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  • Lol. He's not Canadian.

  • Re: Dad hates gays :(

    Heather - - LGBT


    You need to sit your dad down and have a talk with him. Explain to him that you're the same person you've always been, and that knowing that about you , isn't going to change you at all. You're not a different person. you're still the son he has always had, and he's going to have to accept it. He might just be shocked right now. But eventually you'll need to sit with him and have a talk. There's no reason you should be feeling uncomfortable with the person you are.

  • You Are an Armchair armchair.jpg You are a supporting and caring person. It's likely that you are an old friend to many. You are inviting and welcoming. You don't mind if people tell you all about their problems. You need to be needed, and you enjoy having other people depend on you. You find meaning in being the rock. People can really let down their guard around you and say exactly how you feel. You know all of your friends extremely well. What Kind of Chair Are You? Blogthings: Discover the P…

  • No, I don't believe you are. Long Distance relationships are hard, and communication is key. Talking to him is very important. There's absolutely nothing wrong with how much you message back and forth.

  • Re: Sexting!

    Heather - - Teen Sexuality


    [ame='']YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.[/ame]

  • Just do what makes you both feel comfortable.

  • Re: Pandora

    Heather - - Music


    I have 3 stations. 1. Lady Antebellum 2. Lady Gaga 3. Blood on the Dance Floor.

  • You Are Bingo bingo.jpg You are easy going and popular. You have a lot of friends in your life. You are a social person and you enjoy camaraderie. You prefer to do most things with a group of fun people. You love conversation, and you're happy to chat with almost anyone. You simply like people. Old friends appreciate your loyalty and good advice. New friends appreciate how friendly you are. What Kind of Gambling Are You? Blogthings: We Have a Quiz for Almost Everything

  • Moved to the correct section.

  • You Are The Introvert introvert.jpg You are a thoughtful person who could also be described as downright intellectual. You enjoy spending time by yourself, and this leads to a lot of thinking. You tend to have a few close friends instead of lots of acquaintances. Your bonds with your friends are strong. While you may not be outgoing, you are a great conversationalist. You have many interests and as a result, many things to talk about. What's Your Grown Up Stereotype? Blogthings: Take a Quiz. Ann…

  • You Should Have a Blue Christmas Tree blue.gif For you, the holidays represent a time of calm, understanding, and peace. You avoid family fights, and you don't get too stressed out - even when things are crazy! You like to make Christmas about making everyone's life a little bit better. You don't get caught up in greed or commercialism. You're too sincere for that. Your blue tree would look great with: Lots of silver tinsel You should spend Christmas Eve watching: It's a Wonderful Life What you …

  • Re: :/

    Heather - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    Jerry I know exactly how you feel. The only difference is I don't ever see him. But he texts me on occasion and it just makes everything so much harder. MVP is right, it's going to take some time and you'll never really forget her completely. She was apart of you for some period of time. The best advice I can give you is just keep yourself busy to keep you from thinking about her. Go out, have fun, be with friends. Also, don't forget, she's your ex for a reason.

  • Confidence and their ability to talk to anyone.

  • Moved to the correct section. I like it, btw.

  • Re: One month anniversary dinner :D

    Heather - - LGBT


    That looks amazing. I'm so jealous.

  • You Are a Gala Apple gala-apple.jpg You are cute and sweet. It's hard for people to resist your simple charms. You are a hybrid of a couple different influences. And you change as you're life goes on. You are sassy and fresh. You have a distinct personality, but you are never too over the top. You are the kind of friend that stands the test of time. You are true to those you love, even as times and relationships change. What Kind of Apple Are You? Work is Hard. Time for Blogthings!

  • Quote from Gooeyswat: “If sex is the only thing differently that you've done that may have caused this, I'd say you might want to check with a doctor on this matter. It's been a few days, perhaps wait until it's been a week or so, and then go to a professional if it continues. That's just my suggestion, hopefully though someone else here may have been through this and may know what to do.” This. Also, make sure that you don't continue to try and force a tampon in there. Switch to pads for now, o…

  • Re: Squirting

    Heather - - Teen Sexuality


    :rolleyes: ---------- Post added at 03:06 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:06 AM ---------- Getting off topic...

  • There's absolutely nothing wrong with recognizing that you need help. NOTHING.

  • I didn't have to. I went right to my doctor.