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  • Ultimate Purity Test (mostly sex) Again a purity test. This time of 500 questions. It's fun and it passes the time. You do have to register but it says on the site you can use fake names and e-mail adresses if ya don't want to register. It's just a matter of filling something in, even if it's total bs. 500 question sexual purity test My results: You answered "yes" to 117 questions out of 500. This makes you 76.6 % sexually pure (or, in other words, 23.4 % sexually corrupt). Overall statistics Th…

  • You Are 57% Pure You're not so innocent... in fact, you're quite unpure. You have seen and experienced a lot. And you're no worse for the wear!

  • So, this is a 100 questions purity test about sex. The lower the score goes, the less pure you are. Virgins will automatically score higher than non-virgins. (P.S. You have to do a suick sign up after you take the test to get the results, but it's free and you can always log out after that and never visit the site again. The test is cool) OkCupid | Take The 100 Point Sexual Purity Test These are my results: Your result for The 100 Point Sexual Purity Test ... 73% pure: Mostly Innocent You are st…

  • What way would you want to die? Would you prefer a death straight out of the horror movies, a death by bullets, car accident,... I'm curious to see the answers. Myself, I'd want to die by a bullet, preferrably in some heroic effort to save someone and then get shot in the heart, instant death. Quick and painless.

  • I'd go for the love. Finding love, just one true love, in your life isn't an everyday occurance and it might possibly be the one things you've needed all along. Money is only money, after all. Being rich doesn't mean being happy.

  • It's not really such a big deal, the cake, at least you have a cake and a birthday party, I didn't have those things and my last 3 birthdays were a complete disaster, trust me. If the cake is the only problem, I'd say leave it

  • Hey, so, I haven't slept in 3 days now and I was just wondering if anyone knew anything good to help get to sleep. I have never been a very good sleeper, but 3 days in a row of being awake is kind of over the top, don't you think? Anyways, if anyone can help me, I'd appreciate it, 'cause I'm gettin' kinda exhausted.

  • You Act Like You Are 20 Years Old You are a twenty-something at heart. You feel like an adult, and you're optimistic about life. You feel excited about what's to come... love, work, and new experiences. You're still figuring out your place in the world and how you want your life to shape up. The world is full of possibilities, and you can't wait to explore many of them.

  • Your Taste in Music Says You're Cheerful Your musical tastes are upbeat and conventional. You are an easy going, optimistic person. Family and friends are very important to you. You enjoy caring for and helping other people. You thrive in a tranquil environment, and you do your best to keep things peaceful. You enjoy your life. You have your priorities straight.

  • Re: My Story

    sweetcrimefighter - - General Advice


    @NinjaGuy1337 Thank you for your response. It means a lot what you wrote. And I'm sorry you can relate, because it isn't really something you'd want to relate to, but I can see that you're much stronger already than I was at that age. The things you wrote tell me that. If you ever need someone to talk to, though, I'm here.

  • Been to the beach a long time ago, yes Swam in the ocean Like a 1000 years ago, yes Played paintball And get bruises? Thanks, but no thanks had surgery Nope! been in the hospital Too many times to qualify as normal had sex What? Moi? Duhhh!!! made out with someone in the shower Does sex in the shower count? Then, yes, yes I have! taken over a hundred pictures in one day Nope been grounded Never been beaten up Yup beaten up someone else Jumped on some big guys back and hit him on the head bullied…

  • You're Totally Sarcastic You sarcastic? Never! You're as sweet as a baby bunny. Seriously, though, you have a sharp tongue - and you aren't afraid to use it. And if people are too wimpy to deal with your attitude, then too bad. So sad.

  • My Story

    sweetcrimefighter - - General Advice


    I don't remember much about when I was little, only that I was happy and my life seemed to be going great, when in truth, life wasn't going so great and I was about to get a wake up call, at age 7, that life really isn't as great as it seems when you're just a baby. When I was 7, I changed schools, and no one I knew in kindergarden was going where I was going. I was exited at first, because I would make new friends and also, my dad was a teacher there. What could be better than your dad as a tea…

  • If you're worried, talk to your sister about it. I agree about not telling your mother, but not because you don't want to worry her, but it's not really your secret to tell, to put it that way. Your sister is curious and will discover things about sex, one way or another

  • I get where you're coming from, I do. When I was 18, I had sex with someone who was 45. And I liked it, he was very experienced, made for great sex. The only difference is, we both knew that it was just sex, nothing more and that it wouldn't last, even though we did try for a while. And also, he was a very good friend of mine, had been for years and still is. We slept together because we did have feelings, not because he was older or I was younger. And honestly, I think that what happened, isn't…

  • Re: Incest Poll

    sweetcrimefighter - - Teen Sexuality


    Ewww, NOOOO!!! Never!

  • Re: Unnoticed - Poem

    sweetcrimefighter - - Creative Writing


    Quote from Mugglers: “That is very nice, creative, and beautiful. It actually brings back memories.” Thank you

  • Re: Justin Bieber

    sweetcrimefighter - - Music


    I don't hate the kid, but I do despise his music, his voice, his songs. It's all going downhill with music these days. Jeez, he's just a kid, why so freakin' famous when his music SUCKS! Oh, and he's not as good looking as he might think

  • Quote from SummerDay: “That's really sad but beautifully written :(” Thank you

  • Quote from Cass Cass: “Wow, very nice deep poem. I like the ending how it continues on. Shows suicide is a continous thought for many people” Thank You. I'm glad you like it