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  • Okay, so the story goes something like this. I'm in love with one of my best friends, but I don't know if she feels the same way about me that I do about her. What should I do? A) Tell her I love her. B) Do nothing. C) Leave your own response.

  • Quote from Feste: “Okay, my best friend's girlfriend is in love with me and is just with my best friend because she can't have me but still wants to be close to me. My girlfriend on the other hand might be cheating on me with some asshole at her work. Respectfully, WHAT THE FUCK do I do? - Feste.” I have no interest in my friend's girlfriend but the issue is whether I tell him about this or not. As for my girlfriend, if she cheats its over but if not, we can work things out. - Feste.

  • My Best Friend's Girlfriend...

    Feste - - Teen Sexuality


    Okay, my best friend's girlfriend is in love with me and is just with my best friend because she can't have me but still wants to be close to me. My girlfriend on the other hand might be cheating on me with some asshole at her work. Respectfully, WHAT THE FUCK do I do? - Feste.

  • Jerking Off With Friends

    Feste - - Teen Sexuality


    Yesterday, I jerked off with my best friend for the first time. I am reluctant to say that I really enjoyed it and am looking foreword to doing it again sometime. I was just wondering if anyone of you has jerked off with their friends and if so, how did you like it? If you haven't done it I suggest you try it, you'll like it I swear.

  • Opportunity

    Feste - - Teen Sexuality


    Would you, if you were presented with the opportunity, suck another guy's dick. Nobody would find out, just you and him. I think I would.

  • Best Friend Sex Followup

    Feste - - LGBT


    Okay, a few weeks ago I posted here telling people my dilema. of how I kinda want to jerk my best friend. Anyways, he slept over again and well, I asked him if I could... suck his dick. he said yes. I loved it, I must've been on that thing for half an hour, it tasted pretty good. i even let him cum in my mouth. It was great I really enjoyed it and would totally do it again. I now consider myself Bisexual. I like sucking dick. And he enjoyed it so much he gave me a handjob. I Next time we hang ou…

  • Tasty, Tasty...

    Feste - - Teen Sexuality


    What does a vagina taste like. Honestly.

  • Re: why so many nakednes?

    Feste - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from ivaiva: “Why are on teen forums so many threads and questions on sleeping naked? I read so many threads from guys worried cos they sleep or not naked, they are asking other guys do they sleep naked or how can they sleep naked or how convince parents to let them sleep naked. What's it all about? Why's that such a problem and why such interest in that?” I started the most recent one, I dunno why, I had just woke up and had nothing to do. So I posted that survey of sorts. No reason why.

  • Laws of Attraction

    Feste - - Teen Sexuality


    I am attracted to women but there is only one guy that turns me on. He happens to be my best friend. I don't think it's strange, or is it?

  • Laws of Attraction

    Feste - - LGBT


    I am attracted to women but there is only one guy that turns me on. He happens to be my best friend. I don't think it's strange. Or is it?

  • Re: Best Friend Sex

    Feste - - LGBT


    I have decided not i repeat not to go through with this, i don't want to lose a friend and i'd rather not have him know. I'm just gonna shut my mouth and act natural.

  • Best Friend Sex

    Feste - - LGBT


    When my friend sleeps over we sleep in the same bed, the thing is that I just want to hold onto him and sleep with him in my arms. But I don't want to freak him out, I don't think I'm gay either but I really want to touch his cock, I tried to once while he was asleep but he rolled over. What should I do; just say that I want to see his cock or keep my mouth shut?