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  • well to get him to stop talking like that, you have to do these steps, in order. 1) ask him to stop talking dirty like that 2) thats about it.

  • i gotta be honest, ive been dating the same girl for 13 months and i still cannot tell when she is jealous. I can almost read her mind any other time, but when it comes to jealousy, either she holds it in well or im missing something. I think that unless a girl is seriously depressed and maybe suicidal in the first place, she wouldn't kill herself if i said no. what kind of question is that? girls get rejected often enough, yet they arent dropping like flies. If i dated a girl and felt like if i…

  • for what its worth, my girlfriend isn't pregnant. She just somehow ended up being 2 1/2 weeks late on her period, which is scary as it is. for now we are blaming the plan b pills but if shes late next month she is gonna talk to her doctor.

  • imho your parents are gonna end up fucking you up. honestly if my parents were like that to me i would have gone psycho and be in a mental facility by now. but thats just me. sounds like you are an only child? if so then your parents probably don't know what they are doing too well. I was an only child for a while (im the oldest) and my parents were "kind of" harsh like that, but then they decided to have another kid and they started drinking the parenting DVDs, etc. now they are normal. your pa…

  • I have applied to the following: - Target - Walmart - Walgreens - Petco - PetSmart - Best Buy - Ultimate Electronics - Dierbergs (grocery store) Not a single one has so much as contacted me in any way saying that the job was taken or available. Im guessing its because im 16 (now 17). i have no criminal record or anything else "outstanding" that i would see as working against me in this situation. So anyone with a job, where did you get it, and where can i?

  • Re: What song is stuck in your head?

    Æxitosus - - Music


    Every Time I Die - Rendez-Voodo

  • Re: Guitarists, help meeee

    Æxitosus - - Music


    --2-- --0-- --2-- --1-- --2-- --x-- B7, not A7 E7sus4 has a similar sound to it, i assume they could be interchanged without much notice

  • Re: Post a Picture of your instrument

    Æxitosus - - Music


    Ibanez SDGR 6 string bass DSC00037.jpg ESP LTD SC-608b 8 string guitar IMG00187-20100515-1435.jpg as you can see, I'm big in extended range (and snakes)

  • Re: Google search

    Æxitosus - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    Type in "[your name] needs" in the Google search: Alex needs elmbridge Type in "[your name] looks like" in Google search: didnt say anything Type in "[your name] is " in Google search: Alex is on fire Type in "[your name] has" in Google search: again, nothing Type in "[your name] likes" in Google search: nothing Type in "[your name] wants" in Google search: nothing... Type in "[your name] gets" in Google search: Alex gets schooled Type in "[your name] says" in Google search: Alex says shame on m…

  • Has anyone ever told you they were in love with you? Yes. Ever cried while you were on the phone with someone? Yep. Are you currently frustrated with a boy or girl? Sort of What annoys you the most? PEOPLE WHO DONT KNOW HOW TO FUCKING DRIVE. I HATE GOING FUCKING 45 IN THE FAST LANE! AND TURN OFF YOUR GDMOFUCKIN BLINKER ASSHOLE, IM NOT LETTING YOU OVER. Have you talked to your ex today? No but i saw her Which is worse, missing someone or not having some one to miss? Not having anyone. Hows your r…

  • Re: Justin Bieber =O

    Æxitosus - - Music


    i think a lot of people dont like him because hes trying to be something hes just not. he sings like a preteen girl but he dances and associates with rappers and r&b singers. thats the only part that bothers me about him. that and i have no idea why hes famous

  • Quote from Esmo: “I'd disagree with this as well; what do you mean by it?” i mean a circle of native americans beating drums and making smoke signals. I would consider that strictly cultural. other people can listen to it, but its really infrequent

  • Quote from A-Trav: “If she is in fact pregnant, all you can do is be there for her, and support her. As scary as it seems, imagine how hard it would be for her to have to face that all alone.” I know, i mean im scared about it and im not even the one having the baby. i cant imagine what she would be like

  • Quote from armyforthebroken: “If it turns out that she is indeed pregnant and is keeping the baby, then I think the right thing to do is help financially support her and try to be in this kid's life as much as possible. Having the child growing up without a father figure profoundly affects the child. And don't be afraid to ask her parents and your parents for help; you will need as much help as you can to help raise your kid. For right now, take a breather. If you haven't had sex since she took …

  • Been to the beach almost every summer Swam in the ocean yes sir Played paintball ive thrown paintballs at people, never shot them from a gun had surgery Not really, no been in the hospital of course had sex i lost count of how often made out with someone in the shower its on my to do list taken over a hundred pictures in one day Probably not been grounded yeeeeeeeeaaaaa been beaten up not that i remember beaten up someone else "sorta" bullied someone in 8th grade been bullied slightly gotten a p…

  • Quote from Linda: “The morning after pill can sometimes change your period, it can make it either late or early, it depends on her cycle to begin with. How long after you guys had the incident did you get the morning after pill? They're very effective within the first 24-36 hours. I highly doubt she's pregnant. If you're worried about it, get her a pregnancy test so she can take it. As for if she actually wanted an abortion, the best thing you could do in that situation is be there for her, not …

  • I don't know what to do, i'm scared to death. She's so far about 3 days late for her period. About a month ago, she got scared because she thought that some of my cum went in her (im not all too strategic when i aim) and so she got the morning after pill. She told me it did what it was supposed to because certain symptoms went right (i dont remember what all she said). We haven't had sex since then. if she turns out to be pregnant, i know for a fact she will keep it. both my parents and hers are…

  • your friends give you heat about what you listen to because they are dicks. dont listen to them, listen to what you want. music isn't divided by race (aside from tribal music, etc.) metal isn't made for white people or black people, its made for people. if you like it, listen to it, and if you don't like it, find something else

  • Re: Do you think slipknot is metal

    Æxitosus - - Music


    it kinda varies by album. their earlier stuff is less of the standard heavy metal, but their newer stuff is more heavy and straight up metal. also i think 95% of the people who don't like slipknot dont like them because they are trying to become famous more than anything else. most people dont listen to metal, but most people still have, if nothing else, heard the name slipknot.

  • you dont have to move on. take her back. but you have to set some rules or something. tell her if this happens again you're done. if she doesn't like that, too bad. honestly, it seems to me like this girl is just using you as her cuddle buddy when she needs someone, then when she finds somebody shes actually interested in, you get fucked. then she breaks upp with that guy and back to you. unless shes not going to other people when she leaves you, in that case just leave her. shes wishy washy and…