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  • I think what everyone is missing here is that gay marriage, if consensual, isn't hurting or bothering anyone. They're both happy, and if their PDA's gross you out, ignore them like you would any other two people. Whether gay marriage is legalized or not, PDA's are still going to happen. Unless you can find a way for a donkey to give consent, bestiality is never going to be legal or accepted. You're simply taking advantage of an animal, which is not the case at all with gay marriage. If bestialit…

  • Quote from yUbTrollin: “Thank you for the reply, it really helped I talked to my mom about the problem, and she actually has to get an exam in less than a month anyway, and since I'm insured under her name, I can get an examination where she goes, so I think that part's all cleared up. I was also worried about the fact that since it feels like such a little difference with and without the glasses, the optometrist might disregard it. But seeing your prescription, that gives me hope To be honest, …

  • Quote from jerry: “I got the perfect solution: straight males and lesbians in one bathroom straight girls and homosexuals in another” Haha, and there's no way people wouldn't cheat that system. :p In all seriousness, I don't really see it as an issue. I can't really speak for gays, but the few that I do know don't go into bathrooms to check other guys out - at least, a changeroom or shower room isn't exactly a turn-on, and they'd never "act gay" towards other guys. If you're concerned about peop…

  • Between third grade and the age of 15 you've had plenty of time for your eyes to change or worsen. I'm 18 and I just got glasses last year. I think my prescription is like -0.25 or -0.50 or something, which is tiny. But just enough to see the board from far away, or to help when I'm driving (it's shocking how tiny street signs are!). I really didn't want glasses though because I can get by without them, and the doctor said I wouldn't have needed them if I didn't have a license. As much as I hate…

  • Quote from Number Juan: “Is it really possible to make every bully empathize though? In my experience, bullies are the kind of people that will kick you while you are down. If they know they are causing you pain, they'll work harder. So I think its better to stand up for yourself. " If you don't hunch over people can't get on your back." Besides, imagine the self esteem of the kid bullied when he realized he was too wimpy to get rid of the bullies himself.” I don't see why not, although in most …

  • Yeah, just start slow and build up your endurance. You'll be surprised how quickly you can improve. There was a similar topic a while ago, with lots of tips and advice:

  • Quote from Esmo: “A combination of punitive and restorative justice would probably do well in my opinion. But it's important that the bully realises the harm they have inflicted on the victim through a face-to-face meeting or something.” This. Being bullied does not make you a wimp, nor does not being able to fight back. You could stand up for yourself in an assertive but not aggressive way, but that can only go so far sometimes. It's difficult to get rid of a bully by yourself, and it's been re…

  • The States seem to be super uptight about that kind of thing. When I visited, to get into a lot of places you had to have your bag searched (Disneyland, and places like that). If it's a busy, crowded subway, and someone refuses a search because they are indeed carrying something dangerous, having them remain in the subway is still unsafe. I don't know why you'd want to stay there if you've refused a search anyway - but if you were dangerous, turning you back out into the streets isn't really hel…

  • The women's world record for the 1500m (100 m short of a mile) is 3:50, which would make about a 1 minute 400m lap. At the national levels here I believe they run it in a little over 4 minutes. "A minute and a bit" is a pretty normal 400 time, so I don't see why it wouldn't be plausible! I think my 1500 was normally just over 6 minutes but I can't remember my PR. I'd guess my mile then would be around 6 1/2 or maybe 7 now. I was never that fast but I wasn't awful either, so it sounds pretty aver…

  • Quote from Hitman: “anyways as long as they aint engaged or married its free game lol ” That's completely untrue. The last thing he should try and do is deliberately get between them. She's taken, and he's being very mature by stepping back and laying off. They seem to be good friends though, so maybe if he's patient he'll have a chance eventually.

  • That just sounds like it's asking for trouble, doesn't it? If you find a small apartment just off-campus to rent, your roommates can be whoever you want.

  • When our school was raising money for a France trip, the biggest moneymaker was raffles. Just get companies to donate some cool prizes for a raffle gift basket. We had a summer raffle - a cooler filled with things like coupons for tanning or free slushes, towels and sunglasses donated from certain stores, etc. If you tell the companies you'll advertise that they donated, they'll usually give you a couple things for free. Then all you have to do is sell tickets for the draw! Also, if you can find…

  • Quote from ~+ Bear +~: “ cuz coffee is laameeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.” Coffee is super classy. A little bit typical but going for coffee can be cheap, interesting, and a lot of fun, if you're good at talking to each other. That being said, if you guys haven't really hung out outside of school a situation like coffee could be intimidating because you have no choice but to talk the whole time, and if the conversation ever dies it can get awkward. Those guys are right, maybe somewhere fun she might really e…

  • I know, I don't dislike them that much, and people can't certainly wear what they want, but too many times I've been told I should buy them. The only times I've worn them I've totally biffed because they're SO slippery. I'd much rather rock the super generic winter boots, haha.

  • Quote from artizhay: “ Converse - because I refuse to put those ugly boots girls wear ” Ugly boots or uggly boots? Ugh. D:

  • They were teenagers once too, but they grew up. Even if they do put themselves in your shoes, it certainly doesn't mean they have to act like a teenager to do it. They're your parents, not your friends. They probably realize better than you do that whatever the issue is probably isn't a big deal, or they don't want you to make the same mistakes they did. It's the same way you scold at a child for doing something wrong, even though you know they're just kids and you were like that once too. It's …

  • Nice! I actually really like what's up on the website now but that one works just as well. I love the text and the dark feel to it. I can kind of see where anti condom is coming from with the wings but I don't think it's so bad. It's their cover art, but are you allowed to edit it at all? Just the bottom right corner of the wing seems too bright and doesn't work with the background as much as the rest of the wing does. Might be a personal preference but the red on the ER and parts of the B and Y…

  • Re: I don't know.T

    Scaredycrow - - Creative Writing


    That's cool. Definitely creepy, but cool. :p The colours are soo good. Maybe it'll come in handy around halloween! Don't know if you're going to do any more work on it, but the only thing that sticks out to me is that the blood drips don't really have any shadow or run with the contours of the face/chin. It's certainly a nice touch, though!

  • Yeah, just ask her to hang out sometime so you can get to know her. You don't have to jump right into a relationship. You seem like a pretty intelligent guy, and if you've talked to her enough she probably knows this, so I wouldn't be so worried about not making stupid jokes. You can make jokes without being a douchebag. She'll probably love it and it'll lighten the mood - she might be a little less nervous and a bit more comfortable and relaxed.

  • I was in the same kind of relationship for a year when I was around 14 years old, I think. I couldn't believe how in love I was. People are right though, oftentimes things do change. But it wasn't bad in any way and I don't regret it in the least. It's still a good experience no matter what. And hey, plenty of people have high school sweethearts. There's nothing saying it won't be that way for you guys too. If it's going well, just enjoy it and don't worry. Good luck to the both of you.