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  • Green jock

  • Grey boxer briefs is all I own (helps in sorting laundry at home)

  • Underage Sex

    Jparke33 - - Debate and Discussions


    For most countries, it is illegal for 2 people both under the age of consent to have sex but usually there is some legal precedent that the law is lenient on them if they are within a reasonable age range of each other (3 years usually) and, in 99% of cases, the police won't even get involved unless there is a clear and obvious abuse of power or unreasonable age gap. Just like with low level drug crimes, the police frequently see it as a waste of time and resources with no obvious benefit to any…

  • Porn

    Jparke33 - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    I think the relationship between porn and cheating is complex but there probably is an indirect correlation: porn can warp a person's expectations of how sex can feel and what a partner is willing to do and, if their bf/gf isn't giving them that, they may look for it in others. Porn can be perfectly fine if the person watches it knowing that it's all a performance and not an example of how sex usually is like

  • A question like this is heavily dependent of the geopolitical status of the world at any given time - back in the 80s, the average British person would image a terrorist as Irish (thanks to The Troubles). If you went to 1960s Vietnam, they'd tell you it's the Vietcong doing all the bombing. 1900s Russia? Ultra-Orthodox villagers who wanna cull the area of Jews. In many ways, the rise of violence committed in the name of Islam has a great amount to do with the state of matters in the Middle East …

  • Complete confusion

    Jparke33 - - Lesbian


    Honestly, don't put any pressure on yourself. Just do what makes you happy and see where you end up, no matter i that makes you a lesbian, bi or an Emperor Penguin

  • You just gotta go slow, make sure they're warm and loose (the more wrinkly it is, the more likely you are to cut yourself) and use gentle movements