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  • Another song

    RiderzFan - - Creative Writing


    So I took a bit of a break from writing music for awhile. My lifes been pretty hectic lately. But heres one I finished last weekend. Its about alot of things, pretty much everything that has happened in my life in the past 5 years jumbled up in a few verses/chorus. I took a drive today, thought about you. Thought about a friend who passed, and how much we just went through. I saw the sun shine off the hood of a Cadillac, I thought about some things I'd say, and some I would take back. I thought …

  • Honestly your classes in freshman year mean absolutely nothing. Just pick whatever you feel like. Atleast... thats how it is in Canada. You don't even get credit for grade 9 in canada. I skipped half my classes in grade 9 (Though I would not advise doing that!)

  • This is kinda funny. Not really scary for me cause if it was something supernatural it was my grandma and I know she would never hurt me. So a few weeks ago I woke up. I was freezing cold and really hot and sweaty at the same time, it was really weird. The time was 6:33 a.m. I could not get back to sleep so I got up and made pancakes. On the way to the kitchen I notice that a picture of my grandma was lying face down on the ground because it fell off the wall. I did not really think anything of …

  • Up

    RiderzFan - - Films, TV and Books


    I just got back from watching it. It was surprising depressing at times. Also I have never seen a G movie with blood in it I dont think... But I liked it.

  • Its only a label if you see it as a label.

  • Re: Acoustic Versions

    RiderzFan - - Music


    Most of my music is Acoustic. I love it. Just because its acoustic doesnt mean its quiet and sleepy.

  • desktop.jpg Nothing special. Though me and my friends drew that picture.

  • Re: The Songs that make you Feel Good

    RiderzFan - - Music


    Anything from Matt and Kim. They seem to have it all figured out. They do what they do because its fun and it makes them happy. They are ALWAYS smiling and I love it.

  • Re: Musicians!

    RiderzFan - - Creative Writing


    Yeah I normally use Audacity aswell.

  • I like both versions. They picked the perfect actors to play the boss guy in both of the versions.

  • Trust is a tough thing to earn. But in order to find people you can trust, you have to give them a chance to earn that trust. Yes, Sometimes it will turn out badly because some people are just like that. However when you do find someone you can trust you will be much happier and you will forget about the ones you backstabbed you. Im here to talk if you want to add my MSN [email protected]. I love talking to people I dont know yet! Hope that helped somewhat. Goodluck!

  • You Are an Optimist optimist.jpg You definitely see the sunny side of life, even when things aren't going so great. And while you may not be a realist, your optimism has really improved your quality of life. You have the energy to take charge, solve your problems, and enjoy life for what it is. Optimists are happier and healthier - so keep thinking positive!

  • Re: Was i talking to a pedo?

    RiderzFan - - General Advice


    Because you cant be 100% sure if any of the people who post in these sections are people with real problems or if they are just trolling. I take every post seriously. When people like you joke about another persons problem it just makes everything worse. Im done posting here. Goodluck manboy.

  • Re: Was i talking to a pedo?

    RiderzFan - - General Advice


    Quote from CashMoney: “The kid is a troll for god's sake. ” And why does that concern you so much? themanboy, just stop talking to these people. If he continues to harass you then contact someone.

  • Re: Was i talking to a pedo?

    RiderzFan - - General Advice


    CashMoney, just drop it already... themanboy, you just have to stop talking to him. Im sure if he does things like that he will be caught eventually. Just block him.

  • Re: stuff i've made

    RiderzFan - - Creative Writing


    Sorry didnt find any of those funny. I think this section is more about making things that take talent. Not just stealing things from other sites and putting text on them. The PC check things were kind of good though.

  • Re: what music festival is best??

    RiderzFan - - Music


    I went down to the Harvest Of Hope fest a few months ago. Best time of my life. ALL of my favourite bands were playing and we partied all night. heres a video of my favourite band playing. YouTube - Against Me!- Pints Of Guinness Make You Strong- Harvest Of Hope 2009

  • Re: College

    RiderzFan - - Education & Jobs


    Art Institute of Vancouver

  • I dont believe in picking a career for money. Do something you love and that will get you out of bed every morning. I don't know about you, but I would rather live in a shack and do something I love everyday then live in a mansion and drag myself to a job I hate everyday. Follow your heart, not your wallet. Of course your changing. Changing is a part of growing up. Dont be afraid of change. My goals and beliefs are completely different from what they were 2 years ago. Thats because im maturing, …

  • NES (Which blew up) SNES (Best system ever, I still play it) Playstation N64 Xbox 360