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  • Quote from LuklaAdvocate: “You can always block him if his posts are impertinent to you. Additionally, nobody is trying to infringe on your first amendment right. Many are just finding it difficult to understand why anyone would want to display a symbol such as the Confederate Flag. ” I was more commenting on his last statement of 'We can't let people walk around with askdjalkd' Not on the average tone of the entire board. and thank you DeaExMachine.

  • Quote from Aleksandr: “The Emancipation Proclamation did have authority in the south since when the Union army met escaped slaves or anything of the sort they couldn't return them to their owners anymore.” They normally didn't anyway. Let me rephrase that- No slaves went free because of the EP. It stopped slaves from being returned, and it meant that escaped slaves stayed that way.

  • Alright, Zen- thank you for the conversation we had earlier. However, it seems this has turned into a 'hate on the Confederates.' Despite being racist and unintelligent- I have better things to do with my time. I have no urge to listen to juststayblunted repeatedly try to kill my 1st Amendment right. Which, I am utterly happy to have, and will be quite disappointed when that changes. "I don't need a citation, its common knowledge that durring the time of the civil war alot of the money that fund…

  • Quote from alfaspider06: “If you are truly not racist the statement "i am not racist" should hold its own water without qualification..” I apologize for being systematically correct, and using clarification the way I was taught in English. Quite frankly, Darling drilled it into my head that if I make a statement- I probably should back it up. Also- if this were a RL debate, and you knew me outside of some black text, I probably wouldn't make that statement. Besides- technically, majority of the …

  • Quote from Zen: “Its unrealistic to expect everyone to stop purchasing frivolous things or from abusive corporations. That's an unfair judgment.” I see it as a completely fair judgment. It's easy to look at a situation and go "Oh no- they should probably stop doing that" but they're not, if you continue putting the gun in their hand. There's little difference to me between the person who does an act- and the person who supports it. Whether emotionally, physically, or financially. I don't expect …

  • Quote from Zen: “They say "that's bad" because it is bad. There are many things to the South that don't involve racism, but racism and slavery are the tradition backing the Confederate flag. I don't get your latter statement. What does what people purchase have to do with their opinions?” It means they don't do anything about it. They continue to support it financially. Things wouldn't happen as much if we didn't support them financially. ---------- Post added at 09:45 PM ---------- Previous pos…

  • Quote from Zen: “ I know quite a bit about history, more than you care to believe, apparently. You're attempting to justify the tradition of the South's slavery. There is no justification. Slavery is slavery, be it economic or physical. ” I justify a lot of things. That 'know your history line' was not aimed at you, Zen. I'm not justifying that it was correct. I'm saying that it makes sense that the North let go before the South did- and it has very little to do with morality. It has to do what …

  • Quote from zapfox: “ But they wouldn't be screaming if they were getting their way. History has shown us that everything is fine between Uncle Sam and the States until the states don't get what they want. Then it's all about state's rights and oversized federal government.” Nothing is ever perfect between Uncle Sam and the States. There's always some thing going on. Other than in times of extreme oddity. Whether it was after a won war, or after an attack that harmonizes the nation. We're split. …

  • Re: Confederate Flag

    dannehgorawr - - Debate and Discussions


    The cross is a symbol taken from a man being nailed to it. please, kindly- explain to me how martyrdom is a positive history? It's been used to fund I don't know how many wars. State's rights isn't screamed? Do you listen to your politicians on any argument of national laws? ... First of all. 10th amendment. Second of all. Abortion. Gay Marriage. Legalization of Mary J. The above are issues that 'state's rights' get brought up in every time. Health care. Education Reform. Gun control. To list a …

  • I find it disturbing the amount of hatred towards the confederate flag. A. it's a flag. B. yes. A bunch of people have taken it and pretty much gone ' IT MEANS I'M WHITE AND I'M BETTER THAN YOU" However- if you hate it for that, then I feel equally enamored to hate Crosses. Between the KKK- and gangs using Rosary beads around here.. Well, by the standards most use to hate the Confederate flag- I feel justified in hating any Christian who wears a cross. Part of my family flies the Bonnie Blue. Wh…

  • I'm a major Psych geek. However, I'm a firm believer that psychology predicts very little- and explains things more. Yes. psychology can give you a vague idea of what can happen- but it's used more to explain why things happen. Anyone who says Psychology doesn't exist, denies mental illness existing. and as much as I'm opposed to name calling, makes me consider them idiots. At least on the major illnesses- it is highly doubtful that all the people with schizophrenia and such are faking it. I giv…

  • To be honest- that's the sartorius(sp) muscle. and that's all it does. so even if he has managed to mess it up- and decides against going to the doctor- it's not going to effect much.

  • Re: Blowing Condoms

    dannehgorawr - - Teen Sexuality


    Er.. Unless you have something- is a condom necessary?

  • It really depends on how you treat your best friend/ girlfriend- to decide how to move foreward. If at the moment- you really do spend more time around your best friend- then back off for a bit. However- if you already spend most of your time with your girlfriend.... there's not much you can do. You can try reassuring her- but whether or not it will work depends mostly on her, not you. If this is mostly because y'all just had a fight and got back together- then give it a while. If this were just…

  • Re: Music + Sex

    dannehgorawr - - Teen Sexuality


    What ever's on the playlist of the moment. Once you get into it- it's not like you'll probably remember what was playing. The only time I remember the specific song was a Papa Roach song talking about "I say the Damndest things when you're on top of me." and I just remember him freaking out, thinking I was trying to tell him something

  • Honestly- it depends on what you and your friends are into. My birthday "party" consisted of me and my two closest friends acting like 8 year olds via Play dough, cardboard boxes, and a plethora of toy dinosaurs. Because we're too serious normally- and I dunno. it felt right to not act our age.

  • For all we know- you've said you were going to the mall before- and didn't, and mommy found out and now isn't letting you go. there are so many things that could have gone on.

  • Re: best way to diet?

    dannehgorawr - - Health and Fitness


    nononnononononon. Dear heavens- that's called anorexia. and really bad for your body. To maintain your body right now- as in the amount of calories it takes to pump blood through your entire body for a day- and to take care of just basic living expenses. You need 1392 calories. If you go much below that- your body goes into starvation mode. You get no nutrients from anything you eat and everything turns directly in fat- because your body is freaking out, and doesn't know if you'll feed it again.

  • Do you ever find that your mind is > than the alcohol? Because, normally- it doesn't take me a lot to get.. I wouldn't say drunk- but well buzzed. Yet yesterday night- it seemed it didn't matter what/how much I drank, I couldn't get drunk. But I was also scared that if I did get drunk, that I'd end up hooking up with a random guy. I was just curious if this happens to anyone else?

  • Re: best way to diet?

    dannehgorawr - - Health and Fitness


    A. To tell you how many calories you need to eat- you need Height, Weight, Age, Gender. B. You count ALL calories. C. If you're a chick- the minimum calories you should be eating is like.. 1200. A dude- 1500. D. If you eat less- You lose less. Because your body goes into starvation mode.