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  • Well okay I wasn't heartbroke i never loved him.. just liked him.. he told me that he didn't know I wanted to see him after the party and he said sorry for not trying to find me earlier. He first told me that I screwed up and should have let him kiss me thinking that i didnt like him so I told him I did.. and he said that he has a gf now..and that stung a little..but still i had a bf after kissing him so i guess it doesnt rlly matter..But he did ask if that he wasn't with his gf, not because of …

  • i just found out he has a gf.. and it hurts. ---------- Post added at 10:06 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:05 PM ---------- no buenos aires, capital of argentina

  • oh..rlly? and i dnt know if im going to keep seeing him.. i mean we can see eachother as of right now but i might move next yr or so...

  • Alright I feel like killing myself on this one.. i had this old school of mine from last yr.. but im still in the same province, like buenos aires. but like well at this party one night, this incredibly cute guy kissed me and frenched me too.. and that was my first kiss, i never regret it, although i knew he wanted to go out w me, i didnt give him an answer and ended up moving.. but now that im still in the same province w him and i got a chance to talk to him again on facebook and stuff... idk …

  • Well I mean I like a bit of aggresive guys thats playful and stuff... but id you're too agressive.. i think it might scare other girls away because of well rape and othr stuff...

  • well okay here it goes. about idk 3 or 4 months ago, i posted a thread on here saying that i was masturbating and started bleeding and everyone pretty much said i broke my hymen. but im confused because that was long ago, but even after that when ever i masturbate, i keep bleeding right after! and then i always am wet with liquid stuff that i dnt know what it is, it's not blood. but it's like right after, i always get blood, and then it just gets watery rlly watery and wet with the liquid.. what…

  • does that count as my virginity?

  • Okay well im a virgin, never had sex, just masturbated, but i dnt kno i was just finguring myself when i started bleeding and i dnt know if it's my period or something's wrong plz help me it is about 2 weeks before my period, and a little bit of a coincidence to say cauz i started bleeding right after i was done.. can someone just help me plz???

  • Oh really? *sigh* then I guess I should talk to him about it... but something that always stops me is the fact that I'm personally not good with guys in general.. had a few bad relationships in the past.. and I guess I'm just a little scared... but I'll try talking to him about it....:rolleyes:

  • First don't stress yourself. I think you should take her cellphone as a joke, say hold on I'll give it back just hold on, or something like that, and put your number in it. It shows that you r interested in her, and if she calls or txt back.. flirt!. A guy did that to be once.. and I thought it was rlly thoughtful and nice and just a flirty move to start something. so .. hope I helped? good luck

  • ty

    Spontainous4ever - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    Thanks everyone who answered.. and well we had a couple of church like movies and everything but I couldn't come for some reasons and the next day he's like Aww why didn't you come? And I was just like... sorry I couldn't.. and he's like okay but next time, make sure you come.. and then also when I missed a day of church, he did the same thing he was like don't miss church and we spent that day IMing eachother.. But I'm also scared to tell him how I feel because I don't know if he just likes me …

  • Okay well first the guy I'm talking about is 2 years older then me, he's 16, and I'm 14. But he's really nice, and he can really think of others. I met him at my church and we're all koreans there. When we went to this retreat, we had this prayer thing where we had to go around hugging people and basically praying for them. But I didn't get to him because we were in the same circle and it was one big circle outside, and another small one of people inside. So I thought.. Oh okay.. when he suddenl…

  • oh. well. ok. then i think i can calm down a little. but just asking... is it wrong if i enjoy it? it's like half enjoyment but half scared.... *sigh* is all fist times like this?

  • I used to live in New Jersey USA but then now, I'm in Buenos Aries, Argentina. :confused:

  • wow. i was watching some couples get pretty hot on TV, then i got rlly worked up.. and then i dnt kno everythig around me seemed like a possibilty.. i felt very naughty. lol

  • hugz

  • Oh. well....??

    Spontainous4ever - - Teen Sexuality


    Yes well i know he doesn't have like magical powers... but I'm worried at myself you see. Like can I just get carried away and maybe go to a point where I'm losing my virginity? And since my first kiss kinda went wrong with someone I knew for like 10 minutes... I feel like a slut sometimes and sometimes I think to myself, am i one of those girls who are really easy for boys to take adventage of?:confused:

  • Oh. thanks... i tried not to like anyone but it's just hard. Like, I'd just be single and flirt with other boys and have fun, and Francisco think I'm making him jealous and goes more with teasing me, and flriting, etc.. so yeah. I'm trying not to sweat it if u know what I mean but.. life is hard. lol:angeldevil:

  • oh. rlly? hm.. but what if i like him.. alott? and i think it's a little late for me to go back to not dating.. i had like 5 boyfriends before so...

  • Okay, here's the deal. I'm 13 years old and I have never kissed anyone. at least untill about 2 weeks ago. i had some boyfriends before but never well kissed. just a few hugs here and there and holding hands. but then I moved to another country where things move very fast, i'm not exaggerating, (oral sex for a 13 year old boy from 1 12 year old girl) *shudders*. But then i went to this party for the first time cauz my friends told me it was just a dance party. But it wasn't.. .it was more like a…