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  • She's 15 and you're 18? I'll tell you how it works where I live.. Tell her you have a car and can drive it.. tell her you have a job.. and tell her you party every weekend. Bam, you're in.. at least that's how it works here. :\ especially with a 3 year age gap. However, if you're genuinely interested in her, the best thing to do would be to talk to her and be her friend first. Don't devote all your time to her though, that might make it too obvious that you want her. You need to be careful thoug…

  • It's been two days and I haven't heard a single peep from him. No text, no call, not even a facebook message. At the moment I'm humoring myself and saying that he's out of credit.. but maybe he just doesn't want to talk to me about it. I asked him to so we could try and work something out because I want to get to the bottom of it all. I want to know what makes him think we won't work.. but I know guys don't like talking about their emotions. =\ In case anyone is wondering. No, I haven't smothere…

  • Quote from Journal: “I never called you a bitch, and that's all I was saying just put in details like that. No need to get worked up.” I know you didn't and I never said you did, this was just a figure of speech in case people decide I'm a crazy bitch for getting upset. And we're sorta steering off topic here.

  • Quote from Journal: “He may have thought more of you, and was unclear on what love was. It also sounds like you left details out, and if you want true advice you have to put in all the details. You say you sent a text saying sorry about getting mad, but you mentioned nothing about getting pissed. Whatever you said then could have changed his mind about you and made him think of you differently. It seems that you may have feelings for him, but it also seems like you're trying to make him seem lik…

  • Thank you Arti, your feedback is appreciated. I have tried to talk to him but he hasn't responded to my texts or answered his phone since he dumped me, so it's like I'm talking to a brick wall right now. I'm just humoring myself and assuming he is out of credit and when I call him, his phone isn't with him. I was thinking of sending him a private message on facebook in a couple of hours and if that doesn't work, then I might just forget about him. It was completely random for him to just dump me…

  • I have met and been talking to the most amazing guy.. he was perfect for me in every way and he had feelings for me as well. We would text each other every single day and eventually he revealed his feelings for me and said i quote: "I have never felt like this towards anyone before". On a Tuesday, He asked me out on a date on Saturday to the animal park and dinner and then a movie, but he became impatient and asked me out to the movies on Wednesday which I agreed to go. On Wednesday he told me h…

  • Here is the situation that I really need some feedback or advice. It’s out of context so if you have any questions about it don’t hesitate to ask. A random person (no idea who) posted things about me on my ex’s Formspring page saying that I was fat and ugly and such and I showed my best friend ‘Jill’ over MSN, after showing her I went to bed. Now, the next morning I woke up and I saw many different comments/questions on Formspring and it was an all-out war. It turns out after some snooping and r…

  • I have proof....

    angelxx7 - - Friends and Family


    The guy that I have feelings for has a girlfriend, and I have a significant amount of proof that he has cheated on his girlfriend. What should I do with it? Yea, I'm in a bitchy mood.

  • Re: Am I a slut?

    angelxx7 - - Teen Sexuality


    Sort of. A slut these days is pretty much any girl who likes the 'wrong kind' of attention from guys. However, what you did at the party is frowned on and even though you haven't had sex, people will assume you did since you so freely and carelessly took off your clothes and gave a lap dance to a guy. There is an issue I want to raise here that disturbed me. You are 13 years old! You shouldn't even be out drinking in the first place! When I was your age I still wore jeans and a shirt and got mud…

  • Tough one. They're both there when I need them and I love them both dearly, but if it's a personal problem, I would go to mum. If someone was giving me shit, I'd go to daddy.

  • Quote from Casper: “For Girl☼ Ques: Do u like Blowjob? U do it only for ur partner's plasure? Or U really Enjoy it? ” I'm going to be blunt. I love the feeling of my boyfriends dick in my mouth. >.> I don't know why, I just do. I enjoy giving it because it's sort of empowering me.. I can get him to do what I want a lot of the time. Also, the way he moans and plays with my hair when I'm giving him one is a turn on for me.

  • The best thing to do is to wear what you want to wear and what you feel comfortable in most with whatever situation you're heading to, be it public or private. If he doesn't like the fact that you're not dressing like a slut for him, then he might not be worth your time. As for the friends and cuddling thing, he may just be being possessive and showing off to his friends. If it makes you uncomfortable then say so.

  • Re: Fck, Kiss, Hug, Pass

    angelxx7 - - Teen Sexuality



  • I don't think it's slutty if you're wearing it just for him in the privacy of your own home. I just thinking if you wore it out in public then yes, I don't think your boyfriend would appreciate you dressing in 'tiny' clothes in public for every other guy to look and gawk at you.

  • Re: Is she Pregnant?

    angelxx7 - - Teen Sexuality


    I highly doubt she is pregnant. Very highly doubt it. For one, she's on her period, most pregnant women don't have their period during gestation. Also, it was TWO DAYS after conception. It takes about 3 - 6 days for the sperm to reach the egg, merge into a zygote, and implant itself in her uterus. Women normally can't tell their pregnant until about 8 - 12 weeks after conception. Although for all I know you could have had sex before then. The fact that she wont let you see the test is a dead giv…

  • Re: POLL: Sex Education!

    angelxx7 - - Teen Sexuality


    It seems Internet is winning! Lol. I learned mainly from the internet, the school taught me stuff I already knew. I first heard of a period from my aunt when she was trying to explain to me why she didn't want to swim in the pool with me, I was about 8 or 9.

  • Re: POLL: Sex Education!

    angelxx7 - - Teen Sexuality


    Yea I should have put siblings. well by Parents I mean Family- any family in general. lol.

  • POLL: Sex Education!

    angelxx7 - - Teen Sexuality


    The Question is: What was your primary source of education regarding sex, puberty, growing up, etc. ? My answer is the internet. I researched things that I was too embarrassed to ask. What about you? Would appreciate a comment with your vote! And please specify if you choose "other".

  • Quote from isitso: “Justify your needs to receive justification and your request shall be considered.” No one likes a smartass.

  • Quote from isitso: “You're the jealous bitch. Sorry.” Justify.