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  • She knows, she just doesn't care. I honestly don't get how people can say age is just a number it isn't! This guy has just come out of uni he is at the beginning of his life. My mum has been married, divorced and had three children. Most of which all before he was 9 years old. Does no-one see anything wrong with this at all?

  • Quote from raelene: “These days we have to realize more then ever that age is just a number. Yes, it's gross when a 18 year old marries a 65 year old just for his money. But it's not when both are at the same level of maturity and can relate to each other perfectly. So it may seem a little weird at first because all you can see is their ages, but once you get past that they're probably really alike.” Tom is so much like a teenager though. Age isn't just a number. My mum is 42 she would be stupid…

  • My parents I think have gone insane! My dad is 50 and engaged to a 32 year old which is pretty gross but you know I can handle it. My mum has been going on about how wrong it is. My Mum is 41 About 2 months ago she started hanging out with this Tom guy and the way she spoke about him was really sweet and I was happy for her. They met in this OCD support group so he knows the stuff which has always held her back in her other relationships like her deepest secretes. One day she asked me if I could…

  • How's this? Photoon2010-06-28at2111.jpg Photoon2010-06-28at21063.jpg

  • Quote from chickenugget: “You know how Rihanna has her short hair cut? You can go to the salon and ask for that. Search up pics on google. Then to go for a more feminine outfit, you can wear skinny jeans, and low cut tops” I wear skinnies but low cut tops don't do much when you only have c/b cup. Rihanna has a much longer face than mine and straight hair where as mine has a wave in it plus my hair is not as long as that yet hmm. Thanks for all your suggestions guys : )

  • Quote from justsomekid1: “at 13 not many guys do my age. Also people say I sound 8 so I guess I have a lot of maturing to do.” Fair enough, I was just basing it on my 13 year old brother but I guess that was a bit unfair as his voice started to break when he was about 10 & he has quite a big adams apple despite being so tiny himself. I just assumed caused you looked older in the picture your profile age was wrong. I think the best thing for you to do is finish school as you are bound to get teas…

  • Quote from justsomekid1: “ that's how I sound.” To me you sound like a girl, and as someone has said before as you don't have an adams apple I'd lean towards being a girl more. I guess you will have to see if your voice breaks or not. However seeing as you do have a penis it would require either a long painful operation or quite a lonely life, as sadly a lot of people do not like to be involved with people with a condition like yours. Not saying it is right but that is the way some people are. I…

  • I shaved my head for charity just before christmas. Since then i have been looking more and more like a boy everyday. Its driving me insane. If i wear a baggy hoody i just look like a tomboy trying to hide her boobs, I don't know how to dress casual without looking masculine. I also find really girly dresses dont suit me as much as they used to. I always feel weird going out with my boyfriend as I am scared people will think we are a gay couple. What styles can look good with short hair? I think…

  • What does your voice sound like? As that is usually the dead give away rather than physical appearance.

  • Have you ever thought you maybe in debts because your parents are spending so much money on hoping that you get a good way of life? So you can go to school and so you don't have to live on the streets. Maybe your Dad has gotten into a depressive state and isnt doing anything cause he doenst believe there is any point trying. College is damn expensive and money doesnt come from no-where at least they are taking the debts for you and not leaving you to face all of it.

  • Quote from Jasmine: “Well, I don't think you're in the wrong for feeling the way that you do. You care about your friend and you don't want her to get hurt. It's only natural for you be protective of her and want her to be happy. She hasn't the best of luck in the past, and it doesn't sound like this guy is quite the catch either. In my opinion, he sounds controlling and it could possibly get worse. However, if you want her to know how you feel about the situation, you should tell her. Be honest…

  • So my friend is moving in with her boyfriend who she met online in August. They met for the first time face to face on new year, and by February they were looking for a place to live. They now have a flat that she is due to move into in two weeks, which is a 5 hour drive away from all her friends and family. She has had a bad history with guys the last two she met on the internet both psychologically abused her and one cheated. She then very quickly moved onto a guy where we live who we all warn…

  • Quote from LakshmiM: “It's possible that your Stepmother needs you so that she can deal with it. For the 2nd time, she has to live with someone who seems to have a drinking problem. But this time she has you - a ray of sunshine, if you may*. If you really want to leave, you could try to explain that perhaps you can 'deal with' the drinking, but you just can't be happy with it. Hopefully, she will understand. I really hope things work out for you. *please excuse the cheesiness :D” I think you hit…

  • Quote from Batgirl: “I really like your idea and Heather's. Although I'm not sure if I can get your idea around here, it'd be great if I could.” most pharmacies sell them. Just from a quick google australia search i found this: one two three four Just look around in all the beauty shops and what not. I have never been to Australia so I dont know the high street stores but above is what can be found online.

  • the wet stuff is probs just your own natural lube and the blood is probs from you cutting yourself up or using unsterile objects which may cause infection. Using pencils to masturbate is never a good idea what if you get a splinter?

  • Re: Anal masturbation

    mynameisHANNAH - - Teen Sexuality


    a carrot in a condom lol.

  • here is a really good website How to Stop Cutting Yourself - wikiHow

  • Quote from Batgirl: “Lol. People like you are so ignorant. There are those who offered ideas in this thread which are the kind of ideas I needed, which is what I was looking for. Hence why I asked people what not to suggest in the OP.” so what have you decided?

  • long distance is hard but it can work. I have never done international but done 100 miles away & 2 months isnt that bad as long as you have quality time together when you do see each other but the uk & usa is gonna be pricey!

  • Okay so this will be a little confusing but bare with me. In 2006 I had a best friend who was my everything, we were basically an non-exclusive couple we would kiss, hold hands I would have done anything for him we were so in sync. One moment he would treat me like crap and blame it on his "cigarette cravings" the next he'd be all lovey dovey but i really loved him. Later that year my friend died so i turned to him for support as his Dad had died a few months prior and he was always kind of arou…