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  • Re: Thrift Stores

    Alucard 117 - - Fashion


    I agree with Heather. I would go to a thrift store, but only like a reputable one, and only good quality stuff.

  • Re: Guys wearing briefs

    Alucard 117 - - Fashion


    No, my last pair of boxer briefs-turned-briefs are dead and gone, so just boxers here. I don't particularly like the second skin feeling. Then again, it's more that they don't look good in my opinion, but I digress.

  • Re: Squirting

    Alucard 117 - - Teen Sexuality


    How exactly does a girl squirt anyway? Is it during the orgasm, and you guys just let go, and it happens, or is it a conscious effort to do so?

  • Re: Male Contraceptive Pill

    Alucard 117 - - Teen Sexuality


    I would definitely take it, cause then I could be 100% sure that a person in the couple was taking the pill, instead of taking a leap of faith that some chick is on the pill. Granted, condoms prevent disease as well, but still

  • If it bugs you to the extent you seem to be saying it is, you need to tell him. He might be a great guy, but if he can't respect your wishes, he isn't worth listening to something you don't want to hear on a daily basis.

  • It would be sandals with socks for sports players, hoodies, sagging pants, stuff like that.

  • Re: accepting that you're gay

    Alucard 117 - - LGBT


    It didn't take long at all to accept that I liked guys; what took time to accept/figure out was if I was gay or bi. Once I realized I liked guys, the acceptance was semi-instant. I had a few moments of trepidation, but I got over it quick.

  • None

  • Re: M/F shaving pubic hair

    Alucard 117 - - Teen Sexuality


    I myself usually shave it or trim it, and then let it grow all the way back, then repeat the process. I like in other people at least a trim, but I'm not going to say no to them if they have a natural amount of pubic hair.

  • Wow, I'm taking 5 AP classes this year, and none of them have a workload like that. Were you gone for a while?

  • Re: Parental Issues

    Alucard 117 - - LGBT


    If I were you, I'd just say "fuck it" and ignore it. However, I'm a bitter person. I suppose you should talk to her, give it one last go, and be completely honest with her and tell her you want to talk to her. If she decides to play that "you're not bi" card again, then she's obviously not willing to talk to you seriously.

  • Johnny Cash's version of Hurt by NIN. Especially with the video alongside the music.

  • Re: Your Favourite Band/Singer

    Alucard 117 - - Music


    Top three bands would have to be 1. Shinedown 2. Breaking Benjamin 3. ???? 4. Profit!

  • What classes are you taking, and what are the assignments?

  • Re: girls dormrooms

    Alucard 117 - - Teen Sexuality


    I'm sure some people are less obvious than others when they do it, but I'm pretty sure almost everyone does this, regardless of gender.

  • Re: I need help :(

    Alucard 117 - - LGBT


    I understand where you're coming from, and I know that it feels that way, but it's not. As cliched as it sounds, you just have to find that someone. It's a bit harder for gay people to find partners. I'm definitely in the same boat as you, in that it sometimes feels that there isn't anyone out there for me, since obviously no one's approached me yet. But I know that there has to be someone, and that keeps me going. I'm not saying it's easy, or fun, for that matter, but...yeah.

  • Re: How many songs on your itunes?

    Alucard 117 - - Music


    3,223 songs. I think it's like around a few days worth. Size-wise, it's about like 11GB I think.

  • Re: I need help :(

    Alucard 117 - - LGBT


    No prob. I'm glad I could help. I thought I was doing a bad job at helping haha

  • Re: I need help :(

    Alucard 117 - - LGBT


    You could ask your brother, I think that'd be a pretty good starting point. I find myself having the same problem you are, except for the guy friends leaving part. It's quite difficult finding a place where teens can go where gay people hang out.

  • Re: I need help :(

    Alucard 117 - - LGBT


    How old are you, and how much older are the guys? In addition, is there any place where a lot of gay people congregate, either at school or somewhere else?