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  • Quote from royalemeraldbuilder: “It can. I view it the same way as drinking alcohol. There are some, including Jesus Himself, who can drink and not get sloshed, and for them, drinking isn't a sin. Others need to avoid alcohol completely, because for them it leads to sin very quickly. So it becomes a sin to even entertain what's become a major temptation for them. Masturbation isn't mentioned in Scripture, so we have to go with what IS, which is lust. I say if you can masturbate without lusting (…

  • Quote from royalemeraldbuilder: “Quote from No longer in Use: “Quote from royalemeraldbuilder: “Quote from Sean2001: “Quote from royalemeraldbuilder: “...Since starting? 5 1/2 weeks or thereabouts. ” That's a long time. Was that a challenge or just circumstances. ” combination of No Nut November and just not feeling like it for about the last week or so of October and the first few days of December. I completed the challenge along with one other person out of the dozen or so I asked. We ended up…

  • Quote from royalemeraldbuilder: “Quote from Sean2001: “Quote from royalemeraldbuilder: “...Since starting? 5 1/2 weeks or thereabouts. ” That's a long time. Was that a challenge or just circumstances. ” combination of No Nut November and just not feeling like it for about the last week or so of October and the first few days of December. I completed the challenge along with one other person out of the dozen or so I asked. We ended up celebrating together, though not in person haha. ” What made y…

  • Which hand?

    No longer in Use - - Teen Sexuality


    Right handed but use left.

  • Masturbation

    No longer in Use - - Teen Sexuality


    Totally normal for the frequency to vary. As long as it's not stopping you from doing things you should be doing and you're not doing it so much as to cause your penis to ache, go for it and enjoy yourself! ;P

  • Masturbation

    No longer in Use - - Teen Sexuality


    Generally, once or twice a day. I remember times when it was even more than that! Haha. I think my horniness has calmed down a little.

  • Urge to have sex

    No longer in Use - - Teen Sexuality


    I haven't had full sex (penetration) but I have had sexual experiences (handjobs and blowjobs). However, for a while now I haven't been able to have these handjobs and blowjobs. I understand the urge for more and feeling masturbation doesn't really satisfy you fully. I agree with @Sean2001 that it's not an issue of orgasm quality. With good technique, ample time and stimulating thoughts and fantasies, a wank can produce an equally mind-blowing orgasm. But there are other differences between sexu…

  • Do you sleep naked?

    No longer in Use - - Teen Sexuality


    In this heat there's no other option! Unless I'm sharing a room with someone I'm not comfortable being naked with, I'll never wear underpants. Top depends on the weather

  • Quote from BJade: “Quote from lliam: “My gf is from the UK. She expected him to resign already two days after he became PM. Hopefully a more acceptable successor appears soon. ” Not sure there is a acceptable successor the majority will be the people around him who equally believe that kind of behaviour is acceptable Some might even be more scary in my opinion ” Hopefully an irreparable divide emerging in the Tory party, though. Could finally be the end of its dominance. Red Wall Vs Blue Wall Jo…

  • Confused gender

    No longer in Use - - Puberty


    Quote from Victorian2010: “Hi I'm new I'm not sure if I'm on the right forumI'm 12 basically I'm a boy but my tastes leisures activities... are more those of a girl than boy Sometimes I tell myself if I was born a girl it would make more sense it would explain all and it would be a whole lot easier Are there other people here who sometimes feel maybe they weren't born in the right body ?? ” Hey! I hope you're well! Gender can be a very confusing thing for some and that's perfectly fine but - I k…

  • Guy's underwear fetish

    No longer in Use - - Teen Sexuality


    Does that count as a "fetish"? Think most people get a bit turned on seeing attractive people in underwear

  • Caught with friend

    No longer in Use - - Teen Sexuality


    It is normal! And so is what you did with your friend. Hopefully it was fun whilst it lasted. It's a shame some people can't accept this sort of thing.

  • Sharing the toilet...

    No longer in Use - - Gay


    Quote from Sean2001: “Quote from DragonV2: “Urinals lol. its semi-common for guys to not piss next to each other or do so. Depends on context and how close ppl are ” I've seen a few jokes about this, the so called, unwritten, urinal code. Basically, if there are enough free urinals, you avoid using the one adjacent to any that are already in use. Usually when none are occupied and people start to walk in the first guy will use the one at one end of the line and the next person go to the opposite…

  • All off is always the best option.

  • I've done 5 or 6 in the past. More recently, I did 4 about a week ago. Typically, after the 3rd one it's dry. Sounds like you had a lot of fun with your friends. Did win? Lol. I've only ever masturbated one friend once. I wish it happened again. It was so much fun.

  • Who has walked in on you.

    No longer in Use - - Puberty


    Quote from Heaven Leigh: “Please don't laugh. I haven't even started doing that yet. I just turned 13 over a week ago and even though my older sister and I have talked about that before and I know she does it (she is 15) I haven't done it before. So I don't have to worry about that of anyone walking in on me. ” It's not something to be ashamed of either way whether you do it or not. It is good fun, in my opinion, but you don't have to do it.

  • Feelings after orgasm

    No longer in Use - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from ryandee18: “Like a sense of relief. I stay put and enjoy it for a bit. ” Haha. Yes. Exactly. Not sure whether you are referring to sex or masturbation - I've only had the pleasure of masturbating. But yes - you just want to lie there and bask in that warm satisfied feeling. That's part of the reason why I tend to cum into something like my dirty underwear or a sock. That way I can just toss the cummy material to the side and lie there. No need for the urgent clean-up operation. Quite …

  • Quote from JustHopeAZ: “Quote from No longer in Use: “It sounds like you are in a very complex position. Gender alone is a very complex issue. As you say, just liking stereotypically 'boy things' doesn't necessarily make you a boy. Identity can be an absolute minefield. It must be far more complicated with the matter of pregnancy on your mind. I would tend to agree with your boyfriend. There is NO NEED or urgency to you making decisions on these 'labels'. You shouldn't feel pressured into making…

  • It sounds like you are in a very complex position. If I understand you (and your bio) rightly, you are currently pregnant with twins (?). Clearly you have a lot on your mind right now. Gender alone is a very complex issue. As you say, just liking stereotypically 'boy things' doesn't necessarily make you a boy. Identity can be an absolute minefield. It must be far more complicated with the matter of pregnancy on your mind. I would tend to agree with your boyfriend. There is NO NEED or urgency to …

  • What does this make me?

    No longer in Use - - Gay


    That certainly doesn't make you a perv. If anyone was a perv, it would be him for his behaviour. We get erections for all sorts of reasons. The most common is sexual arousal, but not necessarily. It could also be for one of those many rather unknowable reasons we get boners. I'm sure very few people find trigonometry sexy, but I'm sure a large proportion of teenage guys have randomly got hard in a maths lesson. This one incident has basically no bearing on 'what' you are. Even if you were intere…