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  • Re: Leaving present

    Citizen Erased - - Friends and Family


    Thank you so much for all these ideas

  • Masquerade ball

    Citizen Erased - - General Advice


    I've always wondered what I'd do for my 18th birthday, and I was walking around Tong Garden Centre the other day, when I saw a masquerade mask...And, you see where I'm going with this... I need ideas on how to plan it...I'm 15 now (turned 15 in April), so my 18th birthday is a long way off, but it's always nice to get a good head start on things. I'm not meaning for it to be a poxxy little house party; I'm going to save money and find a venue, the works. I just need ideas! Would I buy masks for …

  • Leaving present.

    Citizen Erased - - Friends and Family


    Back in May, I met someone who is now my one of my closest friends. She's absolutely brilliant. However, she's now leaving for university She'll be there for 7 whole years. She's getting really low about leaving everyone behind, and I want to give her something to cheer her up as a leaving gift. I'm really stuck for ideas. Can anyone give me some general ideas for leaving gifts? (I like the idea of a scrap book but I wouldn't know where to start, so advice on that'd be great too) Cheers

  • Quote from Ashique: “jus wanted to know... anyways.. just tell him straight if it bothers you too much. and the boy sounds more girly to me than you. lol” He's what I'd describe as a "sensitive soul"

  • Quote from Treebark2268: “Tell him your friend is interested and set them up” But my friend isn't interested! D: Ohhh I don't know what to do ;__;

  • Quote from Kaitlin: “i like to be more of a straight shooter, i don't like playing games & trying to make the guy get the hint. because truth is, sometimes guys just don't get the hints. let him know straight up that you don't like him that way. maybe ask him if he's interested in anyone, and i'm sure he'll want to know if you're interested in someone, then just let him know you don't like anyone.” But I DO like someone, wouldn't letting him know that be really harsh? D: Quote from Mayank: “Hmm …

  • Quote from Mayank: “And I thought all girls mastered in the art of turning down a man in the nicest way possible... Guess I was wrong. As a guy, I'd suggest to be direct in saying whats inside you, but that would probably be the last thing you'd do. Woman.....hmm....try something like this : - Talk to him less on msn? Act busy even if you're not? If he asks for a hug or acts so clingy, tell him that you dont really feel like hugging right now, if he acts like in love, be straight and give him hi…

  • I don't want to totally blank him, but letting him know I don't like him in that way would be nice -.- He talks forever about nothing on MSN, but in person he's really quiet and doesn't talk much but I'm almost 100% sure he likes me. (As is everyone else ><) If I don't put *hug* when he signs off he's all "Where's my hug?!" and similar things to that, so he's making it rather difficult for me to let him know I don't like him like that. He's mistaken me being nice and friendly, for me being inter…

  • Quote from xapachexrosex: “i'm 5'5" with a small upper body and a 36DD cup, so i can relate to your issue. first of all, make a visit to a lingerie store to check your size. you may have fluctuated a cup or band size since you last measured yourself. second, your best bet is to get at least three really really good bras. i'd suggest victoria's secret, since you can get both sexy and functional in one bra. replace them after around six months, cuz that's when the support starts to go downhill. al…

  • Making my boobs look smaller

    Citizen Erased - - Fashion


    Kay, so, I'm nearly 15 and I have 42D boobs. They look fucking monstrous on my 5'3" frame. -_- I don't like wearing girl's t-shirts, and don't dare wear dresses because I just look so stupidly out of proportion. Is there a way to make them appear smaller? I've heard sports bras are good? Anything, please! Thank youuuu!

  • Quote from Shikii: “I know exactly how you feel... Iive told quite a few people but the opertunity has yet to show itself. I havnt fully came out either though, and I doubt I will, because of how religious and anti gay this town is, plus it could effect my current job and what not, so I'm going to wait till probably 18 or sooner if we move. If you do fully come out, you will get alot more opertunities, if you comfortable with it, and your really interested with it, just try your best to be publi…

  • Don't know how to get out there

    Citizen Erased - - LGBT


    Well first of all I came out as bisexual to my 2 best friends about a year ago. I've known I am bisexual for 4 years now. I haven't properly come out, but if someone asks me if I'm bisexual I let them know. At the moment about 5 or 6 people know. I've never done anything with another girl, but I guess I just...know in my heart of heart that I am bisexual. However, I don't know how to change that. I want to know what it's like to kiss a girl, but I don't particularly want to go about yelling 'Hey…

  • I guess this is where it should go... Okay. I have braces on my top teeth. I haven't had them in for long, but I doubt I will have to have them in for much longer, seeing as my teeth are now perfectly straight (it was just my two canines, I had two teeth taken out, and my canines have moved perfectly into place) so I reckon it won't be TOO long. My question is would snake bites and braces on my top teeth work? The piercings are quite far down aren't they? And where they would be placed...I highl…

  • Re: Whats your trademark style

    Citizen Erased - - Fashion


    Colourful skinny jeans

  • Re: I'm still confused

    Citizen Erased - - LGBT


    Thanks, and sorry to hear about that bad situation =/

  • Re: I'm still confused

    Citizen Erased - - LGBT


    One last thing, do you think I should tell her I think I'm bisexual first, THEN ask, or ask first, then tell her?

  • Re: I'm still confused

    Citizen Erased - - LGBT


    Alright, simple enough, thanks

  • I'm still confused

    Citizen Erased - - LGBT


    I made a thread, a while back. Can't remember what I said in it, but I think I explained I am slightly confused. Well, more than slightly. And wondering whether I was bisexual or not. (I'm kinda certain I am now, but that's not the point of this thread) Um...Where to start. Well, I have a best friend, we're really close. We joke around all the time about dating, and things like that, and I am actually starting to believe she's bisexual. I mean, she jokes around (as do I) about being bisexual, so…

  • Quote from DeamonD: “This is what I think: THE best best to test if you are bi/straight/homosexual is: Just imagine your self doing something sexual to them. Does it turn you on at all? Can you see it actually taking place? If you are not weirded out, then you are at least curious to that sex, if you are turned on, then you are attracted to that sex. But no, it is definitely not abnormal.” I'm not sure about anything sexual, I don't even think about lads like that, but I could see myself snoggin…

  • Re: Lol She's Pregnant

    Citizen Erased - - Teen Sexuality


    You believe he's getting his comeuppance?