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  • Re: What attracts YOU?

    Maximus1991 - - Fashion


    I tend to like girls who are athletic and can keep up with my active life but, I also like a little bit of girly-girl too, it's a pretty rare combination but, it's ideal for me. As far as appearance, I like dark hair with eyes that are pretty but, color doesn't matter to me. I also don't like big breasts, anything over a C cup is too much, preferably B or smaller.

  • I used to be pretty skinny at 5'7" 120 lbs but, I bulked up by eating close to 5000 Calories a day and working out pretty hard. I'm now at 155 lbs (5-6% bf). It can be hard, especially if you get full quick. The best way is to eat often, if you eat every hour our two you should be able to avoid getting too full and still get plenty or Calories in a day.

  • You can spot train and gain muscle on specific parts of your body, you just can't gain or lose fat on specific parts of the body. The best way to isolate a specific muscle group is generally with a machine at the gym, although there are tons of free-weight exercises designed specifically to target specific body parts. That being said, it isn't as healthy or as effective as a full-body work out but, it is most definitely possible. If you want lists of exercises or more specific tips then you need…

  • You Should Climb Mount Everest More than anything else right now, you need an adventure. You need to push yourself and see what you're made of. You feel like your life has been stagnant for too long. You think it would be good to get away from it all. You need that change in perspective that changing your geography brings. You crave a big victory in your life, and nothing would make you feel more victorious than climbing Mount Everest.

  • Your Brain is Organized You like a lot of structure in your life, and you're good at getting things in order. You have a good eye for details, and you are excellent at following difficult directions. You are a natural planner, and you always feel a bit lost if you don't have a plan drawn up. You like to have a routine and stick to it. Chaos stresses you out.

  • I've noticed most girls like a guy in uniform (fireman, police, army...) because it give the guy an aura of confidence and also of security which becomes really important when you get a little older.

  • Re: Weight loss???

    Maximus1991 - - Health and Fitness


    I wouldn't worry about specific body parts at this point, although you may have hit puberty, my guess is you're far from done with it. As the previous poster said, just stay healthy and do general cardio/sports when you can and see where you are in a few years.

  • As long as you don't go tattoo crazy like some people I know, then it looks pretty good. Get something that is aesthetically pleasing and get it somewhere people won't always see it and I don't think you can go wrong.

  • Having a lot of water is totally different from body fat. No matter how much water you have in you, it stays behind you muscles. So, as far as trying to lose body fat, just don't worry about your excessive sweating or your water intake. The biggest thing to do to reduce body fat is some good cardio work-outs + eating right. I'm sure by now you know what you should and shouldn't eat, it's just a matter of making yourself do it. As for cardio, go for long walks, go running, ride a bike or use any …

  • Woody Allen Should Direct the Movie of Your Life Your life is quirky, offbeat, and filled with little neuroses. You're always willing to step back and look at what's going on. You aren't afraid of a little analysis. You take life too seriously and not seriously enough. You're still trying to figure yourself out. You are smart, funny, touching, and definitely cynical. Your personal philosophy is as unique as you are.

  • You Are In Stage VI You may not be in your 20s, but you are in the early adult development stage. You're trying to figure out the relationships in your life - including romantic relationships, friendships, and family relationships. You crave intimacy, but you also want to maintain your independence. It may be hard to keep certain relationships alive. You'd like to have a tight circle of friends, but you're finding that as you get older, that's getting more difficult. I honestly thought I'd be in…

  • You Are a French Vanilla Jelly Bean You are a down to earth person. You believe in who you are, and you don’t need to change. You are very stable and steady. You think it’s foolish to fall for trends. You don’t like to shake things up, but you aren’t boring either. You are deep and interesting and even exotic. You are a popular person. People appreciate that you’re real with them.

  • Soda, butter and meat are the big 3 for me, although there are a lot of things I don't eat.

  • I worked as a receptionist at a hair salon for a few months, and trust me, people bring in pictures all the time. I saw several every day. It shouldn't be awkward at all, just bring in a picture and say I want it something like this.

  • I would definitely confront him about it, don't make accusations but, if you've invited him in you should be comfortable enough to just let him know your panties were missing and just gauge his reaction and go from there.

  • Re: Medical question.

    Maximus1991 - - Health and Fitness


    Yeah, I could give you some rough estimates because I've pretty much memorized several medical textbooks but, it probably wouldn't be accurate. Every case is unique and needs to be treated as such, in order to get any kind of an accurate answer you need a doctor who has your entire medical history and has looked at all of your scans.

  • Quote from Xiled: “Yea im trying to gain weight also, just think of it like this. If you have a set of weights and you keep curling dumbells, after a period of time you will be able to curl heavier weights right? its not like theirs some magical force field that wont let you get stronger. So if you can get stronger than you can gain muscle. Eating is just some of it, you got to work out hard. Never do cardio if you want to gain weights, do like 12-16 reps of hard weight liftings” This is only pa…

  • Re: Sleep Paralysis

    Maximus1991 - - Health and Fitness


    I've had something like it a few times, I usually just gave it time and stayed calm. What actually happens is there is a specific point in your REM cycle where your body shuts off the ability of the brain to interact with the body, and if you suddenly wake at that point in your cycle it can take a bit for your body to react and give you back full control of your body. The reason your body shuts your brain off from your body is so you don't end up acting out in your sleep. If this process doesn't…

  • Re: Help D;

    Maximus1991 - - Fashion


    For the gangsters in my school the eyebrow thing is a scar not a hair cut. The actually use a knife and cut a thick slit out of their eyebrows and then the hair doesn't grow back. Also, because you're a white boy, your hair will only hold a pattern/line for a day or so and even then it won't look great. I wouldn't recommend it at all.

  • I have kind of a love/apathy feeling towards all things beauty. I don't understand are and I never have but, when something is aesthetically pleasing to me I love it and one of those things are outfits that go well together. So, I love clothes and shoes and care nothing for art.