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  • Re: Is Rock Dead?

    BadReligion - - Music


    I can't believe nobody else has said Green Day is a great band, their first 5 albums or so kicked ass. Dookie and Kerplunk are known as two of the greatest albums of the 90's. Damn Warning/AI/21CBD albums crapped them up. But I have to agree that most of the good stuff is underground.

  • Re: Is Rock Dead?

    BadReligion - - Music


    Quote from Tombgeek: “ The good bands are: Skillet, 30 Seconds To Mars, Fall Out Boy, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Green Day, System Of A Down, All-American Rejects, Breaking Benjamin, etc. ” These three only imho (though I've never heard any Skillet yet and possibly not enough 30STM), and even they're not in their prime at the moment... I'd have to say rock is, for the most part, over-commercialized, but that's just about every genre out there.

  • And now, the Pentagon has classified the site Wikileaks as being a 'threat to nat'l security. Wtf, government?

  • Rise Against are pretty well known in the US, one of the most well known bands that could be considered 'punk.' The Counting Crows were big in the 90's, but still a good band, I wish more people would realize the huge creativity and impact that was Alternative in that era.

  • Re: Poke her face

    BadReligion - - Music


    Cartman did it best. Just saying.

  • Re: porn a sin?

    BadReligion - - Debate and Discussions


    Yeah, that 'missionary position, in the dark, etc. etc.' was dumb of me to say, sorry, I was really tired and slightly pissed off at some other unrelated things when I wrote it. Though the Christian stance on masturbation stays the same: I know that dirty/unclean/whatever you want to call it thoughts are forbidden, and what does it take to get an erection/wet? Dirty thoughts. What are you thinking when you masturbate? Dirty thoughts. Don't get me wrong, I think masturbation is a healthy, pleasin…

  • Quote from xNerRadx: “But if our country is so against gays, wouldn't it make more sense to put gay people in war in hopes that they'll just die? ” You would think in the minds of the people against gays in military would have this line of thinking, but I think most of them think like RBRNR.

  • Quote from RBRNR: “If I was in the military, which I'm probably going into, then I wouldn't want to be bunking with someone who may see me as sexually appealling. It would make me and the other guys uncomfortable, especially in the shower. It is a big deal, I wouldn't want a gay guy having my back at war anyway. They're usually more feminine and they're usually pussies and emotionally unstable when shit really does go down. ” Lol, this is a terrible generalization. Also, you could be in Iraq or …

  • Re: Weird sexual facts

    BadReligion - - Teen Sexuality


    Staring at the color blue and in a hotter temperature room will increase the intensity of an orgasm, not sure where I learned that. Also, at least 20 percent or so of married couples over 75 have sex every few days, like twice a week or something like that.

  • 1. Super Mario 64 2. Super Smash Bros 3. Legend Of Zelda- Ocraina Of Time 4. Mario Kart 5. Super Mario Sunshine All of these are for N64 except the last.

  • Oh, man... Pixies Minus The Bear R.E.M. Mudhoney (another grunge band overshadowed by Nirvana) Defeater Butthole Surfers Fugazi At The Drive In Converge Godspeed You! Black Emperor Sunny Day Real Estate (if you consider yourself Emo and you've never listened to the song 'Seven...' HORSE The Band Propaghandi Sonic Youth I also think that despite selling quite a few records and being critically acclamied (as most of the bands I mentioned), Beck, Tool, earlier Weezer, newer Pearl Jam and earliest G…

  • Re: ?

    BadReligion - - Music


    I've found most of their songs to be quite boring and repetitive, but then again, I've only heard a handful of songs by them. Fade To Black is pretty good though.

  • Because this country was founded on conservative Christian values and has a stereotype of gays as being, well, fuck-ups that would only create some kind of extra 'evil' in a place called 'sacred,' the Armed Forces. Makes me wish that all of those that follow this line of thinking would just shut the fuck up and let the homosexual do what they want. No, I'm not gay, and I am a Christian (barely) but it still angers me that crap like this happens. On an unrelated note, did you say you were a Chris…

  • Re: porn a sin?

    BadReligion - - Debate and Discussions


    lol time to bump this thing back up Honestly, I believe that all thoughts of sex, unless they are with one's wife (and don't involve rape, bdsm or extra partners) are considered sin. Sorry guys, try to justify masturbation and porn watching in this nerve-wrackingly frustrating religion we have, but in reality Jesus hates all thoughts of sex with those that aren't of our partner of the same sex in the missionary position, and maybe with the lights off and maybe to only reproduce, that's how I fee…

  • Seriously, most emo/scene kids adopt a similar style, typically copied off a celebrity (Billie Joe Armstrong, Andy Sixx?) or the most popular kid in school. You may think, 'Wow, I'm so original!' But in reality, many kids are doing the same thing. Not trying to be mean, just real.

  • How did scene kids ruin metal? Though, truthfully, I've never seen a metalhead dress in bright blue (possibly girly) pants, have loud scenester-like laughs or put their hair in a way that could be considered 'scene.' What metal bands do you exactly listen to? Opeth? Mastodon? SOAD? Something more underground? If it's that Brokencyde shit I'm going to have to call you a huge poser/fucker for considering yourself 'metal'.

  • Re: Religion? Real or Not

    BadReligion - - General Advice


    Quote from Scorpio_: “ Some things just don't make sense. Someone such as your friend who was harmless dies, when your local H dealer lives and prospers.” This so much, really the only reason I can't have a lot of faith in Christianity and why so many atheists choose not to believe. I can take any of the stories in the bible, but this just really frustrates me, more than anything else about that religion. But, I find it hard to quit because of fear. I mean, eternity is too long to be wrong, and …

  • Re: What do I do?

    BadReligion - - Teen Sexuality


    Maybe he wasn't jacking off? Just looking to see what was there and was all 'wtf' and turned it off and not thinking to put the cd back? Maybe he didn't realize it was you? Idk, sorry about this awful situation. All the other posters are right, you have to confront him and talk to him, because that's just creepy to jack off to one's own sister, i really hope he wasn't, so disgusting

  • do you use lube when jacking off? maybe you rub too fast or hard?

  • wait a week and see if it gets better or worse i guess, not sure what else you can do. :confused: maybe you can go on one of those anonymous doctor phone lines (if they have them, i'm not sure, seems like there would be) and talk about the soreness?