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  • Quote from artizhay: “So do you mind if I start a controlled drift on the highway and accidentally slide into you? I mean, I practiced it several times and I thought it was harmless till I killed you. Whoops. My bad. :rofl:” its the same as driving normally if you practic it enough away from other people there is no "accidentally"

  • Quote from artizhay: “Maybe no one wants to date you because they know about your 8 traffic tickets, 10 days in jail, thousands of dollars in fines, and 4 drunk driving accidents.” omg the 4 drunk driving accidents was the other driver was drunk! ive never drank or done drugs! does a few harmless very practiced controlled stunts on the street make me a horrible person??

  • Quote from artizhay: “That is a very immature way of thinking. If you're getting 8 tickets, you have no right to be criticizing anyone else in comparison to what you have done. I personally think you should have your license taken away. If you can't get it through your head the first time that drinking and driving is bad, and you continue to do it three more times, I think you have a serious problem. Especially when each of those times involved a wreck. Remember when you were a kid and you said,…

  • someone remind me why i come on this site...

  • because everyones taken or not worth my time.. and when someone i like brakes up with someone they have another bf before i feel comfortable asking them out.. like im not gonna ask them out 3 days after they broke up with there ex.. next thing i know they are taken again! and my soul mates parents hate me cause of a fight i got in *facepalm*

  • anyone else [male] have a ton of girl friends but cant manage to get a girlfriend for the life of him?? this sucks! end of rant!

  • driving record = insanity

    NBstunter - - General Advice


    ok ill start this off by saying i had like 4 pages typed but knew no one was gonna read it so here i go at making it shorter ive never smoked done drugs or drank not my thing everyone does it under age and it is illegal and NO ONE ever gets caught.. my freedom from life is on my bike witch has managed to get me 8 tickets this summer alone.. 2 of them im looking at $600 to $2000 in fines each! and 10 days in jail for the second! ive gotten out of all but 3 expired tags [yes i couldnt wait to ride…

  • id die... im way to shy.... any girl ive ever asked out was asked out over msn i cant even do it on the phone!

  • time machine man time machine!! honestly i dont know what to tell you...

  • Re: Porn Addiction

    NBstunter - - General Advice


    find something that gives u rash and rub it on ur cock?? all kidding aside i sort of have the same problem. just slowly slow it down to the point its no longer needed but still wanted i watch it like once every 4 or 5 days and could go for weeks if i had to. i used to need it so bad when my parents took my computer away i punched my dad and spent the night in jail for it. trust me you DO NOT want something like that to be the reason you NEED to STOP watching it

  • tell her its sexy to have sex with a girl who has duct tape over there mouth?? if he has money tell him he has to get u big enough house the rooms are far enough apart it doesnt matter. its the same for my parents they do it all the time but my rooms 2 floors down and on the other side of the house... or tell her the neighbors are complaining to you.

  • Re: attractive

    NBstunter - - Teen Sexuality


    the skinny jeans always have me for some odd reason and tight t shirts that arnt all that low cut. i dont like skirt or dresses and high heals turn me off. wow i think im very weird..

  • Re: Uhh... Holy Shit?

    NBstunter - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from 7skullz: “Now she's staying the night... Oi.”

  • Re: do your parents know

    NBstunter - - Friends and Family


    im not sure if my mom knows she knows im NBstunter on a few sites so im sure she has googled it...

  • ive had 2 gf's that cut. honestly as far as me with them was doomed. after 4 months of it i got fed up. told her parents about it and they took her to a doctor about it... doctor teared her apart looking for the reason and its not the reason but it came out that me and her had sex the doctor told her parents that and ive yet to be able to see her to this day... and from how much we have talked shes doing 2 times worse

  • i really didnt know where to put this but after how i felt after this this section was the best. k so i hung out with this chick shes 27 im 16 we met threw biking friends and she doesnt get to ride her bike much as she has a 2 year old son and just got divorced so i was going to her house to hang out with her and keep her company no one else went to see her cause she moved about an hours drive outta town just so happends she doesnt live all that far from me so i was there quite a bit spending mo…

  • Re: MW2 on Veteran

    NBstunter - - Video Games


    mw2 on vet is a joke compaired to others. WAW is pretty dam hard thought and mw1

  • Re: sex at school dances

    NBstunter - - Teen Sexuality


    wtf..... whos that............ like..... out there????? couldnt pay me to do that... sex is between 2 people.... alone....

  • the reason i dont wanna upgrade is having to install everything again and to have to move my music and blah blah blah im just looking for a new laptop to drop my old hard drive in....

  • well my mom pissed me off the other day and i threw my laptop and the screen broke i love this laptop [compaq presario v5000] i might get it fixed but im in the market for a new one.... my mom has an acer witch i hate one buttons broken on it just from regular use and it just plain sucks the speakers suck and i think its just plain low quality... whats everyone got and what do they like???? im looking to get a used one as i HATE windows 7 and vista. XP with service pack 3 is the shit!!! and dont…