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  • Re: Beautiful Meditation

    username #17 - - General Advice


    Quote from Shute: “Sounds to me then that some meditation is just what you need. A viscious cycle. You can't meditate because you got too much on your mind. You have got too much on your mind because you can't meditate. No good.” Vicious cycle indeed. :{ I hope one day I can break it.

  • First off, I'm sorry you live in NC. I do too, but not for long. Secondly... Parks! Maybe you guys aren't into that, but my boyfriend and I love going to the parks to sit and talk. Some parks have things like paddle boating that you can do together, ooor... carousels. Stuff like that. And you know, NC weather is always beautiful.

  • Doesn't matter. Usually when I go out on dates with Jamz it's whoever gets to their wallet first.

  • Re: Beautiful Meditation

    username #17 - - General Advice


    I've always wanted to meditate but I find that it is impossible to clear my mind. I think about things constantly.

  • My beau joined the air force this previous spring. He's in week 8 of basic right now, but then goes to tech school. We'll finally get to see each other sometime in December, we guess, and then we're getting married. I'm finding that I don't need advice though! I miss him but I'm not sad or worried about it. Distance isn't much of a hardship for us, so we'll be alright. The thing that really bothers me is the fact that he is IN the military, since I'm anti-military.

  • I think that young girls like bad guys, but as they mature they want the good guys. When we're young, we want to have fun. When we get older, we want to find a companion.

  • Quote from Ammon: “A girl in a wedding dress, flopped over a stool, her head hangs low as it rests on the seat and the top of the flowers she holds in her right hand, which falls idly down, lay against the floor; a black pool around them -- it could be water or wine or blood, but you can't tell because there is no color. Her left arm supports her head and her knees are bent to support her back, and her nearly closed eyes tell a sad story. The black and white has stripped it of all of the minor d…

  • Quote from HopelesslyInLove: “Interesting subjects? Like what?” I don't know... Well, I love the human form so that's what really gets me, but we all have our things. I just think flower pictures are really common and I like things that aren't.

  • On black guys I like it short. On any other race, I like it medium. But it has to be cut closely along the neck, and have a good amount hanging over the forehead (but not so long it's covering his eyes too much).

  • Re: college? or HS?

    username #17 - - Education & Jobs


    Second year of college.

  • Re: Digital Doodles

    username #17 - - Creative Writing


    The first one is too blurry, and kind of a boring subject. I like the idea of the second one but the finger is really skinny, and the light lines on the lips didn't get the effect I think you were going for. I like how you did the tears though. Try using some different brushes and adding more texture.

  • Re: haircut? :[]!

    username #17 - - Fashion


    Nay on him, no offense to him. His face is too big for it, lol. But on somebody else it would probably look nice.

  • Re: Skinny Fat

    username #17 - - Health and Fitness


    Ooookay, so you're not being harsh, you're just being immature. Gotcha and moving on.

  • Re: Skinny Fat

    username #17 - - Health and Fitness


    Quote from xxXRawrHelloKittyxxX: “Apparently you have been misinformed. I suggest you research more before embarrassing yourself.” Errr unnecessarily harsh, methinks? But yeah, if you just do a million crunches you'll simply end up with muscle beneath tub. You have to eat right AND exercise to get the right effect.

  • I like the second one of the cat, and the white flower. I also think you need more interesting subjects.

  • Re: Skinny Fat

    username #17 - - Health and Fitness


    I've never heard of that term. I just consider it normal because um... Hardly anybody is all toned up like Jessica Simpson. But yeah, I prefer that look on girls and most guys. It's really attractive. Besides... Toned bodies are nice, but when I'm cuddling I'd rather feel flesh than hard muscle. XD

  • Go through this: Normal Breasts Gallery, part 1 - pictures of different size and shape breasts. Women who have not been pregnant. and I assure you, you will feel better.

  • Re: Computers

    username #17 - - Technology and the Internet


    Yes, what is your point?

  • Re: Kissing

    username #17 - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    My first kiss was terrible. Very wet and sloppy, and he decided to stick his tongue down my throat and gag me. I never liked kissing that much until my current boyfriend. He is a really, really nice kisser.

  • Re: Hypothetical Question

    username #17 - - Teen Sexuality


    No. I'd be cool with it. It means they enjoy our emotional connection more than our physical connection. Nothing wrong with that, and it doesn't mean they didn't like the sex. Just means they like me for me.