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  • BlackSite: Area 51

    Ezri - - Video Games


    Does anyone want to play BlackSite: Area 51 for the Xbox 360 online with me? There is like nobody ever on matchmaking for that game and I want to try it out online before I return it to Blockbuster.

  • What are some Xbox and Xbox 360 games that are about hot chicks? So far I know of the following: Dead or Alive Xtreme 2 (Xbox 360) Dead or Alive Xtreme Beach Volleyball (Xbox) X-Blades (Xbox 360) Dragon Age: Origins (Xbox 360) Golden Axe: Beast Rider (Xbox 360) Bullet Witch (Xbox 360)

  • Help me help you!

    Ezri - - Advertising Agency


    I have a bit of an unusual request. You see, I spent the last two days updating my new website, more specifically, implementing an Amazon affiliation system. This system allows SS Free members (as well as staff members and non-members) to purchase the games, movies, books, and various other items that they wish to discuss. Please, feel free to browse our extensive list (check out the "General Gaming Discussion" forum for a bunch of games). This is perfectly legal and all, in fact, it isn't even …

  • Is anyone else here a quality gamer?

    Ezri - - Video Games


    Please tell me I'm not the only one here who prefers quality over quantity when it comes to gaming. I prefer games that last forever (such as everything by Blizzard Entertainment [since Diablo] and everything by Reenactor Entertainment), over franchises and companies where people stop playing and talking about the game immediately after it's release and a new game in the franchise is immediately announced upon the release of a game (such as Medal of Honor, Call of Duty, Final Fantasy, Left 4 Dea…

  • I made my first blog.

    Ezri - - Advertising Agency


    E = mc2

  • Microsoft, for the love of God!

    Ezri - - Video Games


    I contacted you about this before, like two weeks ago, and you didn't even reply, that's low, even for you. Now then, I'm going to repeat myself for those of you who do not listen (i.e. Bill Gates and his employees). I am a citizen of the State of Missouri, and in the State of Missouri you are officially and legally an adult at the age of 17. You are also given all the privileges and responsibilities of being an adult (with the ONLY exception being that you can't vote in the presidential electio…

  • buy

    Ezri - - Video Games


    This post is about the new single-player RPG game, Dragon Age: Origins. Even though the game lacks multiplayer, glitches, and has a pretty wacky combat system, I will buy it. It seems like it may bring me atleast few days of fun. Once I beat it on Nightmare a few times, it will be relatively pointless to own, so it will probably just collect dust (since the game lacks multiplayer).

  • This pertains to Dragon Age: Origins. I got the one human guy killed when he "met" my character in my quarters. What happens if you meet the elven girl in your quarters? Also, what if you meet them both? Do they both get arrowed if you meet them both? Also, could you meet the one guy who helps you "stop the dog" in your quarters? If so, what happens if all three of those people meet in your quarters, do they all three die, or just the one human guy, or what?

  • Re: Got mad skills? Prove it!

    Ezri - - Advertising Agency


    Quote from Trevor: “Sure, but one with 2-3 legitimate members cannot be the top in the world. I am very sorry.” #1 is a point of view though.

  • Re: Got mad skills? Prove it!

    Ezri - - Advertising Agency


    Quote from Trevor: “You're saying that you created it today, and it's the #1 gaming league in the world? :rofl:” #1 is a point of view.

  • Got mad skills? Prove it!

    Ezri - - Advertising Agency


    Do you have awesome gaming skills? If so, then you may be interested in the Universal Gaming League. I created the Universal Gaming League on Thurdsday, November 19, 2009, and is the #1 gaming league in the world. We currently support StarCraft: Brood War, Warcraft II: Edition, Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne, and Halo 3. I would like to cordially invite you to join the Universal Gaming League. Anyone and everyone is welcome. Thank you for your time, the URL to the Universal Gaming Le…

  • Re: Dragon Age: Origins

    Ezri - - Video Games


    Quote from Joo: “Dragon Age: Origins is a RPG, not a MMORPG. The names do count for something. Xbox live symbol for Dragon age allows you to access achievements which does in some way give you access to live. Also, single player is a way to get to know the game better or even enjoy the story behind the game. And no, in my opinion Bioware should not give multiplayer for games such as Bioshock and Dragon Age:Origins. These games were meant for single play and should remain that way. If you've play…

  • Zombie Survival

    Ezri - - Video Games


    I have created the ultimate infection map, it is called Zombie Survival. This map is the perfect map for 16 player infection. While I, kevin1gamer, created this for the Infection game mode, it is possible to play it on different game modes, if you wish it so. This is my very first map, and I know it has some bugs (i.e. one of the teleporters is blocked, one or two zombie spawn points are in the human base, and the spawn points don't appear to be random on your first spawn). It should be noted th…

  • Halo 3

    Ezri - - Video Games


    Here is a video I recorded a few days ago. It is of me playing Halo 3 on Xbox Live, the map was Valhalla. I got like 29 kills, or something like that, this video is awesome. You can view it here: : Halo 3 File Details

  • Xbox Live Gold

    Ezri - - Video Games


    I received a 30 day Xbox Live Gold membership for my Xbox 360 from someone as a gift, but it won't let me play Halo 3. It says it gave me 30 days of Gold membership when I input the code, and it says Gold member on my account on both and on my Xbox 360, but I can't play Halo 3 multiplayer (it says "you must have an Xbox Live Gold membership to play this game on multiplayer or an account with multiplayer capabilities", or something like that). I just entered the code like 5 minutes ago, …

  • Post your epic gaming moments here.

    Ezri - - Video Games


    SWAT 3 I was playing online (it was a coop game) and we were pinned down by the suspects. Me and several other members of my team took cover behind a bar counter and we exchanged shots with the (30) suspects (who were fortifying a DJ tower). Eventually me and three other members of my team ran towards this wall in an attempt to slowly gain ground on the terrorists and take them out (and get into a better firing position that also gave us more cover). However, only three of us made it, one of the…

  • Re: Dragon Age: Origins

    Ezri - - Video Games


    Quote from Bektas: “Not all games have to have Multiplayer, Some games are exclusively singeplayer. Batman Arkham Asylum was a single player only and it was a great game to play. How would a Multiplayer player fit into Dragon Age or Batman? I cant think of many gamemodes which will be possible...” Co-op.

  • Game Of The Year 2009

    Ezri - - Video Games


    You can vote for what video game is the best video game of the year 2009. I'm not trying to bash you into voting or anything, but please vote for Star Trek Universe, because I am the project leader for that game. You can vote for Star Trek Universe (or any of the other nominees) here: Game Of The Year 2009

  • Dragon Age: Origins

    Ezri - - Video Games


    That this game doesn't have multiplayer, is this true? It says on the box "Xbox 360 Live" on the Xbox 360 game case, so I assumed it would have online play. Especially since all new games have online now pretty much. I am beginning to have second thoughts on whether I should spend $50 on a game that has no multiplayer. Anyone else feel this way? I mean really, single player games are so boring, you can't play with friends, you can't meet interesting new people, you can't play custom made maps an…

  • Babylon 5

    Ezri - - Films, TV and Books


    In the science fiction TV series, Babylon 5, why do they change (adding, removing, adding again, and removing again) the main characters every few episodes (or perhaps every episode)? They don't do this too much during season 1 (I don't think), but in season 2 (and perhaps onward) they do it a lot. Why do they do that?