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  • thanks guys had some pretty cool ideas today the stomach one is gone now. Would look badass now but at 60. your right

  • Re: first date

    Truth B Told - - LGBT


    ok well im not sure how old you are but im 15 and i started going on those "will you go out with me" dates with groups to the movies at 13 and your right, they do get old and boring. unless you do something creative with it Possibly find a movie that is coming out that your date seems into and take her to see it on opening night at your theatre (Not the actual premeire) I did this once and i called my gf at like 10 and asked her and she thought i was kidding and at 11:50 my brother picked her up…

  • mhmm ill try to fix the third one. Its just lettering across the upper back Google Ryan Sheckler Tattoo and yeah my gf REALLLLLLY likes the one down the side but she also likes the back one aswell.. And try to imagine the stomach one on a nice..stomach thanks for your input though

  • thanks but can you like point out which one your referring too

  • Need opinions :) Style + Tattoos

    Truth B Told - - Fashion


    Please if you dislike an idea on specific tattoos or have suggestions please point out to which individual one. Thanks Ok well, im 15 years old and ive wanted a tattoo since last year. I am in no way in the goth/emo style and ive had my ears pierced for 2 years and i wear diamonds in them. I'm currently 6,1 but will probably grow to 6,3ish and im in good shape. Probably more slender then most basketball players my height but im strong and not very skinny none-the-less. Dirty blond short hair whi…

  • if you acctually think that its the sexual part. Do something different and, really pay attention to his reactions. Also, its normal for guys mood to change. Maybe start going up to him and just talk to him. You could confront him about whats going on but, it could go bad

  • Quote from jasmine328: “you shouldnt feel bad for how you feel. you should let the other girl know that you just want to be friends. dont lead her on or anything, tell her how you feel so she can move on. just because you liked her before and now you dont doesnt mean you cant ever like another girl. its natural for peoples' feelings to change. ask yourself if you really like the old friend and take it from there. good luck” Great job, i really couldn't say it any better.

  • if you want to pursue a long serious relationship i would go with the older girl. freshman ussually arnt as serious, just curious.

  • Re: favorite cologne?

    Truth B Told - - Fashion


    the p diddy 1 i used it at my friends house i got laid

  • Re: Hair Colors

    Truth B Told - - Fashion


    dirty blonde

  • summer what kind of earrings and both ears?

  • clothed with boxers ussually without lube but, if i have i use

  • sometimes he may not talk to you because hes shy, you have to learn to accept that but, he may also be the most emotional which may be very good

  • Im sorry, i dont want to ruin our friendship, it is way to important to me then any relationship would be Thats emmy winning right there

  • it could honestly be nothing, maybe he hasnt noticed that hes backing off. If you go tell him you will sound totally obsessed which, could be good or bad.

  • He did do it early in the relationship. If he seems alright now, i say keep him. If theres any suspision on anything else at all, question him, if more suspision just leave him hes not worth it.

  • hows girls are winning in this poll amazes me, i really believe it is guys. Girls tend to only flirt with guys that they like, although some tease alot of guys. More guys then girls tend to flirt with more people of the opposite sex ( or the same )

  • DONT ASK HER NOW wait to see how much she hangs out with this "guy" first

  • lil confused so your texting your gf and she tells you she just wants to be friends. Then you went to the movies with your friend , invited his sister, and just fun flirted throughout the whole thing and got her number? im acctually currently going out with my best friends step-sister.. and at first i thought it was going to make things completely awkward but believe me, it's really not taht bad. If your worried that there will be jelousy and you wont know who to hang out with, you just have to …

  • i just did some surveys online and got some new nikes also im applying to work at subways 5 dolla footlong