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  • Half-day period?

    Cheetolemur - - Health and Fitness


    Two days ago (saturday) I was pretty sure I was going to get my period. At one point, I was having strong pains, but I didn't have any hygeine products with me and I was out all day. When I got home, I found a bunch of blood down there. I cleaned up and everything, but I haven't bled since then. I was having those kinds of pains again yesterday night, and the lightheadedness and nausea and stuff, so I took some medicine and it went away. I still haven't bled since saturday though. Anybody know w…

  • Re: is it natural??

    Cheetolemur - - Health and Fitness


    Umm, your grammar is rather hard to understand, sorry, but I understand that if you're building up muscle in your legs they aren't gonna be chicken-skinny. Muscle weighs more than fat, but it isn't all flubbly, and its healthier than being super skinny.

  • Harmful dosage

    Cheetolemur - - Health and Fitness


    How much acetominophen (basically over-the-counter aspirin like Tylenol or Excedrin) would be a severely harmful dosage?

  • Re: My Girlfriend

    Cheetolemur - - General Advice


    There's a difference between wanting it (the natural bodily craving for it) and having the judgment not to do it. Meaning, she may want to have that experience, but not feel like she's ready to actually do it, or that it's immoral or not the right time.

  • Like Jenna said, don't read too deep. But if it's really bothering you, ask her why you haven't been intimate in a while. Point out that it's not all your concerned about, but you've just noticed the change. Besides that, though, am I the only one here who thinks it's just a *little* off that you've been going out for little over two months and are already having sex and talking about your whole future? Not that I have a problem with people who actually want serious relationships, but it just se…

  • WRONG WRONG WRONG. It doesn't matter if it's just physical, if he's in a relationship he shouldn't be involved with anyone else, period.

  • How bout you try talking INSTEAD of grinding? As sort of a way of saying, "I'm interested in getting to know you" instead of "Please screw with me."

  • Re: oral

    Cheetolemur - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from Skelator: “most guys would be fine with directing you while in the motions, as it were... sorry if thats not much help but ive never given nor recieved lol” well neither has the guy that I would (hypothetically!) be giving it to, so I'm not sure if he would know either >__<

  • oral

    Cheetolemur - - Teen Sexuality


    I don't really know much about it. I mean, I know what it IS, but if I were (hypothetically!) to give it to someone, I'd probably be kinda lost. Far as 'technique' and stuff goes I guess. Tips, or any specifics I might need to know? Hypothetically. Just in case... o__o now I feel weird.

  • Yeah, there are lots of people like that, then there are the ones who actually ARE bisexual.

  • STDs

    Cheetolemur - - Teen Sexuality


    Is it possible to have an STD before you've ever even had sex? Like are there certain diseases you can be born with or contract in other ways without knowing it and transmit sexually your first time? I know that can happen with AIDs, but I mean other diseases.

  • Re: Weird Weird Weeeeird

    Cheetolemur - - Teen Sexuality


    I know this is going to be shot down immediately, but perhaps you are afraid of getting more physical because you actually want to get to know him better?

  • A meaningful gift is always . . . well meaningful, lol. I'm sure she'll love it. good for you!

  • Definitely wait for the right person, who you want to spend the rest of your life with. One thing though on the marriage topic, I once heard a story about a man who didn't wait until he married. His wife handed him her purity ring on their wedding night and said, "Here, I saved this for you." He couldn't say the same. All he could say was "Thank you." He regretted that for the rest of his life. True story, just think about it. If anything it would be a real mood-killer on your wedding night.

  • 1. Lots of girls are into artsy guys, or are into photography themselves. It's just a personal preference for some people. 2. Personally I think it's just a *tad* too soon for a 13 year old to date, but even so I don't think her mother should just assume you're only dating her for sex just because you're 15. My boyfriend's mother initially assumed I was a whore when we started dating, for no reason I can think of, but now that she's gotten to know me better I think she's more okay with me and I …

  • Re: Bi Girls: Which do you prefer?

    Cheetolemur - - LGBT


    As far as immediate attraction, like just saying "he/she's hot", girls. But I think I'd generally be more interested in a romantic relationship with a guy, even though I would certain girls. I said guy anyway cause I have a boyfriend (that I'm never letting go! :)) and there are some things (besides sex) that only a guy can really seem to give you in a relationship.

  • Re: Dick is too big...

    Cheetolemur - - Teen Sexuality


    you should use lube whenever you have sex.

  • I just got back from a wonderful date, and even though my parents, who were chaperoning, saw us kissing and cuddling and said they didn't approve and told me not to do it in the future, they didn't really blow up about it or use their 'super serious "you're-in-trouble" voices. In fact, they said that they accept the fact that he's my boyfriend (probably partially because he acted very gentlemanly.) My question is why, after all of these relatively good things, can I not stop fantasizing about cu…

  • Have you told her you feel that way? If she's still pressuring you then maybe it's not the best relationship to stay in.

  • . . . who REALLY don't get along. See, I met one of my best buddies at my new school over a year ago. At the same time, I developed feelings for a guy who goes to the same school and is kind of rough around the edges sometimes . . . so anyway, the two of them have never gotten along. My friend is loud and not exactly the sharpest crayon in the box, and the guy (who I've now been dating for quite a while) is intelligent and reserved. Disaster. My friend wants to be supportive, and I can tell that…