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  • Re: Help A Virgin

    cookies890 - - Teen Sexuality


    become a hooker

  • prolifers

    cookies890 - - Teen Sexuality


    why is it that most prolifers have no idea what their talking about? fetushs are nothing but a clump of cells they dont even feel pain they are no where near to be compared to a living child

  • Re: Gothic

    cookies890 - - Fashion


    i don't really like gothic fashion it looks kinda cheap sometimes scene is better

  • Re: 15 and pregnant

    cookies890 - - General Advice


    Quote from Dr.Janis™: “Theres a human being in there! hello!? Abortion isnt the answer... Put him up for adoption... At least he'l live... It's a child! you cant just kill him... It's NOT HIS FAULT!!!!” fetushs are not human beings a baby is a living person with emotion a fetush is like egg yook nothing but a cluster of cells

  • Re: 15 and pregnant

    cookies890 - - General Advice


    Quote from Dr.Janis™: “Theres a human being in there! hello!? Abortion isnt the answer... Put him up for adoption... At least he'l live... It's a child! you cant just kill him... It's NOT HIS FAULT!!!!” fetushs are not human beings a baby is a living person with emotion a fetush is like egg yook nothing but a cluster of cells

  • Re: Abortion

    cookies890 - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from Dr.Janis™: “Hello. This is a wery serious topic, and it's a wery good thing that people talk about it. But I dont think that abortions a good thing... Abortion is murder... You are killing you'r baby if you do that... No matter what you are going thru - it's not the childs fault that you scrued up! My opinion is to keep the baby.” mommys screwed up daddys no where to be found mommy is 14 with no job and her parents kicked her out mommy has no place to live mommys baby prolly wont get …

  • Re: Threesome. Uh huh.

    cookies890 - - Teen Sexuality


    seems like a whole bunch of work and sweaty to -_-

  • Re: underaged sex

    cookies890 - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from Punk21: “cookies wut u have to understand is that, i personally do agree with the fact that 12 and 13 is too young to have sex but wut i am trying to say is, wut can you or anybody do to stop it? nothing! the reason i bring up roman times is to show that it has happend all throughout history. second, i am not denying that grown men or woman are haveing sex with kids less than the age of 12 but, in most of those cases it's a rape, no a consented act from both parties. since there is no…

  • Quote from Bantam94: “This would only happen if u intended on having sex, which isn't always the case. Plus if they're over 16 (in the UK anyway) it wouldn't matter anyway would it?” it was a joke of course -_-

  • Re: underaged sex

    cookies890 - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from Waitingrose: “Myeah .. 12/13 is kind of young I think. But it's a difference per person of course, maybe people are mature at that age but that doesn't mean they're ready. But I think that at an age of 15 you've got enough responsibility and stuff.” im 15 and still a virgin i guess over time my interst in sex faded becuase there are other things i want to do with my life

  • Re: a 17 yo and a 22yo

    cookies890 - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from limeinthecoconut: “so im going to be 17 in a couple of months and a recently met someone who's 22...and while we're JUST friends since i have a bf and i WAS trying to hook him up with my friend who like really really likes him (she's 19) but he doesnt like her.. im starting to think he may like me .. he insists that age is just a number and blah blah blah... is it illegal for a 22yo and 17o to date? or is it just illegal for them to have sex? do u think it would be morally wrong? not …

  • Re: underaged sex

    cookies890 - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from Symptom of the Universe: “i totally agree with Cookies. i have a friend who lost her virginity at 12 and its totally wrong. 12 and 13 yearolds have no idea what they want or who they are. NO ONE should be having sex at that age.” im not trying to tell people not to do it i was just saying in my opinoin its kinda gross i mean its kids who wish they could have a fun childhood but i know kids who only think about sex all the time i mean at school everytime someone says its ok to have sex…

  • Re: underaged sex

    cookies890 - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from Punk21: “a female starts mentration at an average age of 11 to 12 years of age. i should know ok. worked in a hospital. a child who is menstrating at the age of nine is quite rare, it's starting to happen more and more often in southern american countries, but it still isn't happeng to the majority of females. there are ocasions where pedofilia occurs with children under 12 bu tthe type of pedophilia i was talking about is that of a mentor and a student, in the roman ages. It even hap…

  • porn

    cookies890 - - Teen Sexuality


    do u wacth it? sutimes i do i perfer japanese porn tho what about u guys?

  • Re: Virgin!!

    cookies890 - - Teen Sexuality


    i dont really know if i value virginty or not but i guess im a virgin im not proud nor im i imbrassed its just (im a virgin so?)

  • Re: underaged sex

    cookies890 - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from Punk21: “1. you are absolutly obsurd. you are not thinking rationally, and you will not listen to the opinions of others. no where did i say that pedophilia is ok, i just said that it use to happen and only with children from 12 and up. 2. The 9 year old haveing her period is extremly rare. 3. Anyone can male the decision, it's your body. but if you have the knowledge then you can make a better decision. 4. I'm pretty sure u don't know how naive kids of the past were. maby for their t…

  • age matters if you dont wanna be draging a sliver cup against jail bars :p

  • Re: underaged sex

    cookies890 - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from Punk21: “i wasn't just talkin back to the twenties but to roman times. it's apart of human nature. the only difference now is that we know more about the subject. kids today are still as niaeve as they were before, if not more. It's an awkward age, and feels are so powerful, they may think it's love even when it isn't. sure there are people who have sex for all the wrong reasons, but thats there choice our job is to talk to them and give them the info they need to make the right decis…

  • Re: underaged sex

    cookies890 - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from BabyJos: “gd point but i was watchin sum tv program n 2 teenage sisters were seein who cud get preg 1st, da younger did but wen she had da baby she didnt wana do anyfin n da older sis did it even though she was preggerz i was lyk how dumb can ya get” another funny thing is these kids who say "will if youve had your period its ok to have sex" but then i have to tell them what if a 8 or under wanted to have sex? becuase some kids that young can have a period its called Precocious pubert…

  • Re: underaged sex

    cookies890 - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from Punk21: “the thing all of you have to understand is that it isnt just now that teenagers have been having sex, they have been doin it all throught history. Sometimes it was with adults, and it didn't matter. sex is something the body craves, u can't stop it. people will be horny when they are horny. Now, they do have the choice to ignore the craving, or embrace it. But they have to think about what they are doing. you can't stop nature, you can only teach and hope they listen” i hate …