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  • Younger family members

    hearts+halos - - General Advice


    Yeah my brother used to look up to me, i really don't know what happened, he just sort of stopped looking up to me.

  • She's probably considered quiet or she's been called quiet before and she relates to them.

  • Groped / Rubbed against?

    hearts+halos - - General Advice


    I've been groped once in middle school, the dude did it on purpose and afterwards him and his friends laughed. I felt extremely uncomfortable and i wanted to cry, which is exactly what happened afterwards. I didn't hurt them because i felt very powerless against them because they weren't alone, they had friends and at the time, barely anyone knew me. And another reason why i didn't hurt them was because, that isn't how i deal with things. I did tell on them but they were never found.

  • Quote from Mayank: “No apps, as it is costly to build one. Many use Tapatalk but there are security issues and Tapatalk is owned by China. I heard some other forums have had trouble with Tapatalk in the past so I did not go with them yet. Our forums are now 100% mobile responsive, so browsing on mobile is really easy and comfortable, so the software developers said that no need of App. Hopefully one day the developers of this software themselves build an App, then it will be easy to get TH on it…

  • Quote from Alberta: “If you have had people in your life who treated you like you were not worthy, that might affect how you see yourself. You are worthy. You help people here. You're a good person. ” But the thing is, my family tries to uplift me sometimes but I'm pretty sure they don't know that they're not uplifting me...but I can't really tell them that because they may decide not to try at all.

  • Quote from lliam: “maybe its time to talk to some "outsider" but who knows you anyway, and who can listen and give you a good advise. ” so an "outsider" is someone outside of this forum?

  • Android, but I want to see what iPhones are like Because I haven't tried one out before.

  • Cry baby

    hearts+halos - - Puberty


    omg same, I have these problems as well and for me it started at age 11.

  • i can't give myself advice I want to be able to give myself advice and to tell myself that I'm worthy but when I do, I always feel like I'm not telling the truth.

  • What does this mean?

    hearts+halos - - General Advice


    i think about a lot of people so your not alone on that, and you care about someone that is awesome make sure not too worry about them too much.

  • Am i Ugly?

    hearts+halos - - General Advice


    I don't know what those girls are talking about. You are not ugly and there will be a girl out there who will see that, and will care about you for more than just your looks. stay strong

  • when I was going to go up to someone to talk to them they thought I was creepy and I wondered why because all I am is quiet and I truly want to know, other than my profile picture, am I creepy?

  • 14 years old You are a teenager at heart. You don't quite feel like a grown up yet, but you don't feel like a kid. You question authority and are still trying to find your place in this world. You're quite rebellious, and you don't like being told what to do. You like to do things your way. You have your own unique style, taste in music, and outlook on life. well that's horrible, I'm 16 and I act this way! oh no...this is bad extremely bad it's no wonder people don't want to talk to me!

  • The Eye Test

    hearts+halos - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    deep down, you are open You're the type of person who will welcome almost anyone into your life and heart. You believe that it's better to take a risk and get hurt than to close yourself off to the world. You don't show the world your fears or insecurities. You believe that your problems should be dealt with privately. You try to be totally there for everyone, even if you're hurting inside. Helping others is how you heal.

  • art, history, reading and writing