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  • Kill All Your Friends - My Chemical Romance

  • Something that really helps me when I'm feeling down is listening to music. It kind of takes you away from real life and lets you focus on other things.

  • sweatshirts. my only good idea.

  • I don't see how this will ever go away. Last winter it was the worst, and after months of trying on my own I finally felt better. For about two months I was doing fine. I thought everything was better. But last night it came right back and kicked my ass. If I can't control my emotions enough that I won't hurt myself in one bad night, how will I ever completely stop? Things will get better from here, sure. But there will also be much worse times I'll go through in future and it scares me to think…

  • this made me laugh...

  • Well when I say artist I don't just mean make a painting and hope somebody buys it. I don't know what field I'd go into yet, but the most likely would be animation (like tv shows, commercials), graphics (advertising, web development, logo design), or another. The school I want to go to offers majors in advertising, animation and special effects, photography, game design, media production, culinary arts, web design, graphic design, interior design etc. And they also have many employers looking to…

  • So over the last few months (actually nearly a year) I've gone through some seemingly extreme changes. I'm not talking about dying my hair or buying new clothes - I mean about my future goals. I used to think of being nothing other than a nurse or a neurosurgeon, and I signed up for a bunch of advanced courses and got on the track to do just that. Well, about 10 months ago there was this rather large family issue, and I was very depressed and going through a bad time. I noticed during that time …

  • Sounds pretty good. I think it's really interesting and sounds like professional work It sounds sort of like... the end of a great day - it's relaxed and calm... I like it! keep it up!

  • Re: Is it wrong?

    Chick_with_brains - - General Advice


    No, it's not wrong. as other people have said - you just need to respect that they're already taken

  • I can't tell you much about how to better the situation, but I can say that being suicidal or attempting suicide only makes it worse. I have actually attempted it twice and it's something that I have to live with every day. Now that I've tried to change and want to live to see my future it hangs over my head, never letting me forget how low I once felt. All I can say is that there really are better ways to get through this. Just keep thinking about the future. Anything is possible... sorry this …

  • Quote from twilightfreak: “hahahahha i see this was a stupid post. and even stupider to think that maybe people would TRY and hellp pml :lol::lol: sorry! ignore me; i'm going to try and delete my account.. i don't know if u can or not though..” .... oooooooookay. I think your account will close if you stay inactive for a long time though..

  • honestly a perfect guy is not what I want. The most important thing for me is that he can make me laugh, and respects me and my decisions. Looks aren't really important to me. There was this guy who I used to think was really not very good looking and then about a month later I started to like him more and I thought he was really attractive... so basically looks are a result of a good personality. But a perfect guy would be horrible. I'd like to find somebody who's screwed up before, or done som…

  • Just be yourself. If he's known you for that long then he'll definitely notice if you start to act weird. Maybe drop some hints, or - if it wouldn't be too weird - talk to him about it. Get his view on things. If you really want it go for it. Nuff said

  • I'm sure there's somebody out there who likes you... maybe just target a guy that you really like and go for him- start flirting or whatever your style is - or you might change your mind and decide that it's kinda nice to be single. Also don't be afraid to ask somebody out yourself. Sometimes guys just don't get the signals! and don't feel like a loser or something... I've never had a boyfriend and I don't really mind.

  • Quote from uptofortissimo: “Rob a bank.” that's a great idea! Oh, and be sure to check out my next thread: "I need help getting out of jail fast!" and thanks for all of the ideas, guys

  • Quote from swimchick26: “what about those google jobs? where you get paid to look for new websites?” never heard of it... I'll look it up

  • Quote from KP_O: “u can always become a pornstar :D” yeah, that was my next choice.

  • I need around $350 in the next two months We garden at my house but my family cannot afford to pay me anymore than they already do ($10 per week) And Ebay is a good idea... but I don't really know what to sell or the shipping standards... beanie babies? lol

  • I NEED to find a way to make money. I have to find a way to pay for band camp this summer (the camp is not optional attendance) and I'm lost. My parents can't afford it, and I've looked for job openings ALL around town and nobody will hire a 14 (almost 15) year old. If anybody knows any good, online sources or ways to earn money I'd appreciate hearing about it. and I know all about the "walk a dog", "have a garage sale", "sell lemonade" crap but that's not working too well either. thanks in adva…

  • Re: Derp.

    Chick_with_brains - - Creative Writing


    that's amazing! is it digital artwork or... ?