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  • Re: idkkkk i guess im confused. . .

    OllieRambles - - LGBT


    he makes you feel like your in heaven you think he's sweet and kind and you love his smile . . . and im willing to bet just hearing his name puts a smile on your face So what if he's a guy? It's the feelings that count right? I mean sometimes personalities can really just make you fall for a person regardless of what gender they are.

  • Quote from Lester.0: “The bible does not mention about what happened to the dinosaurs.” So they were just unimportant kinda weird . . . i cant see people ignoring giant dinosaurs roaming around. God didnt mention any dinosaurs when he did the creation story (at least i dont think he did) so are dinosaurs just some mistake better left forgotten to god?

  • Re: Ex-gay Camps

    OllieRambles - - Debate and Discussions


    i have a gay friend and when her parents found out she was gay they took her to someplace to receive shock therphy o_o that obviously didnt work out so they stopped soon after it started but they constantly where on her and were throwing their faith in her face or something like that . . . idk but she finally moved out and is staying with her gf now. =/

  • Quote from Lester.0: “a day doesn't really man a 24 hour day as we use now. A day just means a certain amount of time. The 7 days in the bible could of been millions of years. So while God was making the Earth, dinosaurs were existing. No hate plz.” so did god kill them off than too?

  • Yes I think it can be justified . . . it is def. a decision to not take lightly and takes a lot of time to think over and think of the causes and effects of the act, BUT I think it can be done. It's a very fine line but I believe someone can make it :p

  • Why aren't dinosaurs never mentioned in the bible? I mean they obviously existed so what gives?

  • good question, but i think it would get too complicated. Would i be able to go into a bathroom just for lesbians I mean Im a girl and it doesnt matter to me . . . but then there would be the fact that some people would see it as if theyre are bathrooms for gays i shouldnt see any gays in the hetro bathrooms at all anymore. So then we'd have to inforce that both ways right? So what happens if I go into a bathroom for lesbians only and claim to be bisexual??? O.O see too complicated.

  • Quote from artizhay: “The girls were probably shy. There is no reason your clothes would scare off someone just because they weren't like that one girl's clothes. That's just absurd. People wear vastly different clothes and still attract other people. People are often "hard to approach," however, if their body language doesn't present them as a welcome person. Arms at your side, smile on your face, head high, etc. Also, if you're always surrounded by friends, that also makes it scary for a girl …

  • So Ive never been in a relationship before and I havent really given it that much thought. I mean yes it would be nice to have a boyfriend and whatnot but it has been brought to my attention that im kinda hard to approach? I dont have too many guy friends but the ones I do have are real awesome (lol but who doesnt think there friends are awesome?) Anyway according to my friend Hakeem I seem too aloof for something like a relationship, like idk. But its weird because my friends in relationships c…

  • Re: We take things..

    OllieRambles - - Friends and Family


    very true. Doesnt change the fact that they still piss the hell out of me, give me headaches and then some.

  • My mom is got to be one of the fakest people I have ever known, it’s ridiculous! She can be a total bitch about the dumbest shit and still find a way to make it seem like she was in the right. (Ugh!) My mom just got her dream car after waiting for ever she just couldn’t hold out anymore. She got herself a brand spanking new white Lexus that she’ll be regretting for the next five years of payment -__- anyway she goes out flossing to her close friends and then keeps it a secret from her friend of…

  • people say they see gods miracles all around them and thats all the proof they need . . . well ive been looking and i still have no clue what the heck their looking at =/ but id sure like to know coz i obviously cant see it.

  • Re: What attracts you!

    OllieRambles - - Teen Sexuality


    i dont have a type

  • hm height isnt really a big deal to me =/ I mean it be cool to have someone still taller than me when i wear heels but i seem to be attracted to guys who are short for my height. Im 5'8 and I usually end up crushin on hguys who are 5'7 - 5'10 one guy was even like 5'5ish!!

  • oh christ, i swear we're in the same boat. I have the same fucking problem, and it really does pull all the energy out of you. It sounds like you're a really great friend for both of them and of course you care for them both dearly and don't wanna hurt either of their feelings which unfortunately hurts your own feelings i know how you feel its like geting the short side of the stick repeatedly. the only difference between our situation that i read was that you said you would jump at the chance t…

  • thanks since college started i dont get to see david to often (he doesnt like hanging around with our friend karla) but i see melina like once a week or so. Theyre both really important to me (and I think ive already hurt Melina once) and i dont want to seem like im flirting with david but our friendship already seems kind of off.

  • okay i really appreciate the advice but im not pursuing david so that doesnt really help me out here . . . i dont want to date david.

  • im pretty okay with the way i look i just wish my hair was longer and not so dry

  • Thanks but I don't want to be David's girlfriend and I don't want David to be my boyfriend. I like him and Melina together. I just happen to have feelings for him. Does that make any sense (sorry if im confusing you) I like him but I don't want to be with him. They are both my friends and I like them together and even if they weren't going out I would still just wanna be friends with David. Yet I have these feelings for him -___- I just want them to go away.