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  • Hah, this is nostalgic. My new years resolution for this year was to not have any more regrets. It worked out miserably, as you can probably predict, but I guess the key thing to remember is that you have to watch yourself, not let the small things bother you, and be more careful when judging the more important ones. Regrets are so natural, and they're everywhere. Balance is the key. For those who can say they have no regrets, of course it's not in every aspect of their life. If they're lucky, i…

  • It's served me pretty well in the past. You just need more experience.

  • Re: Nice guy paradox

    Kase - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    There's been thousands of threads on this. Look at those, please.

  • Re: A problem...

    Kase - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    Well. For some people it's difficult to control who they fall for. Your best bet would be to ease away from your feelings for her and focus on being her friend. If you really want to be around her, being a friend is the best way to go about convincing her to stay away from that boyfriend. If she doesn't, her loss. If she doesn't, you'll be chasing after her for nothing. Talk to her and see what she really wants in a boyfriend, and whether or not that guy meets her standards, douche and all. Reas…

  • It's your call what his eye contact signifies...I could generalize, but it's not like I know how he stares at you. It could be entirely normal, with nothing romantically involved at all; it doesn't have to mean anything. Smiling is common courtesy and it's the best way to avoid awkwardness. Just keep in mind that you're not around him all the time - since you don't have classes together- so you have no way of knowing what he does around most other girls. If he really is shy, then he would be dis…

  • It sounds like a great breakthrough for you, really. By all means, go for it. Even if you do live 30 min away, it's not far. Contact her by email/texting/phoning/snailmail...whatever you prefer. And you can always call her up to go see a movie to get to know each other better. Then go from there. Don't be nervous!

  • Re: loveless

    Kase - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    Hm, well. I can't tell whether he just has too much going on or if he split for other not so decent reasons. First thing I suggest is asking for a proper explanation as to why he split from you. That's the least he can give you right now. Then, if he wants some space, give it to him. I'll bet there's not much you can accomplish even if you clung to him and begged for him to come back. That's also degrading on your part. For now, focus on moving on. You might've thought things were going well, bu…

  • Re: do you like this dress?

    Kase - - Fashion


    Tbh, not really. I like the one Iceman posted though.

  • Re: My question

    Kase - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    Hm. Well even though you haven't been in a relationship with your best friend, I'm still going to use the word: closure. What exactly do you like about her? Try to oppose all of your reasons for liking her, list her faults, and weigh the pros and cons of being in a relationship with her. Moreover, I suggest you sort this out with her, face to face. She's your best friend, no? Then she should want to help you get over her, and you two should know each other well enough to make something work. May…

  • Re: Math help

    Kase - - Education & Jobs


    It's the same process as when you substitute numbers. ax^2 + bx = -c x^2 + bx/a = -c/a x^2 + bx/a + b^2/4a^2 = b^2/4a^2 - c/a (x + b/2a)^2 - (b^2/4a^2 - c/a) = 0

  • Re: Math help

    Kase - - Education & Jobs


    Use completing the square.

  • GJ, shemale!

  • Wait. "They" were trash talking you, as in, she was a part of that? Don't know why she'd admit it so blatantly, but oh well. If she's going to let herself be controlled to such an extent by her boyfriend, she's lost sight of what's really important. Sit her down and ask her what she values. If she can't make up her mind and doesn't care as long as she's in that relationship, then go figure. Find some other friends, because she's definitely not one if she'll choose a back-talking jerk over you.

  • @OP: I'm not going to say that I agree with your beliefs, but I'll respect them. If you can pull through whatever life crisis by way of religion, good going. Whatever floats your boat, right? I don't see any point in debating this. It's never going to end, and you know it. I call it a convenient WASTEOFTIME.

  • Re: I got some new shoes . . .

    Kase - - Fashion


    Nice colors! I'd trip every 2 seconds with that heel, but I'm sure you look awesome strutting around in them. :]

  • Weigh the pros and cons of both girls. Personality, intellectuality, appearance, attitude, etc. You get the drill. You can't base it off of how long you've known each other. If you do this then the answer is indefinite. You could keep them both for a year and still say "oh but I've known Girl A for one extra week than Girl B, so I can't make a decision." IMO, choose whoever's best for you right now. At this point in time. Who do you have a stronger bond with, and can see a future with?

  • Re: my mom said..

    Kase - - Friends and Family


    In a situation like this, the cause may be one of many. She may have been a young mom who had a baby and didn't ask for all of the stress that came with a child. The other end of the spectrum is that she may have just had a bad day, and took it out on you. Like several people said above, talk to her and tell her that it hurts you. If she doesn't give a damn, then there's no reason for you to hold back anymore. Although I will say that violence will probably get you into more trouble than you exp…

  • Re: My parents need a divorce

    Kase - - Friends and Family


    She might be staying with him because she feels that it's the best alternative for you and your siblings; children need a father figure. Or maybe she still harbors feelings for him. It's hard to put yourself in her shoes if you don't know the full story. Best bet is to talk to her and discuss the issue. Come to a conclusion that will guarantee the health and safety of the family, first and foremost.

  • Re: need HELP! ='[

    Kase - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    Yep, there's nothing you can do except to hope he eventually likes you instead. Be patient. Look at some other guys and maybe you'll find someone better.

  • Ever heard of text msging or the phone? That'd be much more realistic at least...