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  • Re: Stereotypes

    kirwan464 - - Fashion


    i am between cybergoth and metal head

  • My first amv.

    kirwan464 - - Creative Writing


    Just made this amv yesterday it is of the ichigo and grimmjows fight from the anime bleach. The song is called laid to rest its by a band called Dark Deception. If you like what you here the bands bebo profile is Dark Deception <DarkDeceptions1987> the song doesn't start until 8 seconds into the video [ame='']YouTube - Grimmjow VS. Ichigo[/ame]

  • Re: celebrity slim

    kirwan464 - - Health and Fitness


    Who the fuck gave me fuckin neg rep for this thread fuckin arseholes

  • Re: celebrity slim

    kirwan464 - - Health and Fitness


    1.8 kgs lost this week

  • Quote from Tiny: “Why are people trying to reason with Kirwan? Isn't it blatantly obvious that he's a raving madman. To me, reason is wasted on his like. It would be as if asking a berserker with a 3 foot war glaive charging you to sit down and have a cup of tea and debate the US economy today compared to 100 years ago.” Well i do drink cider and they do say cider is a mad mans drink lol But i just believe strongly in what i believe in and noone can change my opinion no matter wat they say.

  • There is obviously something mentally wrong with everyone here who would hit a girl/woman. I dont give a flyin fuck if i get banned for this or get more bloody infractions. But all you woman beater bastards should die as soon as possible and if i knew any of you i do it myself. And at the people sayin they could hit there mother how fucked up in the head are you. Yous all need to be strung upside down by your legs have your balls cut out and then fed to you and then just slice and dice you to bi…

  • Re: I thirst for more...

    kirwan464 - - Music


    2 more bands wednesday 13 murderdolls

  • Re: I thirst for more...

    kirwan464 - - Music


    Sisters of mercy Mortiis Combichrist Phsyclon nine Sin seduction VNV nation

  • Quote from Tiny: “Just because you say something, doesn't make it so. I have morals, thanks. You're a typical "macho" sexist type of guy, and it's worrying reading your blabbering all over this thread about how you're so appalled at people "letting someone hit their daughter". Get this through your think skull, no one would let their daughter get slapped, you ignorant! However, no one is keeping their daughter chained in their basement or to themselves for that matter. See now how it's pretty ha…

  • Quote from Tiny: “kirwan464 is an idiot and a sexist. Now that we have that out of the way. If a woman slaps a man, can the man slap back? Of course he can. It's not as if some invisible shield is protecting her. If he wants to slap back, he can and he'll probably do it if he feels that it's well deserved. Morally wrong? That depends on the situation and the reason for the initial slapping. PS. Using myopic in that sentence doesn't make you look smart. Using Microsoft Word to find a synonym does…

  • you look great

  • Quote from samkong: “If it for some medical reason some one has to go for it. But most of my friends who are circumcised always complain of discomfort under cloth. during erection, esp. in public place, during sex due to lack of lubricant, during urination due to to lack of foreskin they have to sit down and pee.Most of them have ulcer due to Mutilation. If you can keep yourself clean why should you cut some of your vital organ? We cut our hair nails etc. but it grows back. Foreskin doesn't grow…

  • Re: tattoo or no tattoo?

    kirwan464 - - General Advice


    Quote from Loopy_Loo: “been chatting with the lovly Tabzi. She has been great and has drawn up a few ideas for me i love them all but want your opinion on which u think is the best design. i will be having the tattoo on my lover back so i gta think carefully which will fit best! have a look and tell me what u think : your opinions will be great help i think i know the one i want but wana c what other people think.” They are all way too black

  • Re: celebrity slim

    kirwan464 - - Health and Fitness


    Week 3 weigh in: Only lot 1.4kgs this week but i have a reason for that on saturday i went out to the pub and had about 8 pints and then on the way home i got a bag of chips. So i dont really feel too bad about it

  • Quote from Assaultrifle: “ If we are myopic then how come you are the one who is stating the exact same thing over and over without providing any logical reasoning?” Because none of you can see that my opinion is actually makin sence. And none of the people who says its ok hasnt got a proper arguement either

  • woot i love a good anti goverment rant if you have any proof of this ill be with you 110percent as wars are a complete waste of time and money and lifes

  • you are a teen. but mentally and phsyically you are still a child i mean your body wouldnt be able for drinkin or havin sex or anythin like that. By right all teens should wait untill they are at least 16 to start doin any thin along them lines. Hence i believe teen title or not people are still children untill they are 16.

  • like i said in the pm if this is true then it was you sick ass husband who did it not us i actually tried to help her and i actually lost a few nights sleep thinkin about what i could do to help her. If this turns out to be a fake i will be seriously pissed

  • Quote from DamnImGood: “Such a well thought out rebuttal. My hat is of to you, sir.” Quote from S1919: “Nice way to show that you don't have a response.” Quote from hheartstrongg: “Haha, defeated.” Quote from AnonVendetta: “fatality” Does anythin Neal says actually male sense. All of yous are wrong yous just cant admit it, yous are all too myopic Quote from Loran: “Of course it isn't written in law. You have no right to decide what a person's morals should be and likewise you have no right to de…

  • Quote from Neal: “Why is it morally wrong for a man to hit a woman and not if a woman hits a man? Bear in mind there are way too many variables not given. If person A hits person B, should person B hit person A? Ask yourself that. There are also certain variables to take into consideration. For example, intent is vital. Intent is the difference between someone performing C.P.R. on you, and punching you in the chest. It's actually a common misconception that all genders are not equal, in terms of…