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  • Yes; when I was 13 my mum walked in on me.

  • I got taller (duh!)... My breasts started to develop (still growing in size) and my nipples turned more pink and sensitive. They are often 'hard' (not sure if I'm using the right word in English). Some hair started to grow in my armpits, and a bit in my public area. My pussy changed shape a bit, it got more sensitive to touch, I started to have a bit of vaginal discharge, and I started to menstruate. I started to become more and more aroused, often without any real cause. I started to become att…

  • Who has walked in on you.

    Pamela - - Puberty


    When I was 12 my older sister caught me when I was masturbating (humping the bannister). I was super embarrassed but she was cool about it. When I was 13 my mum walked in on me but luckily she didn't notice (I was in bed, under the covers).

  • Admitting To Masturbating

    Pamela - - Puberty


    1.Do you admit to masturbating? Sometimes; it depends who I'm talking to 2.Are you always honest about it? No, not always... 3.Are you open about it with all your friends? No 4.Only certain friends? Yes; my best friends do know I'm playing with myself. No real details though! 5.What about family? The only one I talk to about masturbating is my older sister 6.When did you start admitting to it? When I was 13

  • where have you masturbated?

    Pamela - - Puberty


    In my bed, in the bathroom, in the shower, in my sleeping bag (during camp), in a hottub, on the bannister of our staircase

  • Since I started masturbating, the longest I've been without is about 5 or 6 days I guess...

  • Rice Purity Test Scores

    Pamela - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    I scored 65, and I'm 14

  • Have you ever survey*

    Pamela - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    Been to the beach Yes, often Swam in the ocean No Played paintball No Had surgery No Been in the hospital Yes Had sex Not all the way Made out with someone in the shower No Taken over a hundred pictures in one day No Been grounded Yes Been beaten up Yes Beaten up someone else No Bullied someone No Been bullied Yes Gotten a piece of gum stuck in your hair Yes Failed a grade No Failed a test Yes Spent more than 4 hours online at once Yes Broken a bone No Broken a glass Yes Been drunk A bit Been hi…

  • What is everyone wearing right now?

    Pamela - - Fashion


    Panties and nightshirt (It's in the middle of the night over here, LOL)

  • Swimming; I like being in the water and it's a great workout Korfball (a bit like basketball, but different. LOL); I play competitions

  • What type of swimwear do you wear?

    Pamela - - Fashion


    Country: Holland / Netherlands Gender: Female Age: 14 Type of swimwear: Bikini (no thongs or stuff like that, just the normal ones) Do you wear anything underneath it?: No

  • Groped / Rubbed against?

    Pamela - - General Advice


    Sometimes it happens when it's very crowded (like when riding a bus or subway and I have to stand). Last year some guy was standing really close behind me and he was kind of grinding against my ass. I hated it and felt really embarrassed, but was too afraid to say anything.

  • I turned 14 in february, but most people think I'm 15-16.

  • Nipple popping out?

    Pamela - - Puberty


    Lately my nipples are hard almost all of the time, and I HATE it!!! When I'm wearing a padded bra it's not really visible, but when I'm not people can (and do) notice. Some make stupid jokes, or harass me.

  • Comfort with Body / Being Naked...

    Pamela - - Puberty


    How comfortable are you with your (naked) body? I'm pretty comfortable with my body, and for the most part I like the way I look How comfortable are you being naked around others. I'm fine with wearing a bikini, or when I'm in my underwear, but I don't like being naked around others. What is one thing that you could change with your body? I don't like it that lately my nipples get hard all of the time. I know it sounds stupid but I hate it when other people notice.

  • I don't have a lock on my door, but sometimes I really wish I had!

  • What Age Do You Act?

    Pamela - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    OMG! You Act Like You Are 10 Years Old You are a kid at heart. You never quite really grew up. You still have an optimistic life view - and you look at the world with awe. Playful and fun, you bring a lighthearted attitude to every part of life. You're a little irresponsible, but your charm makes up for it (in most cases)!

  • Rice Purity Test Scores

    Pamela - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys

