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  • People wonder what it's like to be dead but the way I see it we have already been dead, for millions of years. Where were you in 1000AD? You weren't alive or conscious of being dead which is exactly what it will be like when your brain ceases to function when your body dies.

  • Stephen Fry has spoke out against Islam specifically? Link me.

  • Quote from ThailandTom: “douche bag, your screen name is embarassing. firstly techno is shit and secondly that german dude under the influence of ecstasy dancing to techno int he street is a bigger douche bag than you are. techno techno techno!! we can discuss what we like and especially considering it is in a thread referring to luck in the DISCUSSION forum you can just go and dance with techno viking you big silly gay. Nobody else has complained so cram it” :rofl: I'm pretty sure using the ava…

  • This has to be the worlds finest publicity stunt. Seriously all the guy did was say he might burn a few korans and half the world has been shot by riot police. Talk about media controlling people...

  • Don't get me wrong amen to Stephen for that speech but singling out Catholicism is a bit off in my opinion. I suppose that debate was about the catholic church but I'll be more impressed when he has the balls to say the same for all the other evil religious organisations out there. Islam and Christianity as a whole are equally or even worse than just the catholic church. A lot of people in the UK will support what he is saying there purely on sectarian grounds which I'm sure Fry wouldn't want, s…

  • Would you guys mind just not debating about weather luck exists or not. It's embarrassing the other people trying to enjoy the internet.

  • Re: 2012

    Techno Viking - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from LuklaAdvocate: “Don't flatter yourself. ” Realising that there is no reason to think the world will end in 2012 doesn't make you smart. It just means you aren't painfully stupid enough to think it will. So I really amn't flattering anybody.

  • Re: 2012

    Techno Viking - - Debate and Discussions


    For anyone that thinks it will I hope it does for them. They really don't deserve to live on the same planet as me. It's a film. People sometimes mention some supposed Mayan calendar but what did you expect? that it would run on eternally? That isn't quite possible. Had the Mayans continued to tis day they would have just extended the calendar. Oh and above all that why has anyone started to believe what some ancient south american group had to say could possibly be true? They didn't predict it …

  • Quote from TheeCakee: “ At my school HALF the school say they are gay, but probably only a few are actually gay. They just want to fit in.” Youwhaaa? Surely not unless you live in castro. You trying to say straight guys go around saying they are gay to look cool?

  • Quote from SubtleInFiction: “I think sexual preference is something you're born with, but doesn't often 'cement' until you hit puberty. I read somewhere that twins often share sexuality. Look up Tegan & Sara - identical singer/songwriter twins that are both gay. ” Both twins begin gay clearly doesn't put birth over environment because they both shared one. If they were separated at birth then yeah.

  • Re: Noise

    Techno Viking - - Music


    I'm not intent on getting into anything I was just listening to some noise. Don't see what crystal castles have to do with anything, your clearly just saying that because your a fan hence the avatar. Good band though I'd love to see them live.

  • Re: Noise

    Techno Viking - - Music


    Quote from Asturias: “ jk i hate music fascism, but i do think if you can't get into it why force yourself? makes no sense to me. ” I'm not forcing it, I just gave a few artists a listen and thought it could be interesting but that I didn't really get it. I'm mainly talking about Japanese noise music like merzbow, the boredoms and hanatarash. Well at least that's all I've listened to so far. Some Boredoms and Hanatarash songs are good but I get the sense I only like them for their madness rather…

  • I puked twice during the trailer alone so I doubt ill enjoy the film. The first was when someone said the word "Epic" like a vagina and the second was when the fat girl said "Obviously" like a vagina.

  • This made me jizz a hole in my roof. [ame='']YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.[/ame] Looks like they got some extra cash which is good. Although what the hell is up with the dodgy plot hole that they supposedly all never saw each other all summer? Sure Jay was at his grans for a bit but come on that's retarded. They spent loads of time tighter outside of school in series two and I doubt they just severed all contact over summer... I know they can't make a who…

  • Noise

    Techno Viking - - Music


    Anyone listen to so called "Noise" music? Sounds cool but I can't get into it. (?Halp)

  • I agree with the if an alien can get from one side of the universe to earth then I doubt they would fucking crash-land idea.

  • I really don't think the government have the right to interfere with an independent adult because of what they choose to do with their body. Especially one like the UK government which ignores scientific research into illegal drugs and classifies them based on the general publics ignorant assumptions. If someone chooses to fuck themselves up I think they have the right to. It's when they start interfering with other people that the government should get involved. Drugs should be a persons choice…

  • Quote from DamnImGood: “I think homosexuality is a naturally occurring phenomenon in nature for the purpose of population control. What causes it, I don't know, but I lean towards genetics. Perhaps a gay gene, or a combination of genes, or some genes that create predisposition for it. It's been observed throughout the animal kingdom. No gay gene has ever been found, but 100 years ago there were no genes. Who knows what we'll discover.” How could a gay gene be passed down? By your own definition …

  • I think it is. That's why I say "That's homosexual" when I think something is bad instead.

  • I've not seen the first one but what about that was remotely scary? You might get a fright or something if you had it on really loud and were really concentrating but scary? No.