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  • Im not sure if she knows I like her or not, even though its kinda obvious if I call her and text her asking to hang out..

  • I really want to ask her the questions but I'm nervous because we've only met once. Still, I gotta get those prom tickets soon, next week soon. Time is running out.

  • This is a "followup" to my other thread in this forum "Prom issues." Very long. Please help.. My senior prom is in three weeks. My friend Mike knows this girl Marta, and he got me to go with here. That was three weeks ago. We haven't texted each other or anything for two weeks. We were counting on Mike to have us all hang out because he's the mutual friend, makes sense, right? Well, timing was bad multiple times and Mike had work a lot, so we never got to hang out. So, last week I finally texted…

  • Bump.

  • Bump.

  • Seriously? No responses still? Wow..

  • Thanks, pretty much what I've been thinking. Could use some more input.

  • 38 views come onnn!

  • Peanut Butter and Shrimp. Not together of course. lol

  • Prom issues..

    Jade91 - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    Ok, here we go. Quite a few issues, I'm gunna break it down. 1.) My school's prom is quite early, late march. My friend hooked me up with one of his friends (let's call her M). M and I have not met yet, but it's pretty much a done deal we are going to prom. I am getting my license this week, so I've been relying on him for us all to meet in his car. My friend is not very reliable, and M knows this as well. Over the past two weeks, I've had her number because he's used my phone because his ran ou…

  • Re: Capital Punishment

    Jade91 - - Debate and Discussions


    I'm for it. We just need to get rid of how many times murderers can appeal, and do it asap and not 10+ years. In fact, let's bring back the Colosseum and feed people who kill innocent people to the lions.

  • The title of this thread is "Why are you an Atheist/Agnostic?", not "Let's discuss how we hate the people who don't believe what we believe in!". Stop derailing the thread, you people know who you are.

  • Quote from Ripplemagne: “Concession of defeat/stonewall? So, wait. Someone else's opinion of you is what leads you to your beliefs? Are you not comfortable enough in your own sanity to be earnest in your commitments?” I don't believe in Christianity or any mainstream religion because I believe in science, which is why I'm an agnostic. I'm plenty comfortable. All Catholics believe if you do not believe Jesus Christ is your lord and savior, you're going to hell, place of sinners, place of crazy pe…

  • As an Atheist, I hear from Christians that I'm going to hell. As a Christian, I heard from atheists that I'm crazy. I'd rather be going to hell than be crazy. To the OP: I'm not trying to disprove anything as an Atheist. All I know is, ever since I turned into an Atheist, I am now perceived as a negative person. /shrug

  • Quote from Ripplemagne: “Cease fire, theistic brethren. The statement that no science-minded person is theistic is absurd and we all know. Afterall, I'm religious and I'm going into Clinical Pathology. As provocative and silly of a statement it is, leave it be here for the reason I'm about to explain below. I'm sure we can all agree that it is very obnoxious when atheists feel the need to stick their noses in discussions that do not pertain to them. Examples being "Is so-and-so a sin" and then y…

  • Good thing it's just a movie!

  • Shutter Island

    Jade91 - - Films, TV and Books


    Some reviewers said it was good, some said it was terrible. I went to see it myself at the midnight screening with a friend, and I thought it wasn't the best Scorsese could've done. The island was very cool, the music was amazing, Leonardo was good as expected, but something was missing. The ending wasn't enough for me, I was really hoping something else was going to happen, but I knew it was the end when the screen settled on the lighthouse. Yeah, the ending wasn't expected. When I saw the twis…

  • This thread wasn't made to debate religion. It was made to share stories on why people became Atheists.

  • Re: Motivating Students

    Jade91 - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from Bektas: “I need to write up an essay on methods of motivating students at my college. I figured it may as well be a discussion on what will motivate you guys to work harder at school. A reward system. It needs to have drawbacks though or people will want rewards whenever they succeed in life - that could be bad. I heard money works! =) And also answer this too, thanks! What's the main reason/s you attend your current school? - Social needs? (creating friendships and generally fitting …

  • I saw the thread asking why people believed in a god, so I thought I'd make a thread why people do not believe in a god, or simply have trouble believing in one. Please, don't be afraid to not state your beliefs, I really want to hear your processes into becoming a minority in the religion debate. I used to be a lapsed Catholic from the day I was born until sometime last year. I think the reason I was a Catholic was because I was brought up that way, and children really can't make strong decisi…