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  • To maintain economic and political stability, a country has to keep on a fine balance between capitalism and socialism.

  • Re: which came first:

    Crabman - - Debate and Discussions


    Im a dude so i have sperm not eggs

  • This guy........

    Crabman - - Debate and Discussions


    geno11731.jpg Is he a FURRY? DISCUSS!

  • Re: Girl's preference?

    Crabman - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from kiwinall: “I myself am 5'7", around 75kg and, according to my BMI [totally inaccurate] i'm overweight. However, i don't consider myself overweight, neither do any of the people i know. My favourite body parts in my self are my eyes and my biceps, and my least favourite are my nipples and torso in general. However, the real question is this: What do the girls of teenhut prefer in a guy? Shaven/Trimmed/Wild [Pubic area] trimmed Shaven/Groomed [Facial hair] groomed Shaven/Trimmed [Armpit…

  • i'm abanian

  • Re: Are you Easy or Hard?

    Crabman - - Teen Sexuality


    If I'm hard then I'm easy, but if I'm not hard than I'm hard.

  • Lyric I wrote

    Crabman - - Creative Writing


    Hey all I'm feeling creative so I thought I'd take a crack at writing a song. It's kind of retro but still OK. Hey! (heaaaaayy) I want you! (yooooo) do you have my number, baby, or something beter to dooooooooooo Hey (hey) Hey you! You left me on my own, girl. and now i'm lonesome for you. Hey! )hey) I want you! I need you so bad, baby you say you want me too Hey! (hey) Hey you! I'm happy now, girl, now that I have you __Crab

  • Quote from Crabman: “Apple, FTW.” Its called sarcasm, whoever gave me that neg rep I hate macs too.

  • Quote from Steve Jobs: “They cost 8 bucks to make and I piss on every one of them! Ha!” Apple, FTW.

  • I'd use a PC. Macs are clinically proven to inflate the ego. Even though I'd just install the latest Ubuntu on it.

  • Re: What's your religion

    Crabman - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from ensy: “wow,there are too many atheists here...” Athiest FTW.

  • Go Linux! nlaplg.jpg

  • EDIT: If he's being mean and sick then he may be using cocaine, crack, meth, or some horridly tainted ecstasy. (ecstasy is so impure I even read about traces of E. Coli in some tabs in Ohio!) I wouldn't exactly worry about pot. If he gets into meth then that's a red alarm for the most part. All this talk of 'reefer madness' is overhyped. Thanks, fascist media. I even toke once in a while and maintain a 135 IQ (yea i'm kinda a geek, a very political geek, that has bad spelling. ) But then again, …

  • Re: Am I normal?

    Crabman - - Teen Sexuality


    If you don't think he's a troll, read his other 6a00c225264172549d00fa969c99250002-500pi

  • Try downloading and installing SeaMonkey The SeaMonkey Project, and it that fixes it that's suggesting its a problem with your IE config. Due to the insecure nature of IE your configuration could have been changed by a malicious site even when there is no virus involved. Therefore, re-installing E would reset the configuration to it's (more-or-less acceptable) default. Be warned, SeaMonkey (aka the other firefox) may be addictive. With quick launch enabled it can load up in less than 5 seconds! …

  • I looked up the dates of some of my vintages, heres the oldest. I sold it for $900 in '08 8-( Made in '75 Mits_Altair680_FrontPanel_1.jpg 0.5 megahertz 1kb ram For a keyboard it just had switches(!) (there might have been a kb option?!) I also had a 10 by 10 character video terminal that i was able to force into 68 by 25 pixel graphics 8-)

  • Retro Computing

    Crabman - - Technology and the Internet


    OK. This is like the 'post your desktop' thread but different. Only post your desktop if it is older than the one above you. For instance if I post mine, you can only post one of a computer running Windows 98se or earlier. If you have regular 98, any version of 95, or (God forbid) MS-DOS, then you qualify. It's not as limited as it seems 8-) se12qt.jpg

  • Quote from Vulpe: “Don't quote a song :P” Man of constant sorrow -- Bob Dylan anywho When you're old enough to drink you wont fail but really It's not the end of the world. Just take it easy, sit back, and don't worry. Usually nobody gets their dream job. Just be more passive. Let life flow and dont worry. Things will work out. just you watch.

  • Re: how to tell your parents

    Crabman - - General Advice


    Tell them at least your not a Scientologist.