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  • Boy Trouble.

    *Rawr* - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    So, I like this guy a lot and I told him I did and he said he did too but he didn't want to ruin the relationship we already have. Last night I asked him to do something and he said yes, so we're going to the movies together. He said he doesn't want anything serious right now and I respect that but I want to show him I'm a girl worth getting serious with so when he is ready for a relationship, he knows what I'm like. How should I show him that?

  • Insane Mother

    *Rawr* - - Friends and Family


    My boyfriend's mother is always yelling at him, threatening to beat him and constantly telling him to get out. He can't stand living with her anymore but he doesn't have a choice otherwise he'll be forced to live with his dad in another city and his dad is schitzo and bipolar. He's 16 by the way. What should he do? He has a friend offering him a place to stay but his mom will call the cops if he leaves.

  • That's a good idea but I think you should put a little distance between you guys after. If she feels stalked then showing her that you aren't "obsessed" with her would be a good thing to do. Maybe she'll realize you meant when you said just be friends.

  • Re: I Screwed up bad!

    *Rawr* - - Friends and Family


    She's your friend and I think she'd understand if you tell her that you were just upset and were saying things you didn't mean. Apologize to her and tell her you are really sorry for what you said and that you take it back and that you don't want anything to ruin your friendship.

  • Quote from Shute: “And what clearer way then to kick him where it hurts eh?” Thats always a way to go about it. Hurt whats most important to him.

  • What you need to do is go forward. Stop telling yourself not to. There is motivtion there you just need to build it up yourself. You say you have a pretty good life, thats a little motivation right there. You have some hobbies and a few friends. Hang out with those friends, make new ones and as for the hobbies get out there and do what you enjoy. And as for the above average income, thats a pretty good thing for you right there. You say you see no future for you, but if you have good money you c…

  • Maybe the reason you're starting to like him is because he's giving you attention. But its unwanted attention non the less. If you push his hand away and tell him to stop then he's pretty much sexually abusing you. You need to make yourself clear that you have no interest in him and he needs to stop, now. If he ignores you and continues this, you need to tell your brother or someone that can handle this.

  • Quote from VenomX: “You should fight about each other's religious views. That's called, "debating".” Religion isn't part of my life so why would I bother "debating" about it.

  • Quote from VenomX: “You've never once discussed religion with each other? What a boring friendship...” I said avoid confrontations, meaning fights about it. I never said we didn't talk about it. Sooo, yeah and how about you don't judge my friendship? Thanks :)

  • I think its because some homosexuals are afraid of what people might think. Like maybe their family doesn't believe in being gay or something. Maybe their friends don't accept homosexuals. Others may not be afraid and may get tired of hiding it and just want to be who they are.

  • Re: 75 Random Q's

    *Rawr* - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    Do you have any pets? Four. What color shirt are you wearing? Yellow, white and black. Name three things that are physically close to you: My phone, my keyboard and my pepsi. What is the last book you read? I'm reading the 7th Harry Potter book right now. Are you or were you a good student? This last year definately wasn't my best. I usually am. What's your favorite sport? Gymnastics. Do you enjoy sleeping late? Only when I'm really tired. What's the weather like right now? Sunny and hot. Who te…

  • Re: Orgasm

    *Rawr* - - Teen Sexuality


    I've had both. AMAZING.

  • Re: my run away brother.

    *Rawr* - - Friends and Family


    I agree with ames on this one. You should talk to your brother. Tell him how you feel and what you're afraid of happening. Sorry I can't give much insight, I don't know how this feels personally.

  • Re: am i a slut?

    *Rawr* - - Teen Sexuality


    Maybe you could just get in a relationship...and do things with that person? And keep things private, make sure that guy will keep things private.

  • They should be prosecuted for their stupidity. Not for smoking weed or anything but for actually thinking they were gonna get away with that.

  • I used to date this guy a few years back and I thought that I had really liked him. I had several people warn me about him and I was starting to worry a bit about the rumors I was hearing so I wanted to talk to him about them. When I told him he went insane and started hitting me telling me I was a stupid bitch and should just die. After that he was constantly threatening me, beating me up, sexually abusing me and telling me if I ever broke up with him or told anyone he would kill me. Well, I fi…

  • Re: Is this unfair? :'(

    *Rawr* - - Friends and Family


    Wow, the bedtime is a bit extreme and the fact that she says those things to you is a little over the top. A mother shouldn't say those things to their kids, even if its meant as a joke which I'm kind of thinking its not. You're 17, more than capable of making your own decisions and your mom should realize you're pretty close to 18 and once you're a legal adult she can't really tell you what to do. The fact that she says those things and is looking at your penis because she believes you're looki…

  • My idea of a slut is a girl who has sex with many people that she hardly knows or lets say sleeps around with other girls boyfriends. But if they have sex with people they do know and they're either in a relationship with each other or both single then whats the problem?

  • Quote from YA-GIRL-BALLIN: “hey everyone, i have started self harming again after more than a year of stopping, i started the first time because of problems at school and i tried to kill myself buy taking loads of pills etc, i dont really want to go into much detail but im just really down recently, things are pretty bad, i cant really say much more, i just wanted to post this to get it off my chest, thanks for reading” I suggest if you have any close friends, talk to them. Being alone is the wo…

  • Re: How Evil Are You?

    *Rawr* - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    You Are 56% Evil evil.gif You are evil, but you haven't yet mastered the dark side. Fear not though - you are on your way to world domination. How Evil Are You?