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  • Re: Gooeyswat's Story

    Stephan Smith - - General Advice


    I believe you speak the truth when you say that you have nothing to live for except the deity you believe exists. I also don't judge you for's your life. Many of us live for other things. But I do believe you when you say you have nothing else to live for.

  • Re: Wanna Be a Rockstar

    Stephan Smith - - General Advice


    The last time the majority of a people took the stance of "God is really truly all you have to live 4" we had the Dark Ages, which set human progression back almost 500 years if not more. Sorry, I'll pass. You keep your murdering, evil, genocidal imaginary friends to yourself.

  • There doesn't need to be a "point" to life! I know it makes you feel bad that you weren't created for some special purpose, but just because you want there to be a point to life doesn't mean there has to be one.

  • Re: Im getting confirmed!

    Stephan Smith - - General Advice


    Anyhow, there is absolutely no point to life, without Jesus. As someone who lived without Him for 25 years, I can say how lonely and pointless it was. Living for 'me', got me nowhere fast. Jesus' teachings taught me how to live, treat people and even how to love. Life is so much better now, than the 'me' centered, meaningless way. Halleluiah!

  • Re: All hope, no faith

    Stephan Smith - - General Advice


    Hey Sis, don't you think it's funny, how all these atheists can't even pick up a Bible and educate themselves? They run around saying we're genocidal and evil killers, when Jesus never condoned violence. In fact, didn't He say, to turn the other cheek? Not our fault murderous losers, killed in His name. The devil is very crafty.