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  • Quote from Goddess of Judecca: “ And, uh, newsflash: it's not good to want to dominate your partner. Oh well, I'm alright with judging when it comes to Twilight. That just makes you look worse than your actual posts already do ~Maggot” First, i never said dominate. there's a big difference between being a dominant (ie. making the plans, adressing things up front, being more forward in the relationship) which, believe it or not, most healthy relationships have one, and dominating (ie. forcing act…

  • ok, here's a thought. perhaps girls don't see the age, they just see the guy. and if he were the same age or older, it wouldn't matter because this guy caught their eye. And when they find out his age, it doesn't shake um, cause this guy, there's something different about him, something intruiging, something that they can't quite figure out. So age plays no part in it. it is, afterall just a number that after a while, doesn't mean a thing.

  • Quote from Goddess of Judecca: “... Wow, that's fucked up. But not at all surprisingly coming from a Twilight fan. ~Maggot” how is that fucked up?! guys always get to be the dominant in a relationship and i think that for strong girls, that's hard to just sit and not have any power. And the twilight comment. really uneccessary. i mean, what i just said is absolutely opposite of what those books are! And by the way, i'm not much of a fan anymore. i just don't feel the need to change things on a w…

  • So there's this guy that i've totally been crushing on since school started (like a month or so). He's new to the school so he doesn't know many people, and not many people know him. So this guy has me totally off my game... i'm usually a big flirt and kinda know amoung my friends for getting the guy, but with him, i'm having issues even thinking of what to do. I'm afraid i'm kinda coming off as not liking him as more than a friend, which really sucks. But then today he asked me if i was going t…

  • Personally, i don't like JUST younger guys but when i do, it's because i feel like i can be the dominant. It's nice to have a little bit of power in a relationship every once in a while. With older guys it's a bit harder to be as "agressive" in a relationship, but with younger guys, it's like you're teaching them, you get to be dominant. hope this helps!

  • not really survey format, but anyway... i was just thinking about this, for some reason, and was wonder what other people thought about while kissing someone... like if it's a really bad kiss, is your mind totally else where? cause i know that's happened to me. lol or are you thinking about how to move your lips? or whatever else?

  • Re: Boob sizes?

    team jacob - - Teen Sexuality


    I'm a 32c which is just about the hardest size to find here, well, besides 30d (which i got fitted and that's what they told me i was, i think they're crazy...) i'm 5'5 and 105lbs, so i guess you could call that proportional. i wear like a 5 pants so my hips even it out.

  • what to do??!!! so i really really hit it off with this guy. but there's a couple problems. first, he's mormon and i'm not religious. at all. second, he's going away for two years on a mission trip and he won't have any internet or anything. so we're going to write letters. i know this sounds absolutely useless and everything, but i mean it just feels so right! i feel so comfortable around him. it was wonderful. i've absolutely never felt this way about anyone before. we met about half way throu…

  • Age: (16) # of Relationships: (4) Longest Relationship: (4 months) Shortest Relationship: (almost 3 weeks as official but after we broke up, for two years it's been up, down, and all around strange)

  • well, we here in nor cal like to say "hella" before everything so hella hottie (as in "he's a hella hottie!") hella cute hella smokin' hella fine

  • let me write this in as little as possible. me- 16, senior in high school, artist, tennis player, California him- 20, 2nd year of college, business engineering, tennis player, Belgium (off school)/ Netherlands (school) when i was a freshman he was a senior foreign exchange student at my school. since i was on varsity tennis as a freshman, i got to know him and this summer he came back to visit his host family for 2 weeks. i saw him several times, met his parents and brother, played tennis for ol…

  • don't even ever insult a girl. that's gonna get you nowhere. all it may get you is a slap in the face. if you feel like there's a wall, you're probably trying to talk to the wrong kind of girls. Look for one that may be a bit quieter. if she smiles at you, that means that she wants to talk to you. read body language. Pay attention to what she's wearing. this may sound rediculous but girls like to wear their personalities. if she's wearing a band shirt, bets are that she likes that band. instant …

  • oh, i guess i didn't mention that they're both seniors graduating in 2 weeks and i'm a junior... not to mention, i have no idea whether or not the shy guy likes me. i mean we do talk a lot, well, i do most of the talking, but i always have to start the conversations.

  • ok, so about 4 months ago i started talking to this guy on my tennis team. we started talking just as friends on facebook but soon started becoming closer. so he started giving me rides home and flirting with me and all this other stuff, and that's all fine and dandy except, about a month ago, i started noticing his best friend (what's sad about this is i've gone to school with them for 7 years now). He's really quiet (at least around me) but so funny. i think he's really shy. Anyway, so now, i'…

  • I'm a girl and i'm in the friend zone. it totally sucks. i've been in the friend zone for 2 years now and i have attemped to get out of it. unsucessful. so ya, any tips would be extremely helpful.

  • it's not immature to not like someone because of physical features, it's nature. we are attracted to people who we think (subconciously) would be best to either carry (female) or support (male) our offspring, whether it's just a crush or not. Of course there is the chance that some person's subconcious says "more weight equals better", it just depends on the person. so sorry that we can't tell you exactly what his preferences are, all people are different. One thing though, it is true that most …

  • this actually sounds a lot like me. i broke up with my ex-boyfriend, now really close friend, over a year ago and sometimes i do get more mad at him than my other guy friends because i still like him and i still want him to be that sweet guy that i knew at the beggining of our relationship. the thing is, i get really really jealous because he has a girlfriend that is in love with him (i've never actually heard him say that he loves her) and i know she doesn't like me, so i end up getting mad at …

  • i usually put my hands between my legs when my hands or legs are cold. it has nothing to do with whether i'm wet or not. truthfully i don't even think about it. just kinda habit during the winter.

  • you inspired me. i asked out this guy i like for coffee. i asked him if he liked coffee and he said he didn't know, so i said that we'd have to find out. we're going saturday. so thank you!

  • Re: Attracted to Ethnicity?

    team jacob - - Teen Sexuality


    i don't really care all that much about skin color, but i do like either really light freckled skin or dark carmel color. like seriously though, skin color to me isn't as important as hair and eye color. green or blue eyes and black or red hair. but again, it doesn't really matter, if someone's hot, they're hot! i'm not going to deny that just because they have brown hair, tan skin, and brown eyes!