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  • What Kind of Bubbles Are You? You Are a Bubble Gum Bubble bubble.jpg You are bold, daring, and totally outrageous. You love breaking rules. You are a bit of a show off, and you love to shock people with your antics. You have a wild streak, and you love to be challenged. You're dying to be dared. You are over the top, and that's what people love about you. You refuse to be normal.

  • The Mascot Test

    Jasmine - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    The Mascot Test You Are Easy Going mascot-8.png You're the type of person who is always jolly. You refuse to let anything get you down. You have no room for negativity in your life. If someone insults or criticizes you, you just ignore it. You are encouraging and upbeat. Friends know they can turn to you when they need support. You are deep and stable. By remaining optimistic, you are able to give others hope.

  • What Is The Meaning of Your Life? The Meaning of Your Life is Joy joy.jpg The purpose of your life is simple: to live it to the fullest. You believe that happiness is a choice, and being happy isn't that hard to figure out. Too many people struggle in their lives. You think they should just let go and enjoy what they've been given. It's easy to find misery, but it's difficult to find happiness. You know that all the happiness you need comes from within.

  • The Sneeze Test

    Jasmine - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    The Sneeze Test You Are Brainy sneeze.jpg You are a very detail oriented and precise person. You think everything through carefully. You aren't prone to dramatics, but you don't overlook what's important either. You are observant and philosophical. You seek to understand people more than judge them. You treasure your alone time. You area true introvert, and it's difficult for you to feel isolated.

  • How Do You Judge People? You Judge People Based on Evidence evidence.jpg You know better than to judge a book by its cover, and you don't make snap judgements about people either. You look at the facts, and you try to make educated choices. You never mind admitting that you're wrong. It's hard for you to trust people that you've just met. You always need to get to know people. You never go with your gut, but you may be surprised. Your intuition is probably more dead on than you realize.

  • A Bicycle Test

    Jasmine - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    A Bicycle Test Your Road is Paved With Wisdom bicycle-1.png You've probably traveled on a long, hard road already in your life, and you've learned some important lessons. You know to let the small things slide. Things usually turn out better than you fear. You've learned to sit back and enjoy the ride. You don't push too hard. You pace yourself. You offer good advice to others, and you are an ideal friend. You find it easy to share your wisdom.

  • What Are the Chances You Will Be Rich? There's a 51% Chance You'll Be Rich rich-2.jpg It's not a shoe in that you'll be rich, but the chances are greater than not. Keep saving those pennies, and figure out a few ways to earn some more. You know that there's no way to get rich quickly, and you're content to get rich slowly. You just need to keep doing what you're doing for many, many years!

  • You Are a Juicy Pear Jelly Bean pear.jpg You are mild mannered and subtle. You don’t like to make a big show of anything. You don’t need to boast or brag. To know you is to appreciate you. You are sophisticated and smart. You intuitively understand what taste and style really are. You are well traveled and broad minded. You tend to know what you like, but you’re open to new discoveries.

  • Are You an Indoor or Outdoor Person? You Are an Indoor and Outdoor Person both.jpg You are equally comfortable indoors and outdoors - and you prefer a good mix of both. You are fun loving and open to lots of activities. You are always up for trying something new. Maybe you'll hike in the morning, read in the afternoon, swim after dinner, and take in a movie at night! While you have a broad range of interests, you may have trouble turning these interests into passions. You're the type of person w…

  • Your Brain is Adaptable 1.jpg Your brain is always looking for the connections in life. You always amaze your friends by figuring out things first. You're also good at bringing people together - and often play match maker. You see the world in fluid, flexible terms. Nothing is black or white.

  • You Should Do What You Love love.jpg Quitting your job may seem like a scary prospect, but it could be the best thing you ever do. There's no doubt that working for the man drags you down, and it may be time to do something you love. You want to expand your mind, and the only way you're going to be able to do that is to take a leap. Consider a career that's more creative or independent. If you can work how you want, work won't feel like work!

  • You are a Romantic Realist romantic-realist.jpg Okay, so you fall in the middle. You know that love isn't like a greeting card... Yet you can always find a greeting card to describe your feelings. You are the best of both worlds Girly yet independent, dreamy yet serious. Almost any guy can find balance with you.

  • Re: The Jewelry Test

    Jasmine - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    You Are Devoted ring.jpg Whether your favorite object is a wedding ring, engagement ring, or other ring, you are serious about commitment. Once you've bonded with someone, that bond can't be broken. You love unconditionally. Of all the types, you are most likely to wear the exact same jewelry every day. You cherish your jewelry that much. You are old fashioned and loyal. You carry yourself with class and grace.

  • What Does Your Walk Say About You? Your Walk Says You're Approachable walk.jpg You are intelligent, thoughtful, and even philosophical. You like to go unnoticed for the most part. Other people see you as humble and down to earth. You don't put on airs. You are cooperative, easy going, and liberal minded. You are accepting of new ideas, and you truly believe that you can learn from people. You tend to be all work and very little play. You are too responsible to let loose.

  • Woody Allen Should Direct the Movie of Your Life allen.jpg Your life is quirky, offbeat, and filled with little neuroses. You're always willing to step back and look at what's going on. You aren't afraid of a little analysis. You take life too seriously and not seriously enough. You're still trying to figure yourself out. You are smart, funny, touching, and definitely cynical. Your personal philosophy is as unique as you are.

  • You Are In Stage III stage-3.jpg Even though you are far from being an actual preschooler, you are in the preschooler / kindergardener stage of development. You are still struggling with how much initiative to take in your life without stepping on other people's toes. You don't want to be shy, but you don't want to be ruthless either. It's hard to strike a balance. You crave purpose in your life. Once you have direction, the right amount of courage will follow.

  • Forget about what everyone else is going to think. It's your life and if you want to be with him, be with him. If you can't get past the fact that he's 'uncool', then I don't think you should be in a relationship. You can't let what other people may think affect your decisions. Whether he's "cool" or "uncool" doesn't matter. What matters is how you feel about him and whether or not you want to be with him.

  • It doesn't really sound like this relationship is right for you. You're only dating her because she had interest in you, and that's not really a good start for a relationship. If you don't want to be in this relationship, don't stay in it. Forcing yourself to stay in it just because you don't want another short relationship isn't fair to either one of you. You have to be happy with your relationship or else there's really no point. You haven't found the right one yet, but you don't have to try a…

  • What Feels Like Home to You? Openness Feels Like Home to You home-3.jpg You think a home should be welcoming to all. You want everyone to feel comfortable in your home. Hospitality is important to you, and nothing makes you happier than entertaining guests. You pride yourself on having a tidy and modern home. It's important to you not to have a home you'd be embarrassed of. You never can feel quite at home at someone else's house. Your home is just that tailored to your taste!

  • Has anyone ever told anyone lies to get them to hate you? No Are you inside or outside right now? Inside Do you think guys with just one ear pierced are cute? Not particularly Are you wearing socks right now? Yes Do you look like your cousins? No Which mainstream artist pisses you off? None of them 'piss me off', but there's a lot I don't like Do you own harem pants? I don't even know what those are Would you rather be called pretty or hot? Pretty Are there many gangsters or chavs at your school…