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  • Re: UHh

    Silverstein - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    Sorry im confused /: i really just thought cheating is pretty much doing things with someone else like kiss sex and stuff..

  • lol i just noticed this thread.. not much help

  • UHh

    Silverstein - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    Alright so im in an AMAZING relationship right now.. A dude ive knowen for awhile contacted me a week ago.. we started talking uh we talked sexually like jokingly but now he isnt joking.. I still wanna talk with him cause its fun but i dont think itd be right at all.. IS that cheating?

  • Re: Inception

    Silverstein - - Films, TV and Books


    Inception isnt good its amazing.

  • Re: Which Fragrance do you use?

    Silverstein - - Fashion


    Brittany Spears perfume FTW!!

  • You Crave Friendship You are a kind hearted and compassionate person. Nothing matters more to you than human connection. You are as generous as you can be. You enjoy giving to others, and you don't expect anything in return. You consider yourself lucky to have the friends that you have, and you're always looking to strengthen those bonds. You stay engaged and interested in other people's lives. You are one of the few out there who truly cares.

  • You Are Conditioner You have a mellowing, softening effect on everyone around you. You bring peace. You believe that a lot of our problems would be solved if we had less emotional turmoil. You try to relax and let go as much as possible. You believe in pampering yourself. No luxury is too indulgent if it makes you feel better. Your mental health is the most important thing.

  • You are 15 years old. No You have brown eyes that are so dark they almost look black. No You're a brunette. Yes Your hair's past your shoulders. Yes You have a boyfriend that treats you golden. Yes ... But you're still in love with you ex. maybe You've been cheated on. Yes You're almost 16 and you don't even feel this old. No Your birthday is in the summer. No You're a Leo. No You live in Indiana. No You love music. Yes You love writing. Sometimes You visit Florida every summer. I wish You've be…

  • You Are Carefree and Passionate You are wild, crazy, and a huge rebel. You're always up to something. You have a ton of energy, and most people can't handle you. You're very intense. You definitely are a handful, and you're likely to get in trouble. But your kind of trouble is a lot of fun. You are usually the best at everything ... you strive for perfection. You are confident, authoritative, and aggressive. You have the classic "Type A" personality. You are very open. You communicate well, and …

  • You Are Wild You have a true sense of adventure, and you're always about to take the world by storm. You aren't wild to the point of being reckless, but you do enjoy taking risks. You get bored and restless easily. You crave continual excitement and novelty. You would be miserable if you were stuck by yourself for a day. You thrive off the energy of other people.

  • facebook-40x40.jpg myspace-40x40.jpg twitter-40x40.jpg su-40x40.png You Should Move to the City You are a people person, and you like to be in the middle of it all. If you already live in the city, then perhaps what you need is an even bigger city! You are very social and energetic. Being in a city that is on the go inspires you. You need a lot of opportunities for work, fun, friends, and growth. Only a big city can provide you with those.

  • Re: Which Genre do you hate

    Silverstein - - Music


    Country depresses me

  • Re: am i ugly.. ? :\ (pics)

    Silverstein - - Fashion


    How the hell are you ugly? People obviously need glasses your BEAUTIFUL!!

  • Alienware if you play games.. :3

  • Re: Legend of Zelda

    Silverstein - - Video Games


    Quote from Alejandro: “Hah, I remember playing Majora's Mask for the first time with a friend. We were like, 10-12? The 3 days passed and we were like, "what? we only have 3 days? f--- this!" Little did I know years later you could re-wind the time. :nono:” Lmfao I remember getting the gamecube that came with the some of the games series or whatever.. Ive played that game for a long time now and i just figured out how too do that -.-'

  • Re: The Maine !!

    Silverstein - - Music


    The Way We Talk is theyre only good song in my opinion

  • Nah I dislike blood D: but ik someone who does

  • Aha i was in the same situation except he ended up moving.. Then one day i was at my best friends house well i was talking about him.. I decided to call him with her. I got his number and we ended up meeting together. He asked me out the problem was my friend (after i asked if she REALLY liked him) aparaentally had feelings about him to and hell broke lose.. But were good now so go for it!! He seems to be acting how Nick (the dude) did [: Good luck

  • Ive never cut before but i do agree on walking running and such.. I used to go on 2 hour walks when i was upset or mad.. It helps you think ALOT through [:

  • Re: Masturbation, Girls?

    Silverstein - - Teen Sexuality


    Rofl I masterbate