New Zealand when it comes to it, I love this country, honestly, I wouldnt want to live anywhere else what about you? what have you guys got planned?” i move to in with mandible in a few weeks i refuse to make him move down here, and i'd much rather move to canada to be with him. just the thought of being in the town he lives in compared to what i'm used to makes me glow. plus while he's working, i'll be de…