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  • I guess I should say, I'm a girl so this child isnt mine. Thanks for the help :). I've talked to her, told her how I've felt and I told her I was sorry that I couldnt get over her. I know for a fact that she doesnt want to be with me romantically, I'm just a friend to her and I dont think it will ever happen again, she wouldnt want to be with a girl while raising this child, thats how I see it. I've been trying to forget my feelings for her since December of last year. And I think she slept with…

  • Re: Hannah Montana

    addicted - - Music


    She's okay. I prefer Emily Osment. She's hott.

  • So I'm depressed and the girl I'm in love with (I'm bisexual) got pregnant. It took me all summer to accept her pregnancy, and she is now 6 months pregnant. Lately, I've been so hurt, so depressed lately that I've had suicidal thoughts and been drinking and smoking. I have a friend who is going through the same thing except she's in love with a dude and been trying to OD. Anyway, how exactly can I drop this? We used to be together, but it ended in March. I've been trying to forget her, but then …

  • sorry double post

  • Nope, I've never. My girlfriend has once. Lol.

  • Re: Who's Gay/Bi/Les?

    addicted - - LGBT


    I'm a bi girl, leaning more toward lesbianism. ATM, I prefer girls for sex.

  • Re: What instruments do u play?

    addicted - - Music


    I've just started with guitar.

  • Started as curiosity, then things happened and it was merely to get away from so many things. It was my depression and my way of wanting to end my life, which, of course, I dont want that to happen anymore. I've been on and off cutting, and its like, the only way I do it is when I get to a point where I felt so numb. Then again I've stopped. Its been a while since I've cut and yeah I've regretted it. Cutting/scars remind me of why I've done it and It makes me feel utterly depressed at certain ti…

  • At the moment two years older or younger.

  • Hard To Open Up

    addicted - - Friends and Family


    So yeah, I've been wanting to tell my parents I'm bisexual, but I dont know what to do or say. I've been open about it for a little over a year and I'm just sick of just hiding it. I want to tell my parents that I'm bisexual, but I'm just scared. I'm afraid of what they'll do and after seeing my sisters reaction when I told her, I'm afraid it'll be worse. I've been dating a friend for a while now and I really want to show her off, but whenever she's around the house, I just pretend shes a friend…

  • I guess my first love is my boyfriend right now. He's been my boyfriend for a year a month now. But I dont really know. It might just be puppy love.

  • Well, exactly what Mayank said. Most girls say that to mean that the guy is hot.

  • Suicide isnt the answer to your problems. Yes it sometimes feels like it's the only path you can go to, but it isn't, really. There is other ways where you can help youself heal from your problems. Yeah it seems like your friends aren't there for you, but they are. Go to someone that you can really talk to or get professional help. Please though, do not do this to yourself. There are many other things that will happen in your life and if you do choose this path, you may miss the big things that …

  • Cheating

    addicted - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    It already happened to me.. just came super sad.. and broke up with that person..

  • Panic At The Disco

    addicted - - Music


    I love Panic at the disco.. i love the song i write sins not tradgeties aswell.. but their whole album is aweosme..

  • i watched it in december it was awesome

  • High School Musical

    addicted - - Films, TV and Books


    theres gunna be a hsm 2 movie.. its not as bad as it looks..

  • Do You Have A Bf/gf?

    addicted - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    Nope single for a while now

  • My frnz's father died!

    addicted - - Friends and Family


    Its okay dont need to feel sorry things like this happen

  • My frnz's father died!

    addicted - - Friends and Family


    My grandfather just died like this morning so im really in a depressed state. he took care of me when i was younger. I cant help but cry :'( but yeah atleast all these people dont need to struggle any longer...